yPree 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. This helps fight bacteria. At the end of the day, I have no idea what they’re injecting us with, however this particular one.. I personally wouldn’t worry too much about.

yPree 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dose my horse about anytime he starts feeling something coming on (think he had some type of stomach bug the other day), and within 6 hours (nap included). Fully refreshed. IVM is a blessing.

yPree 4 points ago +4 / -0

Interesting. Win needs a bookmark feature to bookmark threads that I want to remain active in.

yPree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure what to think of this yet. Msm was never on our side. They could’ve brought this up to cover for another story that was potentially going to leak? Or they’re setting us up to have Biden replaced. Time will tell.

yPree 4 points ago +4 / -0

I pray I’m wrong but based on how things been moving, I wouldn’t be surprised if I was spot on.

yPree 34 points ago +34 / -0

I love you folks here but, hear me out.

Something big is coming..

Not in a good way though..

The deep state has had enough, they’re going to transfer Biden from his position. They are tired of defending him. He’s sick. His dementia continues to worsen by the month. They are embarrassed, in-front of the entire world.

What are the chances of magically finding classified documents that would have been 6+ years old… from a house that wasn’t in his name at the time. (It was under his son Hunter’s name)

You guys are super intelligent. Something is going on.

January 20th marks the date in which any person can take over his position and it will not count as a term. If MSM is attacking Joe Biden, we have much bigger issues on our hands. This is nothing to celebrate.

I know you guys are critical thinkers! Let’s start figuring this out together!

yPree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Absolutely no way have they ever banned via ip or phone number. Being that phone numbers change, it would screw over a lot of people. I’m able to make unlimited accounts. I’m a mini cyber warfare when it comes to twitter.

yPree 1 point ago +1 / -0

You can use your phone number for multiple accounts. Not just one. I’ve been banned about 3-4? times now, but I always keep a good amount of alts.

yPree 9 points ago +9 / -0

I have like 20 alts.

yPree 1 point ago +1 / -0

These are insane. How many of these are actually likely to pass and take effect?

yPree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Andrew tate had a recent interview where he literally predicted this: https://twitter.com/kyleforgeard/status/1608599477388181504?s=46&t=I4c_UnZrQpRKl_W5G4QZtA This also wouldn’t be his first time that he was arrested. His first time, just so happened that he got swatted.. i’m no fan of the guy and personally thought he was corny but this news doesn’t seem right. Not saying he’s innocent or guilty. Hopefully some clarity in the coming days. More questions than answers.

yPree 5 points ago +6 / -1

Agreed. It seems to be their goto with men who speak more truth than they’re comfortable with. OP is likely going to hit me with “BuH hAvE YoU ReAd ThE aRtIcLe”, ok but Andrew tate had a recent interview where he literally predicted this: https://twitter.com/kyleforgeard/status/1608599477388181504?s=46&t=I4c_UnZrQpRKl_W5G4QZtA

This also wouldn’t be his first time that he was arrested. His first time, just so happened that he got swatted.. i’m no fan of the guy and personally thought he was corny but this news doesn’t seem right. Hopefully some clarity in the coming days. More questions than answers.

yPree 4 points ago +4 / -0

I remember most of y’all used to h8 musk. Good times. Glad y’all came around.

yPree 0 points ago +1 / -1

Interesting. Wasn’t this the drug donald trump claimed he was given in Florida? That he felt like Superman after?

yPree 3 points ago +3 / -0

The vaccine killed my grandparents, months apart. Both less than 1 year after receiving the vaccine. I couldn’t stop them, as they were being fined in Cyprus. It’s a shame what they put our people through and still ongoing. My mother already has Lyme disease so I knew the vaccine would only make her worse. Luckily in america we had a choice, even if that mean quitting your job. I did everything I could to keep the closest ones near me protected. We’re all still here. Only thing, my stomach hurts. But I also Havnt ate since like 8 hours ago. I could go for some Taco Bell.

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