PepeSee 6 points ago +6 / -0

"Just FYI, I will not be showing his paintings with nudity. These are all sick enough."


Edit - and they sure are.

PepeSee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Vigilant Citizen

Original Gangsta

Edit: For those unfamiliar with the site, be sure and check the archives (or order the e-book, well worth it - I need to still myself just to have it all) for all kinds of deep write-ups.

PepeSee 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think Pretzel Logic is probably their best cover, such as they are (as you say, basically junk/whatever). Well and Aja would be the one where they actually did match it to the material vs making a joke. So those two.

PepeSee 6 points ago +6 / -0

Relax. Ms Lass here is reading WAY too much into this. The cover was supposed to be an abstract arty (or something) band pic and they've commented on its general WTF as well as the fact there's 3 dudes then a couple sketches of same so it's not even finished.

PepeSee 3 points ago +3 / -0

I actually don't think they really were into anything like pedo shit or whatnot. In their liner notes (for the remasters) they complain about the groupies never making their way up to the actual people on whom the whole enterprise depends LOL. I disagree with the OP that this is anything bad, they are on record (har har) about their covers generally sucking, including this one.

PepeSee 4 points ago +4 / -0

LOL I would have thought this amazing back when I listened to AOR. I couldn't STAND them.

Now I realize they are one of the greatest music projects (not really a "band" per se other than the first couple of albums) that ever came, or probably ever will come for that matter, down the pike.

Different strokes and all that, but "off-key horsecrap" is objectively false.

PepeSee 1 point ago +1 / -0

He'd play a mean jizz mopper in a nudie booth

PepeSee 1 point ago +1 / -0

IDK what you don't like about Catbox, but I sometimes use this. I wonder if it's better or worse....


PepeSee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels.

PepeSee 1 point ago +2 / -1

It drives me nuts how many examples of "obvious chemtrails" are obviously contrails. People seem to have NO IDEA how many planes are up at any given time, nor any idea that guess what if you inject water vapor into a favorable environment, it condenses into fucking clouds that will linger just as if it was natural water vapor doing this. Oh and people have such selective memories about "this never happened as a kid" - bull shit, I've always been into this stuff so I knew what contrails were at a pretty early age, and believe me they were there.

Am I saying there is none of this stuff going on? No, same as you, I'm sure there are shenanigans and people trying shit and whatever. BUT, it seriously discredits any legit research/results in the area when people post "proof" that is anything but.

Note: I have stated my opinion on the matter and will not engage in further argument/discussion. I've seen and heard it all, done my own research, am continuing to monitor, etc. If you wish to argue, feel free, I'm sure someone will argue with you.

PepeSee 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wish we would use them correctly. The Left has set up the "Far Right" as a boogey man but what they define that as is fascism/Nazism - but that is false. Such is just as far-LEFT as hardcore communism - it's just different in the details. And the "difference of degree" argument fails too - "right" means capitalism/freedom/leave me alone - adding "far" to that to add "racist" etc is just bullshit. Far-right simply means "total liberty, please." Not collectivism which racism (to paraphrase Ayn Rand) is the lowest form of.

PepeSee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow, the pic with this caption - YUP. The tree lifted up and the apple rolled up under that motha

"Ravizza with his father Jason, who holds a Masters in Education and is a licensed mental health counselor in the state of Massachusetts "

PepeSee 3 points ago +3 / -0

He's clearly been paying attention for some time, that's for sure. Long-time Trump voter not just now. Rattled off plenty of specifics like the early-morning vote flips etc.

PepeSee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Admitting being a nurse is either foolish or big balled or both considering their license is a prime attack vector (I just read "What the Nurses Saw" which goes into a couple of their stories around this in detail, among much else of course. Highly recommended.)

PepeSee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually, yes. And from the NYT no less - I mean the dude kept qualifying it (possibly inaccurately/unnecessarily but courteous benefit of the doubt) "not you" etc.

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