dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's why I am not sure I believe it yet. Cohen is smart. He may have cooked this up himself to try to get his own conviction overturned and try to be a lawyer again. What a great time to try that tactic - right after the Flynn movie came out. That was well outlined in his movie.

Maybe Cohen is telling the truth... I doubt it since his lips moved and he was a lawyer, but anything is possible.

Needs to bake a few more days.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hope so because Scavino was one of 2 people that controlled Trump's Twitter. The other being Trump...

If you want sauce go look for the interview Lara Trump did with Scavino a couple of years ago on her TV show. He said it himself in the video interview. It was posted somewhere on here in the last couple of weeks.

dec3169 14 points ago +14 / -0

From the article:

The 59-year-old has previously been compared to former US president Donald Trump.

dec3169 3 points ago +3 / -0

You think that's bad? Biden said the other day that when he took office Trump left him with 9% inflation. He's said it twice now.


dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. I was lucky with this one in that I could just point the person to a post that I happened to read minutes earlier. It is hard sometimes to not just blast someone that we think should know something we've known, read, or been a part of for years - especially for those of us who aren't "social" people. The more I comment the better I get at not just lashing out or calling someone stupid. I'm actually grateful for that training.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

Or - it will catch them off guard because they think everything is going their way.

dec3169 14 points ago +14 / -0

Has it not occurred to anyone that this could just be a manufactured spat to keep the heat off of Flynn and make it look like he is not in Trump's inner circle anymore? Trump supposedly isn't going to name his VP running mate until July. Maybe he needs people to think he and Flynn aren't getting along so Flynn can get stuff done before he is possibly named as the running mate.

I've trusted Flynn much longer, and really never trusted Halper. I never trusted or believed her. Of course she may also be one of those Trump needs to make into a boogie-man as it were.

Personally I think something will happen mid to late June that will make one of them look really good to MAGA (I think Flynn) to get the people excited. Then perhaps Halper will get back in the mix in August or September in time for her to be considered for an administration appointment.

For as much as everyone seems to want to repeat that we are watching a movie, a lot of people sure drop that with the slightest hint of a problem.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was going to say it would be better to wait until he is out of office and then charge him properly. Then I thought the statute of limitations is long since passed. Then I looked it up...


If they were in Delaware at the time, Pedo Joe is screwed. Same goes for if they were in Pennsylvania. Same for MD and VA if she does something in the next few years. It looks like if it happened in DC she has until she is 36 years old and Joe could get life. Which is probably only a few years anyway.


Ashley should wait until January 21, 2025 - or even 12:01 on Jan 20, 2025 - and press charges. Let him be taken out by handcuffs on live TV across the world.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

Be careful with this one. She did not say the diary was true. She said it was hers. There is a distinction there. It is hers, and she wrote it. But she didn't say it was true. She can write whatever she wants in her diary.

Think about a young girl or boy as an example who just got punished by their father. Do you think maybe they might write something about wanting to kill their dad? Kids write a lot of emotional stuff in fits of rage or despair.

Now - I think it is true as well, but she left herself an out by not saying that part was true.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did you notice when Trump was talking to Doug Burgum (when he praises all the politicians in attendance and just after having the football players on stage) he said "so get ready for something, just get ready".

Trump had just praised him for his tech job, and how he is doing as ND governor, and he said how he doesn't know anyone who knows as much about energy as Doug.

So - Secretary of Energy? or VP?

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

BTW - thanks. I was stuck on 7666 for comments.

dec3169 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know what you mean. While the original Biden was a racist and dumber than a quarry of rocks, he seemed to be able to be a nice man (outside of the racism). He had a rather defined profile. Not so much anymore. The current Biden looks completely different - in a way that age wouldn't do.

I've never paid attention to what Jill looks or looked like, other than to think she is Alice Cooper and wears clothes made from couches, curtains, and tablecloths.

dec3169 3 points ago +3 / -0

I guess I didn't word that right. Lead was meant to give away at high speed the minute you need to use it. Until then, it should remain in storage unless you are practicing.

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

Writing all of that out made me think of the other side of this scenario.

Remember what we believe was a missile attack up near Washington against Trump's Air Force One? What if that was Biden onboard, and the missile actually hit?

Would his corrupt administration tell everyone Biden wasn't on that flight because they received intel saying the plane would be attacked? Would they then use a double for the rest of the administration and run things themselves?

Are they actually doing that now?

dec3169 1 point ago +1 / -0

Try turning your vpn off to see if you can access catbox. I posted this before - look into the SwitchyOmega browser extension (or something similar) that will allow you to "whitelist" sites that won't accept vpn traffic.

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