kaizen777 2 points ago +7 / -5

Vivek is a snake, don't forget that. Nothing to do with this post... you can bet he's going to run again in 2028 - people need to know the truth about this guy is all I'm saying. He's bad news - plenty has been posted about him on here.

kaizen777 4 points ago +4 / -0

Would be if it wasn't pure satire. Completely fake.

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is fake, satire, not real.

kaizen777 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is utter hogwash. Never happened.
I'm very disappointed that Pedes here don't do enough research before posting crapoola such as this. Don't mean to offend you @Deadnought61... just being honest.

A single website mentions this, under the satire section: https://spacexmania.com/hes-too-much-woke-sylvester-stallone-drops-out-of-1-billion-project-with-creepy-robert-de-niro1466/

There would be mentions around the web about this from credible sources.

Mention here, not true: https://uk.movies.yahoo.com/news/fact-check-sylvester-stallone-rejects-180100165.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAANtw3NVAn6EwhdvcqdAf_JnBNAAP_bO26LqFB2jV9RaDzfniJEvJaZYcADvJ9p5gdMQXtZKt5s9EBxKi-jMiQhf96a8FpugEWCBR1I-JijKLBm9Lc48xsvgK-jX4Q1oE0kUzNWywnzjbVQ-xI8lRV91WUBd2nc_UyIvCjlLaLoOQ

There's also a version of this where Stallone rejects a 100M Bud Light endorsement over the whole Mulvaney woke thing.

(Snopes is a leftist website, but they do often have valid information... ok?) https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/stallone-refused-work-deniro-woke/

Anyhow, please try to research stuff before posting as factual. This doesn't pass muster at all. This is one of SO MANY of these things I've seen posted here, and too many just trust whatever is posted here and upvoted, or tagged by the mods.

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

And it's listed there under SATIRE

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dunno, I'd want my bodyguards a bit less tubby.
Bodyguard, or handler? ; ) Heh.

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting however, having Jesus with the crown of thorns being dragged on the ground (on the train of her dress)... what WAS her intention, I wonder? Was it to honor Jesus or drag him through the mud, so to speak? I can't assume it was because of her love for Jesus. I don't know anything about the actress, perhaps she is a believer who is very public about her faith.

kaizen777 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Where's the sauce for this? It's just someone on twitter saying this happened. A web search yields some stuff from 2021. Did this just happen today? No sauce, it didn't happen.

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is a very important distinction to note that weather modification IS real and also widely accepted science. This is not the same weather modification you are referring to. Pedes need to understand that the term "weather modification" does not inherently refer to any conspiracy.

Asking ChatGPT the different types of weather modification:

"Weather modification involves various techniques to alter or control the weather, usually to increase precipitation, suppress hail, or reduce fog. Here are the main types:

Cloud Seeding:

Silver Iodide Seeding: Uses silver iodide particles to encourage cloud formation and precipitation. Salt Seeding: Uses salt particles to enhance rainfall. Dry Ice Seeding: Uses solid carbon dioxide to induce ice crystals in clouds, promoting precipitation. Fog Dispersal:

Heating: Using heat to evaporate fog. Seeding with Dry Ice: Dispersing dry ice into fog to promote droplet formation and evaporation. Using Chemicals: Applying chemicals like calcium chloride to absorb moisture and clear fog. Hail Suppression:

Silver Iodide Seeding: Similar to cloud seeding but aimed at reducing hailstone size to prevent damage. Explosive Techniques: Using rockets or artillery to disrupt hail formation. Hurricane and Storm Modification:

Cloud Seeding: Attempts to weaken tropical storms and hurricanes by seeding clouds in their structure. Ocean Cooling: Ideas involving the cooling of ocean surfaces to reduce the energy supply to hurricanes. Rain Enhancement:

Cloud Seeding: As mentioned, using various seeding agents to increase precipitation in drought-prone areas. Snowpack Augmentation:

Winter Cloud Seeding: Increasing snowpack in mountainous regions to enhance water supply. Lightning Suppression:

Ground-Based Generators: Releasing chemicals to reduce the frequency of lightning strikes during storms. These techniques are used worldwide for various purposes, including agriculture, water management, and disaster prevention."

kaizen777 3 points ago +3 / -0

They have been seeping into CA for years and years. Gov Jerry Brown was like "Come on over!". We give them driver licenses for crying out loud. Illegal crossing is one thing, but do we have a clue how many people come on a tourist visa and never leave??? I bet that number is staggering! Sure that happens all over the USA, but I'm sure more of it happens in CA.

kaizen777 2 points ago +4 / -2

Except he doesn't say that. He says he believes Trump will abuse his power to target his enemies.
Yes, we know his enemies are traitorous criminals. But he doesn't say what the poster said he said. I do wish people wouldn't be so clickbaity, goodness.

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ya, this video is practically CLICKBAIT. Nothing in this video exposes Jeff Bezos. So there's some algorithm that Amazon has where if you sell your product for a lower price outside of Amazon, they will hide the add to cart / buy now button on your listing. (Allegedly)

Amazon is a mega-company, Bezos doesn't call all the shots, especially not now. The guy being interviewed says "Amazon is a good company, great people, with some bad policies."

Sorry but this thing is clickbait. The actual content is WAY softer than the title and the thumbnail.

I'm not saying Amazon is perfect by any stretch. Just saying this is clickbait, which I don't appreciate.

I'm gonna go shop on Amazon now. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

For much of what is sold at the dollar stores (now 1.25+ in my area), you get what you pay for. It might look the same, but in many cases it ain't the same. Another thing stocked at dollar stores are liquated products that failed at retail, they were bought up on the cheap. In any case, it is a bunch of inferior stuff. Sure, much of it useable, but not necessarily durable or long lasting. You get what you pay for at those stores. The quality isn't there for much of the product. Corners are cut wherever possible. The other trick is portion size. Many products and consumables are only cheaper there because you get MUCH less of it in the package.

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

These documents appear to be a research paper and nothing more. It's not like this is a CIA endorsement. People sure love to take things out of context!

Upon quick glance, the documents appears to be centered around the Monroe Institute Gateway Experience


"The Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences (TMI) is an education center that focuses on the study of human consciousness. TMI offers experiential programs that help people explore their consciousness. The institute was founded in 1971 by Robert Monroe, who had experienced out-of-body experiences after being lulled to sleep by acoustic vibrations in a plane or car. TMI claims to have no bias or dogma regarding religion, belief system, political, or social stance."

Robert A. Monroe is well-known for his out-of-body experience books (a.k.a. Astral Projection) starting in the 1950s with "Journeys Out of the Body".

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Neuralink is never going to amount to anything significant. To date, a guy can control his computer mouse with his thoughts. There exists devices you can wear that can do the same thing, no brain implant necessary!

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

I bet he did hours of prep for that! At least he isn't lying by saying "no".

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

He isn't really running against anyone, he is running FOR AMERICA! =D God Bless the USA!

kaizen777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very interesting perspective, I'd never thought about the negative potential aspects of such tech!

kaizen777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just enforce the laws. It's a crime to overstay your visa. It's a crime to enter illegally, etc. It's also a crime to use fake or stolen identification.
Treat them with the same repercussions ordinary citizens would get and they will self-deport! We know where they live. Let them know the evidence of the crimes they have committed we have, and let them know how long they have to flee before they are arrested and tried (and then deported).

You can't imagine the sheer numbers of them that have fake or stolen SSNs but file taxes with an ITIN, but report W2 income with the SSN. They are filing not to get a refund - they have ZERO withholding. They are getting $$$ back, frequently claiming many dependents who don't even live in the USA.
ITINs are issued to people who are not eligible for a SSN in order for them to file and pay taxes. We have a number for them, which is hilarious. It's illegal to be here but hey, since your here... pay some taxes! (Which of course is NOT what they do!)

Stolen SSN, fake IDs, etc... all crimes a citizen would do hard time for.

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