Obviously, some of the people who connected to the Trump administration were placed there by the enemy in an attempt to control or influence Trump. Others who Trump considered friends turned on him. Some who donated large sums of cash to the Trump campaign who had connections to the deep state globalists we are fighting today. Trump could have intentionally surrounded himself with these people to draw attention to them. If the deepstate was going to take the Trump administration down, they would be investigating the very same people destroying our country.

Trump had someone on his transition team who has been connected to child trafficking and child porn. Not that Trump was partaking in these activities, Trump's wealth attracted these individuals. Trump's newly gained power as US President attracted these individuals. I think his wealth gained him access to the crime families' inner circles and criminal institutions who were blackmailing our politicians for a very long time.

Trump was friends or an acquaintance of Jeffery Epstein back in the day, Epstein was coupled with Ghislane Maxwell, Ghislane's father Robert was connected to the Mossad and the Mossad intelligence had a host of rich Jewish billionaires in a group called Mega that were participating in the child trafficking blackmail operations.

An excerpt from the article below, "Maxwell also moved in the circles of the network previously described in Parts I and II in this series. A key example of this is the May 1989 party Maxwell hosted on his yacht, the Lady Ghislaine — named for his youngest daughter and Epstein’s future “girlfriend.” Attendees of the party included Roy Cohn’s protege Donald Trump and his long-time law partner Tom Bolan."

So, Trump attended a party on Robert Maxwell's yacht before Robert died? This is something I did not know. If you want to see the vast number of connections the Mossad had, with billionaires and our own intel agencies, while using these connections to control US policy and spy on politicians, the article below is very illuminating.

Mega Group, Maxwells & Mossad: At the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal


I mentioned above, George Nader, former Trump campaign ally-turned-witness in Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation was sentenced to a decade behind bars for child sex-trafficking and child pornography offenses.

Witness in Mueller Probe Sentenced to a Decade Behind Bars for Child Sex Offenses


If you read the article from the first section you see Nader was connected to Estee Lauder, who was connected to the Mega group. Estee Lauder was connected to Les Wexner of Victoria’s Secret, who was also connected to the Mega group.

Here is couple more articles on Nader:

George Nader: How a convicted paedophile became key to an Emirati hook-up with Trump


Major Jewish GOP donor moves into sights of Trump probe


Did you know Bill Barr's father, Donald Barr, hired a young college dropout named Jeffrey E. Epstein to teach math at the Dalton School in the 1970s.

Donald Barr: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know


Billionaire Peter Theil donated lots of money to the Trump campaign. Theil also was the first outside investor in Facebook. He also funded research into seasteading which sounds a lot like Ghislane Maxell's TerraMar Project.

Look below toward the bottom of this wiki under "Awards and honors"

"In 2007, he was honored as a Young Global leader by the World Economic Forum as one of the 250 most distinguished leaders age 40 and under"


I tried to find another link to the WEF website to verify this, it has been archived and you have to download it which I refuse to do. Other sites mentioning Theil as a WEF young leader have been removed from the internet.

Here is another excellent article, a Israeli intel officer gives an interview connecting the Mossad to child trafficking and blackmailing our politicians. Did you know Epstein was connected to the Iran Contra scandal and AG Bill Barr under President George H.W. Bush, played a significant role in the Iran-Contra cover-up. Years later he would be involved in the 2019 child trafficking arrest of Epstein.



Here is an archived version of the interview mentioned above.



There are very clear connections how the Israeli Mossad were using several avenues to blackmail our politicians. They were also using "PROMIS" (Prosecutors’ Management Information System) is a case management software system was designed for use in law enforcement record keeping and case-monitoring activities. Mossad was sold a copy that had a backdoor so they could monitor proceedings in our justice system.

I wonder if the Ghislane child trafficking trial had more to do with the people who financed the child trafficking operation that Epstein was running because those facts would lead back to very rich/famous people and the Mossad. Perhaps this is why the coconspirators names have not been dropped yet and why Israel was saved for last.

Sorry if there are any typos, I finished slapping this together rather quickly. I been reading this stuff for last couple days, gathering some links along the way. Thought it was very interesting and thought I would share. Happy reading.


First, let us first start with this: President Barack Obama, a Democrat, nominated Garland to serve as an associate justice of the Supreme Court in March 2016 to fill the vacancy created by the death of Antonin Scalia.

The article below claims Scalia was a pedophile, the person claims to be one of Scalia's victims. Was Scalia baited to a ranch in Texas where he would be murdered opening a position for Garland? There was rumors Scalia's throat was cut and this is why the family chose not to have an autopsy and expose Scalia's pedophilia.

The Truth About Scalia’s Murder- and Yes- He Was Murdered


The Senate did not approve Garland's SC nomination, January 31, 2017, President Donald Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch to succeed Justice Antonin Scalia

The Kazarian's were a ruthless race of people that were destroyed by Russia and Persia in 1250ad. Below is an excellent article, it is a long read but you can get a excellent representation of the Kazarian's in the first few paragraphs.

Khazarians Then, Khazarians Now


After Russia destroyed the Khazars, the Kazarian's migrated into eastern Europe and created the Ashkenazi Jews (think Rothchild)


Merrick’s great-great-grandfather was named Leib Yitzhak Garfinkel. Merricks grandparents changed their name from Garfinkel to Garland when the moved to the USA.

Merrick Garland is the descendant of Jewish immigrants who in the early 1900s fled the Pale of Settlement.


What is the Pale of Settlement? The Pale of Settlement was a western region of the Russian Empire that existed from 1791 to 1917. In this area, permanent residency by Jews was allowed, while beyond its borders, Jewish residency was mostly forbidden. The Pale included all of modern-day Belarus and Moldova, much of Lithuania, Ukraine, east-central Poland, and relatively small parts of Latvia

The Kazarian / Bolshevik Jews were forced into this settlement and forbidden to leave its borders. They were exiled from 150 countries because they were horrible people.

Where did Merricks ancestors come from? Merrick Garland, has Lithuanian Jewish ancestry. His paternal grandfather, Max Hyman/Harry Garland, was born in Vaiguva, Lithuania.

Pale of Settlements ended in 1917, this is when the Russia Revolution started.

A brief history of Jews in Russia


Approximately 80% of the Bolsheviks were godless Khazarians who raped, pillaged, tortured and murdered over 100 million non-Khazarian Russian citizens.

The Bolshevik Revolution was revenge against Russia for its destruction of Khazaria in about 1250 AD.


Also linked to the destruction of the USA: Open Borders:

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas Ethnicity: Ashkenazi Jew

His mother, Anita Gabor, was a Romanian Jew who survived the Holocaust, and his father, Charles R. “Nicky” Mayorkas, was a Cuban Jew with Sephardi and Ashkenazi ancestry.


So, Merrick Garland's ancestors are linked back to Jews who were forced into Pale of Settlements. These are the Ashkenazi, Bolshevik and Kazarian Jews that have raped and pillaged society from their existence. Rothchild is an Ashkenazi Jew and linked to the current Jews in Israel through the Balfour Declaration. These conglomerates of people are communists pushing the New World Order.

The Jews also run the Federal Reserve, The Jews have been attempting to destroy the USA and have been foisted upon us through the Biden Administration.

Saving Israel for last cannot come soon enough.



With Biden's health looking worse each and every day, when will the democrats use the 25th Amendment to remove Biden from office?

Remember When Trump said the 25th Amendment will come back to haunt Biden and the Biden Administration? How did Trump know? I'm thinking Trump was cluing us in to the plan with the video below.


So that means according to the presidential order of succession, the Vice President Kamala Harris steps up as acting President. Not so fast!

There may be a few things that prevents Kamala from taking the seat.

Kamala Harris's father was Jamaican, her mother was Indian. They came to the USA in early 1960's, met at university in 1962 and got married in 1963. Kamala Harris was born in 1964.

Now read the context of the Constitution of Jamacia below.

Constitution of Jamacia


Chapter 2

[Read 2 / b / ii as a sentence]

  1. A person shall be deemed to be born in Jamaica-

a. if he is born on a ship or aircraft registered in Jamaica or belonging to the Government; or

b. if at the time of his birth his mother-

i. is a citizen of Jamaica residing in a country other than Jamaica by reason of her employment in the diplomatic service of Jamaica; or

ii. whether or not a citizen of Jamaica, is residing in a country other than Jamaica by reason of her being married to a citizen of Jamaica who is residing in that country by reason of his employment in the diplomatic service of Jamaica.

The Constitution of Jamacia simply states that Kamala is a citizen of Jamacia.

Eligibility requirements state that you must be a natural born citizen to become President.

The intent behind the eligibility requirements for the U.S. presidency is to safeguard the nation’s well-being, ensure allegiance and prevent foreign influence or divided loyalties.

It has been argued that if you are born on American soil, you are a natural born citizen. Not so fast!

Listen to following video, this lady explains the natural born citizen term in great detail.


Law of Nations, 1758 law book defines "natural born citizen" (Look at the second paragraph)


You can bet your GME shares that Kamala will be vetted and her eligibility will be determined insufficient.

Now that we have explained in great detail that Kamala is not eligible to be President who is next on the presidential order of succession list? Speaker Johnson.

Speaker Johnson has been acting a lot like a democrat lately. Giving money to Ukraine and Israel. Leaving the border wide open without negotiating a solution with the recent bills passed by Congress.

These 163 House Democrats voted to protect Mike Johnson from MTG's ouster effort


I assume if we vet Kamala's eligibility for the presidential seat and prevent her from taking the helm, the democrats will want to vet Speaker Johnson as well.

Thats the thing, Democrats love Speaker Johnson and when he gets called up to replace Biden and Kamala, Johnson needs to be someone the democrats trust. Does it make more sense that Speaker Johnson is acting like a democrat these days. He has not been bought or blackmailed, he is a President Trump's Trojan Horse.



Samuel Pisar was Anthony Blinken's stepfather. As you know, Blinken is our current Secretary of State. Blinken's stepfather was a member of the United Nations. According to the Wiki link below (see the career section):

Pisar was the longtime lawyer and confidant of Robert Maxwell. Pisar was possibly the last person to speak to Maxwell before he apparently fell to his death from his luxury yacht in November 1991.

Robert Maxwell was father of Ghislane Maxwell, Epstein's girlfriend.


Understanding Blinken Through His Stepfather, Holocaust Survivor Samuel Pisar

Pisar excelled in school and was admitted to Harvard for a PhD in Law, where he met other gifted refugee boys, among them Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski.


Antony Blinken Tied To Jeffrey Epstein: Went To School Where He Taught, Family Connected To Epstein’s Mistress


Secretary Blinken had once served as the director of a nonprofit organization now known as Action Against Abduction from 2001-2002, according to opencorporates, a global database of the corporate world. The organization was originally called The International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children.


I find the above story odd for one reason, I will get to that in a moment.

Remember when Clinton Foundation member Laura Silsby was caught trafficking children out of Haiti?

WIKILEAKS: Convicted child abductor was caught stealing children in Haiti WITH THE CLINTONS!


After Silsby got home from her arrest and 6 month prison sentence in Haiti, she changed her name to Gaylor.

Silsby is currently employed by software company AlertSense as their Vice President of Marketing. AlertSense works with the Federal Government on FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert & Warning System (IPAWS). One of IPAWS functions is to issue Amber Alerts during kidnapping events. (from the link below)

The Clinton-Silsby Trafficking Scandal And The Media Cover Up: The True Origin Of PizzaGate


Why is it that all these people connected to child traffickers are running organization for protecting children?

Here are some more interesting tidbits.

From 1994 to 2001, Blinken was a member of President Clinton’s National Security Council staff at the White House.

Anthony Blinken was working at the State Department when Laura Silsby was arrested for child trafficking in Haiti.

One of the highest priorities of the Department of State and U.S. embassies and consulates abroad is to provide assistance to U.S. citizens incarcerated abroad.



I am in no way comparing Trump to Jesus Christ, I am just saying there is obvious similarities in both the Biblical storyline and today's storyline. We were told it would be biblical.

Here is the 4th Psyop Group (Ghosts in the machine) video


Here is a X link highlighting the dates on the watches.


Here is the Q post talking about America being Unified Again 11.11.18.



If we look at Mark 11.11-18 what do we find?

We find the story about Jesus entering the temple courts and overturning the tables of the money changers.

We also read that the chief priests and the teachers of the law feared Jesus, they began looking for a way to kill him.

The crowds were amazed at Jesus's teaching.



There is lots of talk about our fiat currency being rejected by foreign countries (BRICS). The exploding debt is pushing us toward hyperinflation, one day soon our currency will be worthless and an opportunity for a new asset-based currency arises, restructuring the Federal Reserve. (Overturning the Tables) (RESET)

Remember, Trump rolled the Federal Reserve into the Treasury? Well, he is still working on plans to erode the Federal Reserve’s independence.


Here are a series of clues from the National debt clock about a future financial reset.






Who are the "Teachers of Law" mentioned in Mark 11? I guess those would be judges today. There are several that have Trump tied down with 4 different court cases, more than 30 indictments. Do you think they want to harm him? (Lawfare)

former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki says, "They think maybe @realDonaldTrump will go away. Maybe he'll go to jail. Maybe he will die."


What platform is Trump using to teach us? He posts on a daily basis explaining the determent the country is in under Biden's leadership. He is exposing the 2-tier justice system, awakening the people to the tyranny/treason.

Truth Social was registered on 2011.11.18


Do you think Trump supporters are amazed at his teachings?


God Bless the United States, keep its defenders safe.

Have a Blessed Day!


I went to tractor supply, purchased some fruit trees. I dug holes and planted them couple weeks ago. Two more apple trees for a total of 3 now. A peach tree, 2 large blue berry bushes (dont buy the dormant ones in the store, they are shit, they dont grow) and 2 cherry trees.

I planted 4 (20 foot rows) of potatoes, 1 row of carrots, 3 rows of beets, 4 rows of corn, 1 row of beans. I have 6 kale plants, 4 cabbage, 4 zucinni, 8 cucumber in the ground. Still germinating my tomatoe and pepper seeds. I have 12 sunflower that I will plant in near future.

My aspargus have been producing great this year. My pee has smelled terrible for weeks. Lol.

I also have 10 chickens producing more eggs than I know what to do with. Family and neighbors have been fighting for them.

I still have room for more stuff, trying to decide what I want to put in. Do you have any suggestions?

Now Im out to cut grass and do some weed wacking. I have almost a acre of land, my garden actually takes up a small portion of my property. Its hard work but it fills up my deep feeze every year. Have a blessed day.


Here is the twitter video of Corporal James Hung reading a recall letter.


There is an active PDF on the Army website that was recently published


Here is the Army website:


Here is the PDF:


Note that the PDF mentions 2 Executive Orders,

EXECUTIVE ORDER 13223, was written by Bush in 2001 in response to 9/11. This EO was responding to acts of terrorism.


EXECUTIVE ORDER 13814, was written by Trump in 2018 and it amended Bush's EO 13223.

"Executive Order 13223 is amended by adding at the end: "The authorities available for use during a national emergency"


Edit: I deleted and reposted, I had stupid spelling errors in the first title.


Elon posted a picture of a fortune cookie that said, "unblock everyone of your X account" It will bring you good fortune.

Look at the first 4 digits in the link address.


Then look at Q post 1786 from almost 6 years ago.



Everything takes time.

Recent articles about Biden dropping charges against Julian Assange.

Julian Assange's wife takes hope as Biden says U.S. considering dropping charges against WikiLeaks founder


VIDEO: Joe Biden says US 'considering' dropping pursuit of Julian Assange


US ‘considering’ dropping prosecution of Julian Assange, Biden says


SR June JA. (Seth Rich June Julian Assange)

Timing is perfect.


From the above Q post:

April 20, 2018: Democratic Party files suit alleging conspiracy by Trump campaign, Russia, WikiLeaks to sway 2016 election

The suit also claims Wikileaks founder Julian Assange “shared the defendants’ common goal of damaging the Democratic Party in advance of the election.” The suit states Russia, using WikiLeaks, would disseminate information stolen from the DNC “at times when it would best suit the Trump campaign.”


Trump responded to the above lawsuit:

Just heard the Campaign was sued by the Obstructionist Democrats. This can be good news in that we will now counter for the DNC Server that they refused to give to the FBI, the Debbie Wasserman Schultz Servers and Documents held by the Pakistani mystery man and Clinton Emails.


So Q said, "SR June JA" in post 1199 and now Biden is considering dropping charges against JA. We also have this Q post.




Just bought 25 more shares.

Going to the moon by May 17th?



Here is the video again.


The dates on the watch (18 and 11),

The video says "Do you believe";


The top half of that Q post asks if you believe in coincidences however the bottom half of that post talks about the CIA from Q post 1806.


The first few links are from Washington Post where they call the Anons conspiracy theorist.

Q then asks who owns the Washinton post and gives you a clue, Jeff Bezos. Q then asks what ABC agency is heavily tied to Amazon and provide 2 more links connecting the CIA.



Amazon got a $600 million military contract to provide secret cloud services for communications for the intel agencies.

What is the coincidence?

When Trump and Q says we have it all, I would be willing to bet they have access to this Amazon cloud.

OMG: James O’Keefe to Release “Most Important Story” of His “Entire Career” – “I Have Evidence that Exposes the CIA, and It’s On Camera”


The psyop also showed a knight chess piece. (Horse head) Coincidentally a bloody white horse was seen running through the streets of London couple days ago.


These horses often have as a symbolic meaning. We saw these horses in the streets just before the Queens death was announced. There were several horses marching together and the flag Royal's Standard was lowered as they paraded along.

There are rumors the King is dying of cancer and funeral plans are being planned.


I would bet the King is already dead and the bloody horse running through the streets was a clue, the monarchy has fallen.

I remember reading after the Queen died, it was theorized King Charles is actually under control of the UK's military force and he was going to be tried for crimes against humanity. If anyone can provide data that confirms this fact it would be much appreciated.

I read somewhere that Pascal Najadi was saying portions of the Royal families from several countries has been executed.

I am at work right now and can't dig any deeper at the moment.

I shall return.


The Hillary Clinton portion of the Mar-a-Lago raid has just come into focus


Below is a video explaining the above article.

Mike Davis explains, Hillary, Obama, FBI and intel community knew it would be troubling if Trump released the Crossfire Hurricane investigation findings and they raided Trump's home to recover these documents.



The deep state knows they cannot beat Trump without cheating.

White hats know the deep state will try to cheat using the machines.

How do you eliminate the machine threat? Hack?

When do you eliminate the machines? Zero Day? (Election Day?) You do not hack the election system any sooner giving the democrats time to come up with a plan B.

Dave from X22 thinks the voting system will be hacked and the deep state will try to postpone the election. Who would do the hacking?

Would we have countermeasures in place? Would this be when the military steps in and ensures the vote is conducted manually? Voting with an ID? Hand counting? Winner announced that night?

What if the election system is hacked on election day? Then, it is reported that China, Russia or Iran that hacked it but in actuality it was the White Hats who hacked it?

Could our vote system be declared a 'Public Utility' (essential public services) to gain appropriate gov regulation (control).

I think this is exactly what the Q post below says, without saying it.



In this first Q post, Q called the little girl Wendy.



In this second Q post he asked how many pics we could find of Obama and Wendy together.


Here is the second pic of Obama and Wendy together. Notice the Band-Aid on Obama left middle finger.


Here is a pic of Marina Abramovic with a message she wrote on a wall with pig blood.


Here is a diagram highlighting Wendy's mother who happens to be hanging out with James Alefantis the pizza man from Comet pizza (Pizzagate).


Here is another interesting meme.


Look at the photo below. Is this the third pic Q was asking us to look for? Notice the girl in Obama's lap has dark hair however the hair against Obama's face is blonde. The pic appears to be photoshopped?


Supposedly the photo above is of Obama and his niece. Supposedly the daughter of this person walking on stage with Obama below, (his step sister) (Look at his face)


''Crimes against children will unite the world''


More links to consider.





Ezra Cohen-Watnick served as the acting undersecretary of defense for intelligence during the Trump Administration. In the video below he describes the vision JFK had for our Special Operation Forces. He explains how Special Operation Forces will have a civilian advocate, coordinating with the secretaries of the military departments.


It was November 9, 2020, the day President Donald Trump fired his secretary of defense, Mark Esper and appointed Christopher Miller as acting defense secretary.

In the video below, Christopher Miller announces that Special Forces Operations civilian leadership (assistant secretary of Defense) will now report directly to him instead of through the Pentagon bureaucracy. Cutting out the middle men.


Here is an overview of Special Operation Forces mission. Just read the first section and list of core activities.


Who is the civilian advocate controlling special operation forces?

The civilian advocate responsible for overseeing U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) is the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (ASD-SO/LIC).

The current Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict (ASD-SO/LIC) is Christopher P. Maier


From March 2017 to November 2020, Maier worked under President Trump and led the Defeat-ISIS Task Force, which aimed to integrate Department of Defense efforts in the campaign against ISIS. We have all heard Trump brag many times about his defeat of ISIS.

In April 2021, Biden nominated Christopher Maier, Nominee for Assistant Secretary for Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict, Department of Defense


Maier is an officer in the Air National Guard.

Biden nominating Maier to control the Special Operation Forces seems very reminiscent of Biden signing and extending Trump's executive orders on crimes against humanity and corruption.

Here is an article from Newsweek dated from May 17, 2021. I think this article gives some of the details that Ezra Cohen-Watnick spoke about in the first video above. Expanding the role of Special Operation Forces.

Exclusive: Inside the Military's Secret Undercover Army


Some 60,000 people now belong to this secret army, many working under masked identities and in low profile, all part of a broad program called "signature reduction." The force, more than ten times the size of the clandestine elements of the CIA, carries out domestic and foreign assignments, both in military uniforms and under civilian cover, in real life and online, sometimes hiding in private businesses and consultancies, some of them household name companies.

The unprecedented shift has placed an ever-greater number of soldiers, civilians, and contractors working under false identities, partly as a natural result in the growth of secret special forces.

This article talks about SOP wearing masks to conceal their identity, holding positions in private business and consulting firms. If you read this article in full, it almost seems as though SOP took over functions of the FBI and CIA. We have been shown, they cannot be trusted and needed an entity to replace them.


Amos 1:1-8


Verse 3: Thus saith the Lord; For three transgressions of Damascus, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because they have threshed Gilead with threshing instruments of iron:

April 1st 2024: Israeli bombing of the Iranian embassy in Damascus


If we now look at verse 6:

Thus saith the Lord; For three transgressions of Gaza, and for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof; because they carried away captive the whole captivity, to deliver them up to Edom:

We know who has been transgressing Gaza.

Verse 7:

But I will send a fire on the wall of Gaza, which shall devour the palaces thereof:

Iran is threatening to bomb Israel with 100 cruise missiles. With the transgressions against Gaza, i think most of Israels neighbors want to rain them with fire.

Supposedly we are sending a couple warships over to protect Israel from Iran. If you remember Obama gave Iran $150 billion before leaving office. I know Biden has been lifting sanctions on Iran as well. Do you think we will protect Israel from Iran? I don't think we will. It is best we stay neutral.

Biden doesn't have any control over our military anyway. Whatever action we take will be decided by our CIC. Perhaps our presence in the region would be to stop any nuclear escalation.

Verse 8:

And I will cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod, and him that holdeth the sceptre from Ashkelon, and I will turn mine hand against Ekron: and the remnant of the Philistines shall perish, saith the Lord God.

Just to give some context:

Ashkelon is a coastal city in the Southern District of Israel on the Mediterranean coast, 50 kilometres (30 mi) south of Tel Aviv, and 13 kilometres (8 mi) north of the border with the Gaza Strip.

There was a noted sanctuary of Baal at Ekron. The Baal who was worshipped was called Baal Zebub, which some scholars connect with Beelzebub, known from 2 Kings 1:2:

Revelation 3:9


I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.

Here is my post from earlier talking about the Q delta on April 14th, Iran Next. Truthfully, I think all of Israels enemies may be lining up against them, including God Almighty himself. This may be where the Israel being saved for last plays out.



I brought together some of the eclipse data, I can't believe how many biblical connections surround this event.


We have 3 options,

  1. Jesus's return is eminent.

  2. Trump and Q were sent by God to destroy the deepstate.

3 I think the Q timeline is attempting to follow Bible prophecy.

How do you create a Revival, rebirth or a re-awakening a God loving Christian nation? You follow the timeline set in the Bible and allow people to witness the destruction of evil that has been predicted in Biblical verse.

If the Bible predicts a return of Satan and he is then cast back to the pits of Hell and these happenings follow specific Biblical verses, it would be hard to deny that our future was prewritten. (Future proves Past)

When did Satan and his underlings begin their attempts to destroy the United States? With the creation of the Federal Reserve? With the assassination of JFK? We can say for sure that 9/11 and the roll out of the Covid virus and the associated vaccines were the work of the NWO Satanist. They have been busy for a while.

Q tells us in post 4545:

If America falls so does the world.

If America falls darkness will soon follow.

Only when we stand together, only when we are united, can we defeat this highly entrenched dark enemy.

So, the fate of the planet is sitting on our shoulders.

Fortunately, during this "PAUSE" between Trump's control of the White House, much of the Evil has been exposed, the Satanists evil deeds have been illuminated for the world to see and thus the Great Awakening.

The Bible tells us Satan's time will be short.

The Eclipse could be a marker and the swamp drain begins afterwards. In the last video in this thread it is suggested that our country will be shaken, perhaps by profound knowledge that shakes the core of society. Learning that the elite are all pedophiles could be a profound moment for the sheep. Learning 9/11 was a false flag attack, CIA killed JFK? Perhaps learning the NWO was not a conspiracy theory and yes, they were trying to kill you.

The eclipse could be an opening for a new era of enlightenment (Dark to Light).

In the past I have talked about the Age of Aquarius; we are entering that age NOW!

The Age of Aquarius is an astrological concept that refers to a new era in human history. It’s believed to be a time of spiritual awakening, transformation, and collective evolution. It begins with ridding the planet of evil.

Revelation 20:2

He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.


Revelation 20:3

He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.


A millennium = 1000 years

Millennials, also known as Generation Y. Researchers define the generation typically being the people born from 1981 to 1996.


The timing is impeccable. Is it just coincidence that Revelation talks about locking up the devil for 1000 years, afterwards he is released to deceive the people and simultaneously a generation named the Millennials are born and experience an unprecedented assault from Satan's followers?

I think Satan's "short time" is over.

Satan's Little Season?


The Statue of Liberty is a replica of the Colossus of Rhodes


The Colossus of Rhodes was dedicated to the Sun God Helios.



The name “Lucifer” comes from Latin, meaning “light-bringer”.

Look at the face of the Statue of Liberty and tell me if the face does not resemble the face of Lucifer in the painting below.

Satan Summoning his Legions


Statue of Liberty struck by lightning couple days ago. I put this in the same category as the Georgia Guidestones getting destroyed. I think that is a Biblical sign, along with the earthquake under Trump's golf course. Perhaps a small taste of things to come.


France gives the Statue of Liberty to the United States


The Statue of Liberty and Freemasonry


France gave us a replica of Satan to watch over us, what could go wrong? These Mason's were behind the Statue of Liberty along with many of the false flags over the last few years. Symbolism will be their downfall.

The Devil's comet is supposedly going to be visible during the eclipse. It will be seen at the upper left-hand side of the Sun during the eclipse.

What to know about the 'devil comet' expected to pass by Earth in the summer


CERN is being activated during the Solar Eclipse April 8 2024 | Dr. Tom Horn


CERN actually straddles the French-Swiss border and is partly situated in a little town in Switzerland called "Saint-Genus-Poilly" (sound familiar?), and is located where a temple called Apolliacum once stood, which was the temple of Apollo, and interestingly enough, was believed to be the entrance to Tartarus, otherwise known as the Bottomless Pit, or The Abyss. Apollo is another name for Satan.

Is CERN Trying to Open the Bottomless Pit?


One significant interpretation of Lucifer in Greek mythology is linked to the god Apollo. Apollo, the radiant god of light, music, and prophecy, shares similar attributes with Lucifer. Both are associated with the concept of illumination and enlightenment.


It would be nice to see random lightning strike or a few hypersonic missiles from Russia destroy this monstrosity.

They will not be opening the pit of Hell to release Satan's minions, they have already been here for a number of years.

Psalm 105:34

“If there is famine in the land, if there is pestilence, if there is blight or mildew, if there is locust or grasshopper, if their enemies besiege them in the land of their cities, whatever plague or whatever sickness there is."

Cicada Map Shows States Where Trillions of Bugs Will Emerge


Joe Biden Faces MAGA Fury for Measles Outbreak Spurred by Migrants


New video from Kim Clement's friend covering all the signs of the coming eclipse


There was so much more I could have included but I think you get my point. We are trying to change our culture, reverse the LGBT, abortion path we are on and get back to our Christian foundation. Building up the Biblical scenario and intertwine it as we bring down the Temple on their heads. Bibles will be selling like hotcakes.

How will it play out? I think the declass that Trump spoke of will begin. Not just the government corruption, we will learn most of the truth, pedophilia, vaccines, JFK, 9/11, ect, ect, ect. The deepstate will respond with internet outages, collapsing economy, false flag shootings, riots, ect, ect, ect. The people are awake now, they will connect the dots. They will see the Deepstate's response to exposing their evil, the shit hit the fan scenario will become self explanatory.


Trump told us when campaigning, his main agenda was to drain the swamp.


I am sure the swamp got a little nervous. They tried to impeach Trump using the Russia Russia scam, however that failed. They became more desperate.

Then in Sept 2018 Trump tells UN General Assembly U.S. rejects 'global governance'


We all know the democrats are puppets of the UN communists. However, Trump's words would expose this relationship and make it obvious to the American people. Trump's agenda encouraged America's enemies from around the world to combine forces. Efforts of the US swamp, media and the UN globalists were planned out well in advance, their common goal became united, remove Trump from office.

In 2016 the Democrats realized electronic election fraud could be prevented. The media predicted a 99% certainty Hillary would win and the following day she lost.

Democrats knew if they were to beat Trump in 2020, plan B must be incorporated.

Dr. Fauci Predicted a Pandemic Under Trump in 2017


How does someone predict a surprise outbreak? If you know about it, then it is not a surprise. If you know about it in advance and surprise the coming administration with it, it is called a biological attack.

Sept 2019, 3 months before the Covid outbreak, Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, a World Health Organization agency, produced an annual report called "A World at Risk"


Page 39:

The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two systemwide training and simulation exercises, including one covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.

They pushed masks on us to keep us in fear. The masks helped justify the need for ballot drop boxes and mail in votes. It is too dangerous to stand in line to cast a vote. If you were forced to wear masks every day, you would be less likely to question the drop boxes.


Insurrection Act, 1807

[I]n all cases of insurrection, or obstruction to the laws, either of the United States, or of any individual state or territory, where it is lawful for the President of the United States to call forth the militia for the purpose of suppressing such insurrection, or of causing the laws to be duly executed, it shall be lawful for him to employ, for the same purposes, such part of the land or naval force of the United States, as shall be judged necessary, having first observed all the pre-requisites of the law in that respect. Insurrection Act of 1807, ch. 39, 2 Stat. 443, 443

Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

Trump told us during rallies they were using Covid to steal an election.


Trump announced many times the democrats intend to steal the election, so we must assume Trump observed all the pre-requisites which is a necessity of signing the Insurrection Act.

Trump would have never left office without putting something in place to stop the communists. Trump would have failed in his Presidential responsibilities to protect this country if he walked away and did nothing. Does that sound like President Trump?

You can bet we are under military rule as we speak. It may not be obvious, but Q told us they would never tell the enemy the plan.

The U.S. Marine Corps operates under the Department of the Navy. (read the Act again)

The Army comprises two main components: the active component (regular Army) and the reserve components (such as the Army National Guard and Army Reserve).

Title 32 allows National Guard units to be activated for specific purposes, such as disaster relief, homeland security. While they remain under state control, the federal government provides funding and oversight.

Do not worry about an uprising from the illegal invaders, Trump is still the CIC, he will not let this plan spin out of control.



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