valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

Envision the astronaut meme

Astronaut 1: looking at Earth labeled as "Transgenderism is a mental illness" "Wait, so it's in their heads?"

Astronaut 2: pointing gun at Astronaut 1 "Always was."

valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very good point. Heck it may even make a lot of freeloaders who live off welfare leave as well. Off to Canada they go!

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

Michigan is now one of the top Muslim centers in America, followed by Minnesota. Thank Obammy for this one.

valley-lily 3 points ago +3 / -0

30 million AT LEAST. If they don't deport that number at minimum then they aren't doing a good job.

valley-lily 3 points ago +4 / -1

Latin chanting has nothing to do with demons, and in fact it repels them. Don't know where you get your info, but it's horribly incorrect.

God bless.

valley-lily 4 points ago +4 / -0

That solar storm created some amazing Northern Lights where I live. First time I've been able to catch them in person!

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember visiting France 13 years ago. Absolutely stunning and beautiful. Food was incredible. Art and architecture unparalleled. Full of French people speaking French! Except...there was a small undercurrent of immigrants in Paris, even back then. They were mostly harmless, selling cheap trinkets to tourists, but I remember wondering why there were so many non-Frenchies in France.

The only thing I'd want to see in France again is the Notre Dame Cathedral, especially once it is fully restored after that horrific fire 5 years ago, but seeing what France has become since then with the unstopping immigration is just too sad to bear witness. I would only go to see the Cathedral again if the migrants are sent back from whence they came. How likely is that to happen with Macron in charge?

valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

We do not pray to statues. Yes we have statues and stained glass windows of saints, but we do not pray to the statues as if they were the people themselves. Prayer is not worship, but the act of asking for something, called "intercession." If you'd like to know more, look up the 3 types of worship: Latria, true worship reserved for God alone. Dulia, honor given to saints but not worship. Hyperdulia, veneration given to Jesus' Holy Mother Mary, whom even Jesus would have honored as was His duty to follow the Commandments.

God bless.

valley-lily 2 points ago +3 / -1

Better yet is to get the cross blessed. Wearing blessed objects truly does cause demons to cower in fear and keep their distance from you. Also works with people who have demons inside them to keep their distance from you.

valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. We've had almost 11 million come in JUST during Biden's reign. My estimates are anywhere from 30 million to 50 million, which is an INSANE number when you remember that the US population is 333 million. It's a significant chunk of our total population.

valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly. Feels like "Summer of Love Riots" 2.0! They're really trying to rile things up like they did in 2020, but it definitely doesn't feel the same this time. The reason for rioting is way more nebulous than in 2020, and also people don't have such pent up rage and anger from being trapped inside for months on end. This just feels like only antifa agitators and paid-for rioters. Also, with this happening at insanely rich college campuses nobody has any sympathy for these losers.

valley-lily 3 points ago +3 / -0

Definitely there are insane people who even after watching that video still think it's okay to do. However it would show people that unborn babies are not "clumps of cells" or a "tumor" but do in fact look like humans because they are humans.

valley-lily 25 points ago +25 / -0

Even better (or more traumatic) is to show them ultrasound footage of a real abortion. I went to a Catholic high school and our junior year religion teacher did a whole lesson on abortion, what it is, what it does, etc. He showed us a documentary, called "The Silent Scream" I think (it can be found on YouTube), that showed real ultrasound footage of a 10 week old baby being ripped apart and sucked into a tube. I already knew that an abortion kills a baby but I never knew just how barbaric, cruel, and pure evil it is. You even see the baby move away from one of the first tools pushed into the womb, it knows exactly what pain is. And just like the title of the documentary, the baby opens its mouth in a silent scream, but it goes unanswered.

I went home that day in complete silence and felt like I had PTSD. I didn't speak a word when I got home and couldn't eat supper. And then my mind realized that that had happened to over 50 million babies (HUMANS) already at that time. I couldn't fathom how or why such a thing could be allowed.

valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everyday I marvel at the mercy and love God has for the human race to not destroy this world despite what these monsters have done to not just children but everyone on this earth.

valley-lily 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you fren. I do need prayers especially in this time, not just to find a good man, but for many other issues that have been stressing me out lately. Thank you so much for your consideration. I will add you to my prayers too.

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trust me I have been looking there. In fact, it's the only place I look, and even there many of the men have been weakened by the same things. Plus trying to find one who didn't take the vax is another obstacle to get past. All I can do is keep praying.

valley-lily 3 points ago +3 / -0

Also, the kind of men society breeds is dictated by what women want. Women wanted "soft" men, so they got whiny, emotional, weak men who laze about playing video games all day, drinking soy milk and eating sugar infested food, and they wonder why there are no more "good men" out there!

And as a woman myself trying desperately to look for a "good man" it's almost impossible because selfish, spoiled, feminist women have ruined it for the rest of us! Now it feels like I'll be alone forever thanks to other women wanting to "take over." Anyone else feel this way?

valley-lily 3 points ago +3 / -0

His wife said: "He had such a big heart!" Ah yes, clearly he died of having a "big heart." More like "big heart" cardiac issues. You reap what you sow. (Also this guy clearly looks like he hasn't exercised in the last 20 years so...there's that).

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

Notice the amount of security and cars he has in his entourage. Not even the "current president" has that many. Hmm, wonder why?

valley-lily 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice! I had to travel to a spot in the path of totality to see it, but boy am I glad I did! Once in a lifetime event, and I got over a hundred pictures of the whole event, from partial to total to partial again. Even some video! Truly breathtaking, but it's sad that my photos don't even capture the real beauty of the totality. There were so many colors bursting forth from behind the moon, from the sun's corona, that unfortunately my camera couldn't distinguish. Only incredibly expensive and sensitive cameras can pick up those details.

valley-lily 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's shameful they were serving ANY time at all! And leftist protestors bust into the Senate cafeteria while senators are eating and they don't even get told off!

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