Anyone attending the Red Pill Expo in South Dakota? (redpilluniversity.org) 🔍 Notable
posted ago by gobby ago by gobby
Posted without commentary (rumble.com) Karma Is a BITCH!
posted ago by gobby ago by gobby

Hopefully this won't get taken down. The election is less than 7 months away. You will be voting for Trump. Tell me what you love about him and what he did during his first term that you liked a lot. List as many things as you want. I'd like to hear what you have to say.




Has anyone tried running some of the Q posts through Chatgpt or other AI to see what AI makes of it? Especially the posts that were particularly difficult to decipher or pictures of places / buildings around the world that were unknown. Could be interesting.


Written by some 'fact checkers' at the washington compost. Supposedly he lied over 16K times. Somebody at work was talking about it and saying it was proof of what a piece of you-know-what he is and what a liar he is. I want to find a copy at the library and see if I can debunk any of the claims, but I sure could use some help from my frens if any of you have already read it. Thanks.


Think of a teenager, or a young adult who has no interest in politics. All they've ever heard is that Russia and Putin are evil. If you had an opportunity to explain to them why the war is happening - what would you say?


his name? This was a few years back. It used an r and n close together to resemble an m. I want to find that but don't know how. Can anybody help me? Please and thank you.


My fellow frogs, I think I might have put the tiniest of tiny dents in the armor of someone who is possibly the worst TDS case in the world. Recently I got him to listen. And he listened for a long time without interrupting and without the usual protests. He didn't agree with anything - he held his ground. BUT, he did listen, which is a first and I see it as a huge opportunity. Because, as we know, he will be thinking of our conversation.

I've gone the Trump route and for now, I want to let that lie. But another one of his derangements is about climate change and how the world is about to end. I've got some stuff saved, but I'm coming to you to ask for anything relating to the debunking of climate change. Especially anything from scientists themselves. Anything you've got would be appreciated, and any tips or advice would be welcome as well. Thanks, frens.

There was one within the last couple of months that had pictures of all the crazies working for biden. Sam Brinten was wearing a green dress, I believe. Had others too. If you have that I would be so grateful for you to post a link. Thank you.


Hello frogs, old and new.

I just wanted to post this as an aid to anybody who is perhaps not the most tech-savvy type of person.

If you're going to post a twitter thread, PLEASE, also post the nitter version. Reason being that with twitter now a closed forum, posting the link only allows us to see the main post and none of the comments or follow up posts. This is how you post a nitter version of the tweet.

Here's the recently posted twitter / x post made by MAGULQ.


Here is the nitter version, allowing us to see follow ups to the post.


In order to do this, it's very simple. See where it says twitter.com in the original post? Simply remove that and replace it with nitter.net. Et voila! You have a version that allows more of the thread to be shown.

Also, if you're reading through the posts and see something you like, please leave a thumbs up by clicking on the upward triangle to the left of the post.

If you want to speak to someone directly, you can click on their user name. Doing so will take you to their info page. At the right of the page is a box that says "About XOXOXO" At the bottom of the box you'll see a link that says, "DM XOXOXO"

You can also look through their post history at this page, see what their post scores are, etc.

If you want to send a message to the mods, scroll to the bottom of the page, look at the right corner of the screen and find the box that lists all the moderators names. In that box is a link to 'message the mods.'

If you want to search a topic and can't remember a specific post title, put the key word in the search box and you should get a plethora of results.

I'm sure I'm forgetting some things. If this doesn't get removed for being off topic, I might add to it later if I remember something else.

Knowing these few things makes the site more fun to use. Hope it helps!

Edited to add: If you want to draw another frog's attention to a post, you can leave a link in the post to their name, that way they'll be alerted the next time they are on line. For example; u/gobby


Has she resumed her duties?

posted ago by gobby ago by gobby

Alright, Frogs. We're one day closer to seeing the plan come to fruition. We're off to a great start. Lots of frens are interested in being their healthy best when that day comes. So, what are you doing today to be your healthy best?

Today I am going to do these things for my physical health;

I’m going to walk 20 minutes Do push ups and hip exercises Do extensive stretching Spend some time outside in the sun and fresh air.

On the menu;

Dinner will be steak and salad and veggies.

Please, tell us what are you are going to do today to be your healthy best

Whether you’re a guy looking to put on some muscle, someone who wants to quit smoking or drop some pounds, if you’re looking to improve your eating habits or quit an unhealthy habit, please join us.

Let’s get ourselves on a healthy track by encouraging each other and lifting each other up. Let’s share our knowledge and tips and let’s ask for help when and where we need it. This community is a great group of people and we have some of the most knowledgeable frens right here amongst us. So please, post your good info and do what you can to encourage your fellow frogs. Tell us your most successful exercise routines, your best meal plans, helpful supplements, etc.

It's June 2nd. Let’s plan to discuss our progress on December 1st.

WWG1WGA toward our best and healthiest selves.

After seeing some comments and questions in the replies, I've decided to ask questions in the OP in hopes someone folks in the group will be able to answer.

Question of the day: How do you tackle cravings? Specifically for sweet things. Any suggestions, success stories, any supplements, etc. that have helped you?

Here's wishing all my frens here a healthy day to do and be their best.


Alright, Frogs. I was delighted and a bit surprised by the positive response to my thread last night. With the mod’s indulgence, I’d like to make this a daily thread to help inform and encourage each other to do and be our healthy best.

Today I am going to do these things for my physical health;

I’m going to walk 20 minutes

Do a leg work out consisting of leg presses and squats

Do extensive stretching (I want to become as limber as I can.)

Spend some time outside in the sun and fresh air.

On the menu;

Dinner will be chicken stir fry

So, what are you going to do today to be your healthy best?

Whether you’re a guy looking to put on some muscle, someone who wants to quit smoking or drop some pounds, if you’re looking to improve your eating habits or quit an unhealthy habit, please join us.

Let’s get ourselves on a healthy track by encouraging each other and lifting each other up. Let’s share our knowledge and tips and let’s ask for help when and where we need it. This community is a great group of people and we have some of the most knowledgeable frens right here amongst us. So please, post your good info and do what you can to encourage your fellow frogs.

It's June 1s. Let’s plan to discuss our progress in six months, on December 1st.

WWG1WGA toward our best and healthiest selves.

Let's be our healthy best! 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by gobby ago by gobby

We don't know when it will happen, but we do know it will happen. Eventually, the 'plan' will come to fruition. And I'm sure we all want to be at our healthiest and best when that happens.

I was thinking that perhaps we could have an ongoing thread where those interested would post their routines and even questions about how each of us can be our healthiest. I'm sure there are those here who are bodybuilders, for instance. Perhaps they could post about what they do, what they eat, etc. There are probably those who want to get in better shape. Perhaps they could post questions specific to their concerns and the frens could answer.

For instance, I would love to know what my fellow frogs are doing on a daily or weekly basis to keep fit.

Exercising? (What kind)

Eating a certain way? (what, specifically)

Taking supplements? (which ones)

Let's help each other get as strong as we can, physically and mentally. And if people are interested in this idea and would like to partake, I will eventually post some info about our spiritual health, as well. What do you say, frogs? Are you ready to get in the best shape of your life? Let's gooo!

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