ELLENBURG CENTER, NY (WRGB) — Police in northern New York are investigating an arson that destroyed the home of more than one million bees.

Police say on Wednesday night, sheds housing bees in Ellenburg Center-- that's just west of Plattsburgh -- were set on fire.

State police found kerosene or diesel oil when they arrived on the scene.

The owner, Stuart King, noticed the flames in enough time and managed to dump enough standing rainwater from nearby buckets to put out the fire on one shed.



Almighty God, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, how majestic is your name in all the earth. We thank you and praise you for your incredible creation. We thank and praise you for your perfect plan of salvation through Jesus our Lord and Savior, for your Holy Spirit our comforter and counselor, and for the Holy Bible which serves as our path to you and as our instruction manual.

We thank you for friends and family, Lord. We thank you for all of your provisions, Lord, our beautiful homes, the food we eat, the clothes we wear and money to pay our bills.

Lord, we ask you for the forgiveness of our sins. Help us to be more like Jesus, seeing others through His eyes and hearing others through His ears. Help us to resist the devil and draw near to you, so that you may draw near to us.

Lord, we come to you with heavy hearts and worrisome minds. Evil is so prevalent in this world and in our nation. This evil has pervaded our towns, our states, our schools, our government, our medical systems, and our nation, Lord. The moral decay of this nation is frightening, Lord. It seems nearer to us than it has ever been, drawing nearer to children. Help us and our families not to be overcome by evil, but to overcome evil with good as you tell us in Romans 12:21.

Lord, we pray for the salvation of all the lost. We pray that you would take the blinders off of those who prey on our children, so that they would see their evil ways and repent. We pray the same for our government representatives and leaders, for our teachers and school administrators, for all of those who do evil, Lord.

Father, we pray for the salvation of our children and grandchildren. Purify their hearts, O God. Teach them to love you with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength as you tell us in Mark 12:30.

We pray that hearts would be transformed for Jesus.

Please heal the sick, mend the broken hearted, and overcome evil with good, Lord.

We love you and praise you, and pray all these things in the name of our glorious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen


Old friend who knows I support Trump said this to me and caught me off guard. Is this something new or has it been around and I just haven't seen it because I don't have TV and stick to independent news. Same friend also said they might get rid of the brown people here. I don't know where they are getting their news...

Sleepy Joe (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by smiley-dog ago by smiley-dog