platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Catholic church was taken over by the jesuit/masons. The original church was Catholic and Jesus and the resurrected saints were central. They were royalty sent out across the world to rule and reign. They built the cathedrals and churches and train stations etc...... what we see today are a bunch of usurpers, but the buildings are a part of our current heritage.

platinumbubble 0 points ago +2 / -2

I am now of the opinion that Jesus already returned in 70AD and ruled with the resurrected saints for 1000 years. Satan was bound for the 1000 years and then loosed for a little while to deceive the nations (Rev 20). We are now in that lil season. The church fell for the lies of history. Q said this is bigger than we can imagine. Above and Beyond. Ascension. Biblical.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

I felt there was something to do with iron in covfefe, among the deep layers of meaning, maybe a warning or info from 45 to those who might have ears to hear... some good doctors/scientists? There was one early on in 2020 who said that people in his hospital admitted due to covid (yes I know that's questionable) were testing high on ferritin levels. He didn't know the causative relationship only that there appeared to be a correlation. I know someone diagnosed with Haemochromatosis (iron overload), I said to him - you do not want to get 'covid' (whatever it was) with your high iron levels, you could suffer a lot. He was fine the whole of 2020 but went ahead and got the jab in 2021, immediately became very ill, diagnosed with covid, in bed for weeks believed he had caught it at the jab center as he hadn't been near anyone apart from then :-/ He also bled out of one nostril each morning for more than a month after taking the swab test. Still went ahead and got more jabs, no symptoms second or third time. So much we don't yet understand...

platinumbubble 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'm all in for no. 5. I have lots of thoughts, but will just add, the Millennial of the reign may be over but His Kingdom is not, we just don't know where it is. Also Satan was not loosed to have power over the known world, it's a season of deception. All he had to do was create enough chaos and confusion and misery so that people forgot who they were and what had happened. Having seen the covid debacle, it's not that difficult to see how masses of people can be deceived.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for sharing. You sound an amazing wife - “The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” ’ <3 <3 <3

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes they do plenty of background checks, just only on conservatives, pro-life and conspiracy theorists. We need the boomerang.

platinumbubble 2 points ago +4 / -2

There is much speculation on whether the modern state of Israel is the same geographical location as the Israel in scripture. I don't believe it is, I now think it was a Rothschild concoction to gain control over the focus of the West in terms of geo-political power plays, war narrative and political influence. The truth is we don't know exactly where the real Israel was, there are numerous theories and until our true history is revealed by the WHs, we will continue to speculate and some will hopefully explore IRL. It could even be that America contains what was called the promised land. So 'saving' for 'last' (which probably has layers and yes may also contain gematria) feels unknowable at the moment. Having gone down the 'Tartaria' rabbit hole, I now think that Jesus has already returned and established His Kingdom. Satan was bound for 1000 years and there was a glorious, golden millennial reign. On Satan's release for a little season of deception (Revelation ch. 20) a great delusion was perpetuated which we have been living under ever since. Jacob Rothschild not only knew this, but was a big part of the deception. I think it's the thing revealed at 33 degrees (or maybe 30?) It's a huge topic with many issues and discrepancies across historical narratives, our timeline as well as church teaching and biblical eschatology. I'm hopeful we will finally get to the truth in the next few years and if true it will along with all the other aspects of the GA, change all our lives irrevocably.

platinumbubble 10 points ago +10 / -0

So hard for you. I pray for your peace and comfort and for full healing for your dear Mother.

platinumbubble 3 points ago +3 / -0

They can't print Bitcoin. Only de-centralized, finite quantity digital currency and doesn't require a bank. Think about it. Research it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcjFrIMw2sI

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

People did research. With their eyes, and so they believe Swift was born a boy. Could be wrong. Awful thing to be accused of if it's not true, but photos and videos of Swift appear to show a significant number of male traits.

platinumbubble 4 points ago +4 / -0

He didn't mention sin or repentance, only life, healing and love and being called to righteousness. They are important obvs but unless people spell out turning away from sin, the atonement, surrendering everything to Jesus, they appear to sit in liberal christianity.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everyone who contributes funds for such nefarious activities should be prosecuted for treason. Funding court cases is more tricky as people have a right to challenge elections but I guess it will hang on whether there is evidence that they know 45 has won and they still fund court cases.

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the 'crash' occurs this year and it feels like there isn't so much time left, Biden may be dropped afterwards (or during) so that the Dems can get their 'fresh' person in (probs Michael) who won't shoulder the blame as he wasn't involved in govt :-s In their minds they may be keeping him in situ as long as possible so he is blamed for the problems (and 45 does blame him firmly now too). Another possibility is that the Dems steal the election again, but the populace realize what's happened this time. The media will likely be trapped in a horrible (for them) cognitive dissonance. Biden could refuse to leave the WH in Jan 2025 and the crash could happen during that period of chaotic election court cases between Nov 24 and Jan/Feb 25. It would feel like no-one is running things to a lot of normies and would give more time for this part of the reset/awakening. It would also give more time for the Taiwan 'war'. The downside of that option is that 45 won't benefit in terms of votes from a crash prior the election, but that may have been factored in and not be so relevant. He needs to max out votes for the sake of unity, but when you look at the type of people who even now would still vote for Biden, they seem irrelevant to our future now.

platinumbubble 6 points ago +7 / -1

Yes and was the old world/tartaria actually the millenial reign of Christ for 1000 years. That would mean we are really living in Satan's lil season (Revelation 20). Is Christ really still reigning somewhere? North pole? Siberia? Other lands beyond Antarctica?

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where is Israel? Where really?

platinumbubble 1 point ago +1 / -0

So it would not be good to be taking it if you also get some c19 arm juice? Shame.

platinumbubble 8 points ago +8 / -0

They could try to keep 45 out of the WH in January 2025. They could stop the counts again or simply pretend they won even though it's clear to ordinary people that 45 won. This is a possibility we should consider. It would be a key awakening moment for normies and a key final showdown between 45 and the cabal.

platinumbubble 9 points ago +9 / -0

Two thoughts: 1. Operation Warpspeed is still not understood by many people. Until they understand what it actually was, many will continue to blame 45. Some anons maintain that most of the Q-op will remain secret, but I can't see how it can be kept hidden if 45 is to be fully regarded as the true hero he is. 2. It was like watching a long, slow, painful car crash watching Dr Campbell wake up to it all. He maintained the official narrative for two years or more. Maybe he's a psyop, but he is a pretty convincing normie waking up and he says he took the jab himself. I know he would probs have been banned from YT if he had awakened earlier, but many have loved ones who were influenced by him and nothing we could say at the time would reduce Campbell's influence.

platinumbubble 2 points ago +2 / -0

It never stops being so appalling that someone does this while turning a blind eye to Biden and pals.

platinumbubble 6 points ago +7 / -1

So the lists floating around, they are fake? Or have they just never been confirmed?

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