bubble_bursts 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are falling for the Satanic thinking. “If we put it out there and they dont oppose us, that means they consent”

No thats not how consent works.

Identifying him as master is different only because of the implicit meaning of the word.

bubble_bursts 7 points ago +7 / -0

It just occured to me. Tiktok is the only platform where he can freely reach undecided normies and thats why they were trying so hard to shut it down recently.

Of course a few years ago it was under the China Deep State, but Trump managed to free it. Now the DS does not like how powerful it has gotten.

bubble_bursts 6 points ago +6 / -0

So when the term "deep state" is used, we in a sense speak and consent a higher power into existence

No, using a term to describe the existence of what is hidden is not consenting its existence. Acknowledging the existence is imperative before we could tackle it.

The biggest trick by the devil was making the world believe it did not exist.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even in the worst case, its will be well beyond elections that they can imprison him.

bubble_bursts 5 points ago +5 / -0

Randomly stumbled on this thread in the wild discussing the verdict. Normies arent as clueless as we think as we can see by the guys who jump in with facts.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

The way the current system is, he is not going to be put in prison as long as he is appealing. Makes no sense for him not to appeal.

The precedent would already be completely set once sentencing happens. He does not need to actually go into prison for that.

How ever the only reason that might be allowed to happen is if they also need to have an assassination angle in this Movie. I have long suspected that comes to play as well but i sincerely hope it won’t.

bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Very interesting perspective.

Thus is what differentiates confidential people from the rest as well. They always believe the outcome they are striving for will happen

bubble_bursts 3 points ago +3 / -0

We were so shocked with how badly my wife reacted to it that we had to completely discard it. Thought it was a special case but over the years almost everyone that actually talk about birth control tell us its the same for them.

And yet, in general, there is no awareness.

Just like trans surgeries. Just like cosmetic surgeries. Almost everyone who goes through them suffer, but everyone thinks they are an exception.

Magic of medicine.

bubble_bursts 4 points ago +4 / -0

Most of the top of the Cabal were all taken out even before first Q drop, with the Saudi purge right after the first drop.

What was left since then were headless chickens. Since their comms were compromised none of them really knew what the hell was going on, and so they started panicing. But as they saw Trump did not start arresting them, they felt like they have a chance to escape.

So it was in their best interest to make the most of the situation. For instance, if Jill knows that Biden is gone and is replaced, its still in her best interest to play along, hoping for a break along the way.

My bet is a lot of family members are co-operating - including Ashley Biden, and even Hunter.

But even at a higher level there is nothing really unusual from their perspective. The world has always been a theatre and they are all used to living double lives - one in private and one for public, so this is simply the continuation of that - but with different rules.

And they undoubtedly are very well acquainted with sites like this one, and know all about things like Johnson's and Patel Patriot's theories

Thats why all these theories and even Q itself has the element of plausible fallability. If you want to convince someone these are fake its really easy, and I think thats what the WHs do, via agents like say Mike Rothschild - spread word about how dumb all these theories are.

This is why wee will never get 100% undeniable proof that everything is a controlled op. Just hints, coincidences etc that require critical thinking.

The BEST move for these Cabal puppets would have been to expose the wholee thing, come out to public and tell everyone how Biden has been executed, how military tribunals have been going on etc. The BEST move against Q was not to play at all, but that would have required too much sacrifice and too much patience - something only thee Cabal leaders had the ability, but not the puppets.

bubble_bursts 9 points ago +9 / -0

From what I understand, there is no bail and eeven if they end up with a prison sentence, it wont start until all appeals are exhausted, so no way he will be ending up in prison before elections.

bubble_bursts 3 points ago +3 / -0

Like someone else mentioned on this site, I think the time is coming when the WHs will show who is really controlling the MSM. Perhaps why this sudden panic. Or maybe just their bonus time coming and they haven't met any numbers, so they pick on GP.

bubble_bursts 3 points ago +3 / -0

The main stream coverage of this always made me think that this is either a fake case or a controlled burn. Keeping my mind open.

bubble_bursts 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think the deeper goal of this lawfare is far bigger than this pointless bill. I think it has to do with VP selection.

They hope to leverage Trump into selecting a Cabal puppet handler. Nikki seems to be the fore-runner for the Team-Zionists and was recently seen grinning like an idiot with Netanyahu.

Far more important than this bill is how Trump responds to this. I am sure he will reject Nikki, and then the pain doubles.

So is Emerald a doomer or is she simply bringing the continuity of their actions to light for the normies and tying it all together in a bow?

If it was just from this tweet, I wouldnt say anything, but she has been on my feed and on my radar for being the most obnoxious doomer. Probably has a role in waking someone up, but definitely not for us.

bubble_bursts 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good choice. You miss the fun though.

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