downrightdeplorable 5 points ago +5 / -0


Our study suggests that the treatment protocol of HCQ, AZM, and zinc with or without vitamin C is safe and effective in the treatment of COVID-19, with high dose IV vitamin C leading to a significantly quicker recovery.

Importantly, our study confirms vitamin D deficiency to be a high-risk factor of severe COVID-19 disease and hospitalization, with 97% of our study’s patient cohort being vitamin D deficient, 55% of these being severely vitamin D deficient, and none had optimal levels.

Future trials are warranted to evaluate the treatment with a combination of high-dose vitamin D3 in addition to HCQ, AZM, and zinc and high-dose intravenous vitamin C.

downrightdeplorable 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow. Seems odd that he did this twice. There are no coincidences... Bring on JFK Jr!!

downrightdeplorable 3 points ago +4 / -1

I think it is JFK Jr. that is still alive. Gah! Or Princess Diana. No it's JFK Jr.

downrightdeplorable 3 points ago +3 / -0

Let me get this straight. A group of dumb libs organize against a different group of dumb libs but they are trying to blame all of this on white supremacists. Do I have that right?

Wow we need an asteroid already. This is untenable any longer.

downrightdeplorable 9 points ago +9 / -0

"But that isn't how it works. Just look at [INSERT SOME NONSENSE COUNTRY HERE]".

Yes it is how it works dipshit person who never owned a business.

"Then the owners should take less profits out."

OR, they close that business and invest in something more profitable for them and all those jobs are now gone.

They are just simpletons. They apparently don't have to take economics for those gender studies degrees.

downrightdeplorable 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thought I would be annoyed by this but it is pretty funny. LOL

downrightdeplorable 11 points ago +11 / -0

Oh that is a fun watch. Arrogant little shit gets an "in your face".

downrightdeplorable 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yet everyone expressed extreme distress when they were being coerced to take the vax to save their jobs. So which is it? Bodily autonomy or not? It's bodily autonomy.

downrightdeplorable 0 points ago +1 / -1

Bodily autonomy is also a human right. You deprive one right to protect another. This is a no win.

downrightdeplorable 5 points ago +5 / -0

You can stand up for your opinion/religion but you can't force that opinion/religion on other people no more than jews/muslims/hindus can force their religion on you without a gun to your head. Any law has to apply to all. The same as if muslims become the majority you won't just accept Sharia. Government shouldn't be in the personal decision making + religion business.

downrightdeplorable 3 points ago +3 / -0

Feel free to have any opinion you want to.This is an incredibly divisive issue that loses votes for the R party every election cycle and that pisses me off. Disconnect this issue from the President and get everyone to weigh in and then everyone can STFU and it will be decided specific to each state. Don't like what your state decided? Move. At the federal level, small government - which is preferred in fiscal conservatism - should not be in people's personal medical decisions ever. Government is designed to be there to make and apply law for every citizen/religion/opinion and for common infrastructure.

Regardless of what anyone decides - if you don't think abortion is OK - then don't have one. Then you will be good with your God.

downrightdeplorable 4 points ago +4 / -0

Does it rhyme with Misrael?

downrightdeplorable 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wow. Interesting to hear that it will likely be a ballot issue in November. Honestly it should be a ballot issue in every state.

downrightdeplorable 7 points ago +7 / -0

That is awesome. Mine from Arizona is less interesting. LOL

downrightdeplorable 2 points ago +2 / -0

LMAO sorry I should have been more discerning on where I got the link to Trump. The other link is the more fascinating part.

downrightdeplorable 5 points ago +5 / -0

So we have all seen Loomer standing next to Trump's Ark of the Covenant replica. Here's a pretty cool detailed article about a guy named Ron Wyatt and his detailed discovery of the real Ark while he was searching for chariot parts in the Red Sea with his two sons.


So what does all this have to do with our friend Trump?

downrightdeplorable 10 points ago +10 / -0

Dom cracks me up. LOL Biden is the biggest racist yet and the libs refuse to admit it.

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