Woodinleg 1 point ago +1 / -0

At this point, the average American doesn't understand the implications of a full scale nuclear exchange. I don't know, but I think the only thing able to shake the sleepers out of their slumber, is facing the reality of the world that death is a very likely and probable outcome in the event of a full on toe to toe with a Ruskie missile strike. Privation is a more likely wakeup call in today's zeitgeist, that one would shake the vapid burgen bag wannabes to the core. I think an invasion of Taiwan is a more logical scenario. A successful defense of Taiwan would make lots of flag draped coffins a reality, and an unsuccessful defense would cause the dollar's hegemony to drop off globaly.

Woodinleg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reqruiter stations are equipped with a mirror for basic eligibility.

Woodinleg 11 points ago +11 / -0

I generally avoid them as I fear they will have no insurance.

Woodinleg 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is to reinforce the consequences of action. They are saying that they will go to extreme measures against any that oppose the tyranny.

Woodinleg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Now is a good time to invest in a radio. Amateur handsets are relatively inexpensive and licensing isn5too big of a problem if you can find an Elmer.

Woodinleg 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is a motif of King's. Sleepwalkers also about beasts that steal the life-force from young virgins. "It" also has abducty vibes.

Woodinleg 2 points ago +2 / -0

When will Mr Beast give out the tetanus vaccines like B&M Gates, the kind that sterilized thousands. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12346214/

Woodinleg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have proposed using special election coins. You put your coins in your candidate's slot and the votes are weighed. Special alloys for each election and a coin comparator to kick out counterfeits. Keep the design and the alloys under lock and key until just before the election. It would be impossible to make the dies, alloys, and stamp the coins in time. Bureau of engraving and printing could do the job in a couple weeks. Collectors would pay for the coins after the election to offset the costs.

Woodinleg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Give me a Toyota pickup with the diesel power plant. If it holds up in places best described as a boil on the ass end of the world; maintenance done by an illiterate goat herder, and fueled with diesel that was fresh when the Beirut barracks had an Eagle, Globe, and Anchor flying out front, it's all good! Too bad the chicken tax screwed us out of that one.

As for my politicians, make em rugged and lean. Give them the heart of a servant and a deep hatred for smug narcissists. While we're wishing, let them want to leave office after one or two terms because the greasy nature of Washington makes them physically ill.

Woodinleg 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's like cars. We all know the kind, shiny, stylish, and sporty. Unfortunately, these cars are steaming piles of trash. They are unreliable, have horrendous resale value, and are incredibly unsafe but people buy them because they're cool looking, or fast, or just a status symbol. Smart people buy the sensible car that may not turn heads and may cost a little more up front, but after 300k miles the sensible car still runs great. On the other hand, the popular, shiny, heap gave up the ghost just out of warranty at 48k miles long before the payments are done.

Woodinleg 1 point ago +1 / -0

The group moving closer isn't necessarily growing in numbers. The group moving farther away from the light appears to be increasing by scores. When you weigh biblical prophecy against world events, Pike's scheme appears to be on point.

Woodinleg 2 points ago +2 / -0

You've heard of the Nimbus 2000. Now introducing the Airbus XXXL!

Woodinleg 1 point ago +1 / -0

One way to insure votes are cast properly is to computerize the entire process and make it so you can only vote by scanning your beast chip. 🤡 s/

Woodinleg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just noticed something. The colors of the flags and the 4 horses of the apocalypse. 🤔

Woodinleg 1 point ago +1 / -0

More like I am the CEO of Northrop Grumman and the CEO of Chengdu.

Woodinleg 1 point ago +2 / -1

Evil begets evil. The Zionists have infiltrated the church. Growing up, I sat through many a sermon where the thesis was the support of Israel, regardless of justification. The "chosen people" demagoguery seems to fly in the face of Christ like behavior. As long as America hitches her grocer's wagon to a team of Zionist war horses, Israel will continue to act with impunity towards her neighbors. What is Israel's motivation to stop acting as the playground bully when the corn fed muscle is at her beck and call? I'm not advocating leaving Israel to twist in the wind, but come on. What other protectorate would be allowed to do what Israel has done? Your average American evangelical sees terrorism as an Islamist tool but has never heard of the King David Hotel.

Woodinleg 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am reminded of the WW3 opening Salvo from Alas Babylon. Pat Frank contended that the "Med" is the linchpin of European control. While I don't see a Sci-Fi novelist is the best person for Geopolitical Analysis, he may have been on to something. Let's look at the changes that have occurred in the last few decades regarding Mediterranean political structure. Libya, Egypt, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Italy, Spain, France, and others have had significant political, social, and economic changes in recent decades. These changes have either weakened US interests and ability to project power via economic or political change, or have strengthened unfriendly relationships with those nations which were insignificant brokers in the region in the past. What are your impressions on this hypothesis given the significant changes that have occurred in the Mediterranean nations?

One thing is for certain, the actions of more current administrations reads like an enemy state's prescription if the goal was to eliminate US influence in the Med.

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