seadevil110 1 point ago +1 / -0

Check the khazars. They aren't interested in resources, keep that in mind. They are interested in the elimination of whites, primarily. The US destruction was begun in 1812, with the razing of DC. At that point, the constitution was "burned"; it was replaced with one word changed: "of" became "for" in the preamble. In 1811, the original 13th was ratified, the final being Virginia. The messenger was on his way to DC when the Brits attacked DC and razed it. The 13th was omitted. As early as 1848, Lincoln became aware of the bolshevik problems in Russia. He then became aware of the Rothschild plan to divide the US. The south was to secede; this would make both north and south vulnerable. The south was to become a 'territory' of France (controlled by Roths), the north ceded to Canada, controlled by Brits. Lincoln stopped that. Consequently, after the assassination, the 1871 act was passed, dissolving the govt of the republic and replacing it with USA Inc. T Roosevelt sealed the deal. The fed was installed, along with the BOI Teddy started, and the ADL and IRS (initial stages).
The Spanish American war was staged to illustrate to the army that its weapons were outmoded: rolling block single shot vs Mauser M95. Army developed the 1903 Springfield, patterned after the M95. Preparatory: the function of WWI was to eliminate as many whites as possible, millions, then turn the tide by introducing Americans into the war in 1917. Also, this drew attention away from the Rockefellers financing the bolshevik revolution. The other function of WWI was to break up the Austro-Hungarian empire, along with destroying Germany as a military power. The purpose is simple: with those two out of the way, Russia was unmatched. The bolshevik could then, after building a formidable military, cruise over Europe almost unopposed. That was the plan: a communist Europe. Adolf was almost certainly supported by the remnants of the Astor group. Otherwise, he and his crew of national socialists didn't have the resources: their demands were empty of force. The Astor group I view as the beginning of Q, but that's uncertain. Regardless, Adolf obtained the resources, money, intel, backing of other sorts, enough to gain power. Once that was established, the nat soc movement could rebuild German military power enough to thwart the Stalin plan to overrun Europe. That was accomplished in Operation Barbarossa. This is not speculation: it is supported by KGB records, German records, and actual pictorial evidence. The Russian machine was taken by surprise in 1941: that could not have been done without intel, since the bolsheviks were masters of deceit. Barbarossa was enough to stop the bolshevik plans. FDR knew that Germany would be a problem to the bolshevik, and engineered the Pearl attack. This sort of fooled Adolf et al, but no one really understood that the US was capable of the type of mass production. Anyway, the Pearl got us into WWII, with the eye towards destroying Germany. Adolf's mission was accomplished during Barbarossa, and his people were evacuated, including many of my own blood relatives (found out about them in the last decade: we were lied to also). In short, the bolshevik (Khazar, jew, whatever) aim is world control, with white exterminated. This might well get me banned. We'll see.

seadevil110 6 points ago +6 / -0

Very refreshing for me to read these comments. Since childhood (long, long ago), I've had questions. More recently, I've discovered interesting things about the German side of my family. We were all told there was only one "Nazi"; some years back, a relative still in Germany (probably gone by now, since he was brainwashed into the jab) started a family page on fake book. Membership required blood relationship. What appeared were dozens of blood relatives living in South America, with both German and Spanish/Portuguese names. The "history" was a lie: those people came to S.A. with Adolf's crew.

As to the other history, one can trace the interference in both the US and Germany (EU), and in Russia, back to 1812. There is a lineage of what "they" planned and accomplished. It is almost mandatory that everyone understand what "they" did, and why. Also, who did it, and the relationships between the power players and the puppeteers.

Good luck. It IS all out there to find.

seadevil110 4 points ago +4 / -0

The intention was that Trump lose 2020. The function was to expose, which it did. Note that all of the cases brought were essentially dismissed.

Now, the obvious is becoming, or has become, general acceptance of the fakery. That part of the plan worked to perfection.

seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. What I'm saying is that the common version of physics is not correct: it is, effectively, a conglomeration of BS theories, built to confuse everyone. If QM were viable, there would be no need to continuously develop new explanations, particles and the like to "prove" such crap as the big bang, red shift, and so on. There would be no need to invent "virtual particles (photons)" when the BS math used demands those particles, and have them disappear when not required. Get the picture?

If you study the Teachings, with open mind and some knowledge of other philosophies, you will find such things as, "That which I have done, you can do, and more." indicating that Jesus was able to alter his reality, along with those around him. This is borne out in numerous other philosophies - you, in the final analysis, are in control of yourself. In one philosophy, all human possible realities exist at once, and you position yourself in one of those. In that particular case, it is possible to visit other 'accumulations of possibilities' that constitute other realities. Have you ever had a dream that was 'real'? The mentioned philosophy developed that in order to experience different sets.

These things have nothing to do with any organized religion. Most, aside from the standard religious beliefs, are experiential: they can only be proved to the individual who practices them. Neither do they deny God: in fact, they confirm, and practice of some of these will find you without doubt God exists.

Everything exists all at once, past, present, future, along with all possible "realities", which are 'dreams' of sorts.

seadevil110 5 points ago +5 / -0

Why is no time difficult? Time is merely a reference invented by humans. It does not exist as a dimension, only a reference.

A big problem for "scientists" is the lack of an open mind: they cannot conceive of anything endless, as in infinite. Therefore, they must invent beginnings/endings, such as the big bang. But if you really think about it, that theory is hilarious.

It also makes it difficult for scientists, and others, to conceive of God, since He is also endless and infinite. All religions aside, if you believe in God, the above must be true.

Think of another aspect: light. The claim is light is a particle and a wave. Conceptually, that can't be: a particle (photon) is a particle, a wave is a wave. The experiments indicate both, but the two are vastly different, since a wave consists of compressions and rarefactions, and it must have a medium through which to travel. Particles can't move along wobbling without external influence, and a particle can't change itself into a wave at will. If light is a wave, then the concept of spacial vacuum is bullshit. If light is a particle, then the wave theory of light is bullshit. Take your pick. I think Tesla was right; so does QM, if you dig far enough down that dopey junk.

seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

The dipping sonar back when I was ASW was the AQS-13. A good operator could hear everything down there. Also, there are layers of warmer/colder waters; getting into a layer was easy, if the cable was long enough. Biggest problem was the helo noise, but the Navy developed a helmet that just about got rid of that: couldn't hear anything outside that headgear.

Operator could almost hear a couple crabs "duking it out on the floor". It was pretty easy to tell a sub class from the screw noise, and that's almost impossible to get rid of for a sub. They can be quiet, but not all quiet. Our max range was 20,000 yards, 360 degrees. A ping was 189 degrees, alternating between halves. I picked up a nuke, US, at the end of an exercise, over in Hawaii, at about 20k, tracked him all the way across (40k yards); that nuke boat was clocking in at around 54 kt under water. He was gone in a fairly short time, considering.

Aside from that, the mil does NOT divulge capabilities in any way other than the obvious. For instance, our helo was claimed to have a top end of 166 kt top airspeed. In the Nam, on a rescue up north, I was in one going 210 kt, just below tip stall. That's 199 mph vs 252 mph, roughly. They also hide operations and change history.

But that 'stealth sub' is a joke.

seadevil110 3 points ago +3 / -0

Having been one of those ASW types, I'd love to see something like that at sea. We'd have had that sucker instantly. It would never survive. You can see quite a ways down under in clear ocean waters. End of story.

Besides the fakery, how many here really know the capabilities of current subs, or even the capabilities they had back in the 60s, when I was Navy? Guaranteed, precious few know; also guaranteed, USN didn't stop developing. Neither did Russia.

seadevil110 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's like those "new" Navy stealth fighters that made the rounds a few years ago. Taken directly from the movie "Stealth". Those things wouldn't make it into the air, with all the crud mistakes.

seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

So far, Russia has listed only one Abrams. It was apparently stripped of all the good stuff. On display at the Moscow "Trophies" event.

Incidentally, all that mil stuff bidan et al "sent" seems to have disappeared; pentagon and the rest of that crew stated long ago that "the shipments can't be traced past ports." I surmise that was part of the movie; I doubt that the CiC would allow it. Remember, bidan and pelosi both stated, when asked when the US would send troops to Ukr, "We aren't allowed to send troops."

seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

In a nutshell, that is the problem. Even with all the crap going on, they sit in their comfy little chairs and scratch their behinds.

seadevil110 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is a rant I can agree with, wholeheartedly. Thank you.

seadevil110 1 point ago +1 / -0

I tend to differ slightly in the origin: I believe, from history, that the actual beginning of Q (not by that name: that's much more recent) was after the sinking of "Titanic", when Astor and others were eliminated as cabal opposition. Those who remained knew they couldn't defeat the cabal then, and it would take time and organization. Since then, when they were able, they threw wrenches into the gears of the cabal, such as Adolf and Operation Barbarossa to stop Stalin's military from subjugating all of Europe.

I doubt Trump knows of all the resources available to him. He obviously doesn't know the intricacies of what SpecOps does, nor of their capabilities. Few people do, outside those groups. Trump has a general idea, but there are things hidden from everyone except those involved. It has to be that way. Q stated that there are technologies not available to the public: some of those aren't available to the CiC either, at least not until "conspiracy theorists" and such make their discoveries. It is unfortunate, in a way, that the military can so effectively hide their stuff, but I guarantee they can. That is something I have personally experienced, during and after Vietnam.

Trump is somber because he knows that much of the collateral damage is necessary; he also knows, to some extent, what the cocksuckers (forgive, please, it's just my emotional side coming out) have done to humanity. I know also how that is: there was a time in my life I was known as "Old Stoneface", because it's damned hard to ignore that which one has seen and experienced.

seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

The military has more "patriots" than the general public, percentage wise. Mil are also inclined to follow orders, and when mil men see shit like what happened in the NYC tunnels, DC tunnels, and the tunnels out west in CA, there is a hardening of will among military men. Once that occurs, the word spreads inside, and almost all become without mercy towards the enemy. I've experienced exactly that.

So be it: if Trump et al give an order to 'invade' a place or 'acquire' a person, it will be done, one way or another, and it doesn't really matter if that place or person is heavily guarded. Each of the 'alliance' militaries is extremely competent; each knows what and who their enemies are. Each has terrible weaponry. All of these have been in evidence for years.

"Let us do the heavy lifting." was the Q statement. The people are too disorganized and splintered to do that. However, my contention is that in the local sense, we must be the active forces. Otherwise, it will take decades, if not centuries, to clean the house.

seadevil110 1 point ago +1 / -0

That which has been visited on children is very powerful, as uniting people goes.

seadevil110 6 points ago +6 / -0

If we're talking elections, you're correct. I'm not. One could say that the perpetrators of this mess, since they're responsible for billions of deaths over the centuries/milennia, what difference will a few hundreds of millions more make? If the white hats are in a position to stop it, why don't they? I surmise because the 'locals', including those on this board, are not yet compelled to do their physical job, beyond the spread of information.
What people miss is that this 'information war', by itself, can't possibly overcome a large scale military/police state. Anyone thinking that it can is seriously misled. You have a perfect example of a small segment of those same perps destroying millions of white Russians from 1917 on, and the combined mil/police under their control decimating Germany in two wars. The only occasions those people were stopped were societies wherein they were not allowed to practice their peculiar forms of control. This time, their control was relatively worldwide. Information, bluntly, will not stop the cops from breaking down your door. Only you, and your 'brethren in arms' can do that. And only you, by realizing and acting on local morally bankrupt politicians/bureaucrats, can end your own problems in your area. Not saying 'go out and hang 'em', I'm saying take these people to task and make them either leave or do the job right. It's not hard, if enough determined people are willing. In my county, we are in a fight to stop the corrupt 'administration', and we will in time. "They" have begun to realize we won't ignore it, nor will we stop the attack on their corruption. You all have to do likewise. That is what Q called for, when the call to rise up came. Few followed it, yet he/they did it no less than four times. Maybe it's because we are older, backwoods people that are considered hicks, trailer trash or whatever, but damned if we'll stop until all of them are in jail.

seadevil110 17 points ago +17 / -0

Q isn't merely a psych operation. It is also intensely military; it also has the allies of Russia and China, primarily. If you can't see the physical changes that have occurred (dramatically) since 2017, well, not much I can say. Keep in mind that the current 'state of the military' is also a psyop. As to changing opinions/bringing people together, take a look at c19. If people were watching and learning, which apparently did not happen, the conclusion would have to be c19 doesn't actually exist except conceptually, since there are ZERO samples, but large numbers of theories as to origin. Also, the numbers related to c19 vs other ailments are not possible, naturally or statistically. 38 million cases of flu etc do NOT simply disappear, to be replaced by c19. As has been stated by many, 'the vaccine was not created for c19; c19 was created for the vaccine.' At the same time, everyone keeps pushing c19, even with the massive evidence it doesn't exist, and was nothing more than a psyop for the vax. That implies that few actually learned from the experience. And, there are still many who insist on the vax, which, indicated by physical evidence, is nothing more than a population elimination operation. You might also note that the object of the vax push complies with Kalergi's replacement concept, since the main thrust of the vax is the white population. Worldwide trauma? After the BS with c19, how much of a trauma is it going to require? People aren't getting together, outside small groups of common sense backwoods types and gardeners/farmers/ranchers of the small types. The numbers of those who are actually prepared aren't large (outside those who are and have been survivors for their whole lives). What does it take to convince the imbeciles that comprise the city populations, except in small numbers? If Q is trying, as he/they claim, to protect the population, the collateral damage is huge already, and is climbing. In a real sense, I do understand this, being familiar with the military mind. Unfortunately, the harm isn't just to the useless ones: it is also harming those who are productive and do apply intelligence and common sense. In that respect, the operation is very disappointing. Yes, I realize that uprooting something that has been imbedded for milennia is difficult. Yes, to keep public opinion in the right place while that's being done is extremely difficult. Perhaps it should have been done as a full-fledged worldwide military operation once the nwo had its ass handed to it. But it wasn't. Perhaps the results could have, or would have, made it so obvious no one could deny it.

Personally, I'm looking at some bad times ahead. And I suspect those times will dwarf what we've already seen. Maybe it WILL be biblical.

seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

IMO it's doubtful that they want a level playing field. Historically, their 'philosophy' is to simply take, not produce. According to the rabbis and such, they fully realize that they cannot compete either intellectually or militarily with whites without white aid. They fear the capabilities of both brown and white races, along with the Eastern yellow races. It appears they have a deep fear of American Indians also (probably based on Amerindian spirituality: just a wild guess).

I propose that is why they deeply desire the removal of 95% of the world population. Their experiment in Russia was partially successful (subjugation), but not wholly: white Russians found ways to retain at least some freedom, even if it was through Russian mafia and the like. It is that ability that the kaz fear most. And, being realistic, most 'jews' are more closely related to the kaz than Hebrews, to the tune of 97.5%, according to the genetic surveys printed.

seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry about the misunderstanding. Most seem to want the elimination altogether. Their SOP is to subvert business, economies, and politicians. It would require both restraint on the politicians' part and legal consequences for them if they succumb.

That council did modify and omit 'books', and probably wrote some of their own.

seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

Difficult questions. Basing opinion on world situations and what has been happening, I suspect the jews were planning on Ukraine as theirs; however, since there is no chance of Ukr/EU being victorious, that plan was abandoned (jews were being transplanted to Ukr, but that stopped). The alternate plan appears to be "Greater Israel", which requires much of the middle east to be depopulated and replaced with jews. I doubt seriously Putin/Xi/Trump will allow that to happen. As to the Gaza thing, there is so much hooey coming from that direction, it's hard to find good sources, and I have to refrain from making commentary on that. Such things as the 'missile attack' on Israel used pictures from the Texas fires as "proof". And, when Ukr was hot and heavy, Israeli news pictured a "downed Russian aircraft", direct from a Star Wars movie, complete with Storm Troopers on guard. Can't believe anything from there.

Removal? Not humanly possible. Further, throughout history it has been abundantly proved that moral standards are at best, temporary, and many can be easily subverted to 'evil' ways, or easily blackmailed to those ways. One could go in a sort of religious sense, and make the claim that when the time comes, for those who understand who/what they are, this world disappears, and they 'rejoin' with God. The others would get to spend their eternity here, this world being the biblical description of hell; you know, 'weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth' type thing. But to eliminate the evil is something humans simply cannot do. You want the anti-Christ? Look to Khazars.

seadevil110 2 points ago +2 / -0

Major war: never been possible since nukes. "They" need slaves. Minor nuke altercations, maybe, but minimal. WWIII? Only as a bulldozer to push people into thinking again, and/or cover the removal of a lot more globalist crud. Perhaps to destroy the kaz 'nations' too, as Putin did in Khazakstan.

Economics: I'm uncertain about this NESARA thing, although Putin did say GESARA when he backed the ruble with gold. I believe he said, "This is GESARA." The pad, safety net, or whatever is most likely BRICS, since membership requires gold backed currency, nationalism, and so on. Also, it's close to half the world pop now in it. Dollar can't be sustained, never could, since the fed. When I was a kid/teenager and into the Navy (1965), my home state was still under backed currency: silver certificates, gold certificates, real coinage. If I wanted the metal, I could go to the bank and trade a silver certificate for a silver dollar; likewise gold cert. When fed notes started to circulate, nobody wanted to take them. Also, national/international banks were against state law. Wasn't until late 60s the big banks got in there. Noteworthy: there was NO inflation from 1950 to 1965; a Mustang was $2400, '64 Plymouth Sport Fury II 383/4 on the floor hardtop, $2395. NESARA is supposed to reinstate real money and restore all monies stolen from us under the fraud. I hope that's true. Also, supposedly no savings lost etc.

Can't print money from thin air then charge interest for it. Has to collapse. From what I understand, the Treasury has quietly been building the real dollar supply since Trump stopped the fed franchise, 2017 (he didn't renew, and it still isn't renewed, which also makes the statement that congress/bidan are NOT in control).
All this 'cash' being sent to Ukr/israel is fake money, worthless; moreover, there is no accounting: no one really knows where it's going. On the other hand, one must note that the fed $ supply is constantly dwindling. Could it be that all this 'aid' is really a ploy to remove circulating $, getting ready for the switch to real money? Could be, I guess we have to wait and see.

Fed $ will definitely collapse: Putin has indicated it will, probably soon. His recent statement was the BRICS is ready and standing by to provide solid world currency.

There's a lot of speculation, but the above is pretty certain. Jew $ has never been solid: that's their history.

seadevil110 7 points ago +7 / -0

Remember that what you see the US mil doing is part of the movie. All is NOT as it seems. Might also remember that in the first weeks of Ukr, virtually every soldier sent by France, Germany, etc was relatively quickly removed, as in casualties, the helos and other aircraft were relatively quickly removed, along with armor and supply vehicles. Ukr never had a chance.
Neither will the EU, if it comes to that.

seadevil110 5 points ago +5 / -0

Problem is, Russia won't do that. Their tactics have altered completely since the fall of the USSR. Virtually every report from the Ukr indicates that Russia uses battalion sized units, with complete defensive capabilities, including AA, armor, missile capability etc. The pentagon meet at Ft Benning concluded that the US could stand against a head to head, but not against this more recent Russian tactic. Make mental note that Bn size implies ease and swiftness of motion: if a Bn is completely outclassed, it can move quickly to avoid more confrontation. Also, if reinforcements are needed, another Bn or more can be quickly brought in.

It is also fact that, equipped as they are, this Bn tactic does not suffer the supply problems a larger army does. To wit, artillery emplacements aren't necessary, since artillery is with the Bn. It's like a swift moving tiny army with all the bells and whistles.

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