monkeycat2010 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wouldn't be so sure on the appeal.

The entire appeals court judges are black women.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +3 / -1

I am all for the HIV/AIDS vaccine as long as it is only given to people who are at risk or already have it.

monkeycat2010 6 points ago +6 / -0

I bet it is really hard for him to reach over his shoulder and pat himself on the back for being so generous.

Virtue signaling idiots.

monkeycat2010 4 points ago +4 / -0

So if you want to make a bunch of people angry at the establishment, do a power outage in Texas.

Obama forced Texas to shutter several of its power plants in the name of climate change, which is why ERCOT is and has been strained.

Any outages we experience in Texas are the DIRECT result of Obama/Biden and the Climate Change HOAX

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. I watched the video of him being transited shortly after it was posted and seemed a little sus to me. Why was he all gray and moving? His legs, pants, and shoes looked unburned too. Watched him move his lower arms and hands while they were pulling him across the courtyard. Sorry I don't buy it for a minute.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

If that is so, then white men take back all the advances in everything and give them back their squat shitting, left hand wiping ass, right hand washing face lives and go create a utopia without them.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

The same for the word "Racism".

It is just a word they use to intimidate and shut down people, but it really means you are a person who is against destroying civilization.

monkeycat2010 3 points ago +3 / -0

My thoughts exactly, what kind of people come up with something like this defense?

Back in the day, it was hard to distinguish between good and bad people. They used the ruse "there are good and bad" in everyone to normalize the bad things people did. I am convinced this was just another ruse to shield that there really are good and bad people. Criminals are obvious but there is a whole population of people who lack any moral compass and they prey upon the good in varying degrees.

Now a days it is becoming very easy to spot those people as they start to stand out in pursuit of destroying freedom and goodness.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can you say, "some migrants will get debit cards, while the rest will go to line the pockets of the minority owned business"?

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

OMG! I just said this in another post.

I am not the one for legislating everything, but I would support a law that required politicians who vote for war, to go with the troops. Not just as a bystander in a cushy hotel somewhere safe, but right up there with the guys that are fighting.

If you have the NERVE to send other people's children to die, then you better pack your bags, cause you are going with them.

I am sick of other innocent people paying the price for some banker's war that politicians arrange.

You want to make money off of war, then by God, you are going to be right there with them.

Let see how long you vote for war and your banker friends.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

What I find confounding is why blacks spend so much time chasing what white people do, think or say.


Blacks have a history and heritage of their own, that they ignore fully. I don't mean they built the pyramids, because DNA has proven that is not true, but much more history. They do nothing about to lift up. They don't make movies about their history, they just take white movies and remake them in their image.

Blacks would be so much better off if they accepted who they are in the structure of the world and lauded their heritage for what it is. That they were the first peoples, they built pyramids in Kush, they created chapels out of the ground, etc.

Instead they spend their waking moments chasing what whites are doing and hate them for it.

monkeycat2010 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love Dr Glen Lowry. I watch his YT podcasts.

monkeycat2010 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is a new low.

How childish can some people be? Are we to expect these are grown adults creating this kind of content? Unbelievable.

Trump smells. That is their message. Don't vote for Trump because he smells.

Outrageously stupid.

monkeycat2010 4 points ago +4 / -0

They should be.

They are going to be the people who suffer from the open border. All those people represent more competition for the jobs, housing, benefits, et al that Mexicans rely on.

Instead of 5 illegals standing at Home Depot waiting for day work, there will be 15. In all aspects of current low-skilled, non-English speaking, options there will be untold amount of competition.

If I were a low skilled, non-English speaking Mexican living in this country right now, I would be scared.

monkeycat2010 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you for the post. I have long thought the story of how we began and the different groups just did not make sense.

monkeycat2010 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you for the post. You are right, that information is disappointing.

monkeycat2010 1 point ago +1 / -0

What better way to bring to heal the American government.

They knew what they were doing.

Shame no one was paying attention or had any backbone about it.

monkeycat2010 3 points ago +3 / -0

This sounds like a great plan. Flash mob "Illegal US Citizens". I would be interested in seeing if it could be done.

You don't have to give them your real name, you don't have to give them any documentation, just mumble you are persecuted for your beliefs in your home country (since it likely IS TRUE), and you will win a plane ticket and $5000k. if you don't have fingerprints on file anywhere (no justice system involvement) you likely could pull this off.

Even better, hold a press conference, invite every media outlet and expose the whole thing.

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