bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Check my post hsitory. I posted a complete list of all alternate therapies with sauce.

bubble_bursts 5 points ago +5 / -0

Clif High calls this Hyper Novelty. Simply put, "welcome to the real world". He has been claiming that by June everyone will be in Hyper Novelty and it will drive the normies totally crazy.

More than just the veil of deceit being dropped, its also an increase in spiritual levels. The real "welcome to the real world" so to speak. Remember how Buddha (and many others) say that the world is a mirage? Its the same thing, and we are finally seeing beyond the mirage not just in material realm but also in spiritual realm.

However, Anons who knew and who have been expecting this will find this soothing, calming and even if they feel a bit stressed, can easily handle it.

Personally I have been experiencing so many "coincidences" in my life I am not even amazed by it. The number of times I think about some question and the next day I find the answer in some GAW comment (completely off topic) - I am not even keeping count of those. Same in other ways too.

Two weeks ago I was suddenly craving a specific crab dish that is very hard to make, very expensive and only my in-laws know how to make and haven't made it in 15 years. Last week we were invited for dinner, for guess what dish? That exact dish.

When we shared my experience with my mil, you know what she said? She said that when she bought the crabs in the market she was not planning this dish at all. She was just gonna steam it, but suddenly after she came home it just came into her mind to make this dish one last time. Others in the gathering actually used the word "manifesting" it and it was agreed by all that I indeed must have manifested it.

Like I said, I cant even keep track of things like this. Would love to hear your experiences and coincidences you are seeing, if you dont mind sharing.

PS: Stay away from therapists.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good thing once it reaches 100% tax is that it wont increase no more.

bubble_bursts 7 points ago +7 / -0

Want to watch a masterpiece of cinema ?

Try Ascension - A Soviet WW2 war thriller that almost did not get permission to be released. There is rumour that she wanted to depict Jesus on the Soviet big screen, and Belarusians intervened to make the movie happen. The director died in a car crash 3 years later during thee filming of her next Movie along with the cameraman of this movie. Makes you think that KGB and CIA have the same methods.

Anyway, this movie really makes you think, happy viewing!

bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

That sounds so awful. I am confident that there will be a point in future where she will realise how badly she has been manipulated and find her way back. Just hang in there until then.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

Laat week I introduced the idea of a Quadrillion Line of Credit t

Sounds intriguing, Point me to this post?

by sol7
bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Its never been about control. Its about Evil"

Now, thats a sentiment I wholeheartedly agree.

Redefining words is for the leftists, we should keep our concepts simple.

bubble_bursts 7 points ago +7 / -0

We have experienced first hand the power of shedding. Whenever we visit our Son's school for any performance etc, and sit next to all the parents who are all mostly jabbed to the hilt, we come down with something real bad each time.

by sol7
bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you think about it, 'control' means nothing.

I can give you 3 scenarios where "control" means something.

  1. If you are one of the elite and you are afraid of the crowd because you believe they are ignorant and savage, then you want to control them.

  2. If you believe you have a birth right given by your God to inherit the whole earth, and the rest are there to serve you, then you would control them.

  3. If you believe your God the Lucifer would become a God and takes you there with him you become a God yourself, and this is only possible when you deny the sons of Adam their birthright given by their God - and hence prove that God is fallible, then you would make it your mission to control them and exterminate them.

Individuals can be sadist and do horrible things, but for this to continue for millenia passed through the generations, it not just a mere whim.

Let me ask you a different question - Is it meaningful or significant in anyway if you were to prove that they are doing all this purely out of sadism?

by sol7
bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

And on what basis do you claim this?

by sol7
bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you think the "end" is just sadism, you havent really dug into Satanism.

bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Whats with the 'victim' in quotes lol?

Yep, its hitting the mainstream. Esp. in Japan its getting big time attention.

by sol7
bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its always about control. Sadism is just an added pleasure.

bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyone here thinks that killing an arch-duke really caused the entire world to destroy itself for the next 4 years, organically?

Boy, the kind of jokes we used to fall for before waking up.

bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, but even the original "visionaries" of lawfare would not have imagined in their wildest dreams that they can make temporary laws as easily as this!

bubble_bursts 3 points ago +3 / -0

The best answer to this is in the Goebbel's handbook Nazi-Sozi. In that they use the exact same argument that the current day socialists use:

"We are socialists not Marxists"

And then they go on to explain why Marxism is bad, but socialism is good.

Exact same playbook as now.

Knowing what we now know about Nazis (and I am not talking about Hitler here), they were one of the heads of the two headed eagle (along with Communism). Whether Nazis won the war or Commies won the war the result would have been an esnlaved one-government Europe. Luckily Hitler and Stalin thwarted this abomination with mutual destruction.

bubble_bursts 7 points ago +7 / -0

Just realising that this law was passed for exactly one year and was set to expire last November.

Talk about tailor made law!

Wow, just wow.

bubble_bursts 8 points ago +8 / -0

No, when I see stuff like this I just reach for my popcorn because when clown show gets this loud, even the snorers will start waking up.

bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Almost everything in the Protocols, much as I hate to say it, is factual. I am not just talking about the blueprint which obviously the Zionists have been using against us in every minute detail - but the observations about human nature and how they tend to be sheep and turn towards sweet words of equality and turn against those who actually try to help them.

This is the part that keeps me up at night:

The GOYIM have lost the habit of thinking unless prompted by the suggestions of our specialists. Therefore they do not see the urgent necessity of what we, when our kingdom comes, shall adopt at once, namely this, that IT IS ESSENTIAL TO TEACH IN NATIONAL SCHOOLS ONE SIMPLE, TRUE PIECE OF KNOWLEDGE, THE BASIS OF ALL KNOWLEDGE - THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE STRUCTURE OF HUMAN LIFE, OF SOCIAL EXISTENCE, WHICH REQUIRES DIVISION OF LABOR, AND, CONSEQUENTLY, THE DIVISION OF MEN INTO CLASSES AND CONDITIONS. It is essential for all to know that OWING TO DIFFERENCE IN THE OBJECTS OF HUMAN ACTIVITY THERE CANNOT BE ANY EQUALITY, that he, who by any act of his compromises a whole class, cannot be equally responsible before the law with him who affects no one but only his own honor. The true knowledge of the structure of society, into the secrets of which we do not admit the GOYIM, would demonstrate to all men that the positions and work must be kept within a certain circle, that they may not become a source of human suffering, arising from an education which does not correspond with the work which individuals are called upon to do. After a thorough study of this knowledge, the peoples will voluntarily submit to authority and accept such position as is appointed them in the State. In the present state of knowledge and the direction we have given to its development of the people, blindly believing things in print - cherishes - thanks to promptings intended to mislead and to its own ignorance - a blind hatred towards all conditions which it considers above itself, for it has no understanding of the meaning of class and condition.

It makes sense that as long as human nature is sheep-like for the most part, the fact remains that absolute freedom can always be abused by someone to foment the whole enslavement once again.

Is it really the truth that social existence requires division of labour and division of men into classes? Does this change after Great Awakening? Will the consciousness level of all the people get elevated to the point where no one is sheep any more and we can all use our freedoms responsibly even beyond current generations?

It is only with a despotic ruler that plans can be elaborated extensively and clearly in such a way as to distribute the whole properly among the several parts of the machinery of the State: from this the conclusion is inevitable that a satisfactory form of government for any country is one that concentrates in the hands of one responsible person. Without an absolute despotism there can be no existence for civilization which is carried on not by the masses but by their guide, whosoever that person may be. The mob is savage, and displays its savagery at every opportunity. The moment the mob seizes freedom in its hands it quickly turns to anarchy, which in itself is the highest degree of savagery.

OR, is it true that even after Great Awakening, we will still require true monarchy - someone who understands the divine plan and enforces it strictly to keep the society from veering back into the enslavement based on liberalism?

Will democracy or constitutional republic ever work foolproof, even when its just people who are responsible to safeguarding it? Or do we need a higher power (divine power) to constantly keep it safe?

I believe this is something Anons need to discuss a lot.

bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree with u/Mountaingale that it is a giant tome of hate port, BUT, we cant read it and compare for ourselves what is happening to us. Its exactly the same blue print.

So regardless of who wrote it or where it came from, someone is using it as a blueprint and it is imperative that every Anon reads it fully so they under the minute details and know what to expect.

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