Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

When I changed my diet, I gave up grains. I do still make certain kinds of breads (such as Brazilian cheese bread made from tapioca flour), and I am certain that the lack of grains has helped with my cholesterol going down. My high cholesterol was due to kidney problems, and grains are hard on the kidneys as they are high in toxins.

Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is very important information. Thank you for pointing it out.

For those unaware, instant coffee 100% guaranteed to have mold (they use the gross beans that can't be sold to make instant).

Low end coffees tend to let moldy beans slip through because they aren't looking at the beans too closely.

The coffees that you'll have the best success with evading mold are coffees roasted in small batches by people who care enough to pick out any moldy beans they may notice.

Christine_grab 3 points ago +3 / -0

Several holistic healing books that I read recommend enemas (when you don't poop on your own) to ensure that disease-causing toxins are properly removed from the body and not reabsorbed by the colon.

You are entitled to think what you want about aiding your body in eliminating toxins. Sounds like your fasting was for weight and not for disease, so it is possible that your experience would be different from someone with a chronic disease.

Christine_grab 31 points ago +31 / -0

So many things to unpack here.

  1. There is ZERO evidence that eating food high in cholesterol makes your cholesterol go up. Someone made that up. If your body is working properly, you simply poop the cholesterol out. The foods that the American Medical Association tells us not to eat because "cholesterol" are nutritionally dense and easy to digest. The foods the AMA encourages us to eat are less nutritious and high in toxins (making them hard to digest) that can actually cause body damage. My cholesterol went DOWN by a LOT when I switched from the AMA recommended diet (grains, beans, seed oils, etc) to a diet high in saturated fats.

  2. Cholesterol is very important in our bodies for brain function and creation of sex hormones. The AMA has set the cholesterol number artificially low in order to push their drugs and to keep our bodies from properly functioning (thus insuring we are chronically ill and need their drugs daily/doctors monthly).

  3. High (or low) cholesterol is a red flag that something else is wrong in your body. It is only a red flag. Saying cholesterol "causes" heart problems is like saying firemen must be setting fires because they are at every fire. The reality is that high cholesterol may indicate heart problems, but it can also indicate thyroid problems or kidney problems, amongst other things.

Christine_grab 5 points ago +5 / -0

Some people stop pooping altogether when they fast. It is imperative those people do enemas or else it defeats the purpose of the fast.

Christine_grab 14 points ago +14 / -0

And we have to recognize that what the American Medical Association tells us is healthy/bad is total BS. The food pyramid was designed to sell the foods grown/produced in the US and they purposely endorse bad foods/tell us not to eat healthy foods to make us chronically ill so that we are AMA customers for life.

Christine_grab 2 points ago +3 / -1

I confess that I didn't read the article, so maybe the article says this. When you do a fast, you are supposed to give yourself an enema every day that you don't go on your own. It is super important to get the toxins out, and they can be reabsorbed in the colon if they sit in the colon for too long.

Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

"their purview is so large I wouldn't even be surprised if this agency started messing around with Gamestop."

ha ha! :)

Christine_grab 3 points ago +3 / -0

It certainly has me wondering how many more new government agencies will pop up that are funded by the Federal Reserve, which is a private organization and not a government organization. Congress has outsourced government.

Christine_grab 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you for the correction. I meant that congress didn't have to approve how funds were used by CFPB since they were funded by another source.

Edit to add: the Federal Reserve is a private organization and not a government organization. I believe that means that congress has outsourced its government oversight.

Edit 2: I am not explaining myself well today. I guess my mental connection when I made the title was that since the Federal Reserve operates opaquely, is not subject to congressional oversight and is not allowed to be audited by law, that means that the CFPB is likely also being operated opaquely and not subject to congressional oversight, too.

Christine_grab 1 point ago +1 / -0

TLDR: CFPB receives it's funding from the Federal Reserve, not congress. The Supreme Court deemed that it's legal to fund this way.

Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have been following Ben since 2019. Back then, he said the pole flip would happen in 100 years. Every year he revises the number down and is currently at the late 2030s or early 2040. I believe that the NWO know that when the flip happens, Jesus returns and they lose dominion over the earth, so they have been trying to establish control now in a manner where Jesus can't take dominion back (ie reduce population to a manageable number and change our DNA so we are no longer God's creation). As the estimates for the flip move closer and closer to current times, they have to keep speeding up their control plans.

The reason for the fake climate change narrative is so that we willingly go along with the NWO plans. They don't want us peons knowing the truth because then we'd refuse to cooperate with their plans.

Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didn't realize the significance of that case. Adding it to my prayer list. TY!

I think Cali is so corrupt that the only option is to throw out every single government agency and start over with people who have never worked for the government before. The corruption is woven into the fiber of the current government structure and there is no salvaging it.

Christine_grab 4 points ago +4 / -0

This was an incredible post. Bravo!

I have been fighting the California income tax agency for years. Their "interpretations" of statutes have little correlation to the actual words in the text of the statutes. The agency say their "interpretations" are correct and the fact that the "interpretations" are often the exact opposite of what the statute actually says is irrelevant to them. It is shocking to me that legislators and regulators all say "well if they interpret it that way, so be it," and don't care that the laws of being blatantly violated. It is also shocking that judges will play games to evade making a ruling on the bad "interpretion" of the laws so that these crimes against constituents can continue.

Christine_grab 1 point ago +1 / -0

One of the videos that I referenced above is the first in a series of short videos. He quotes all the laws and explains how the government gets away with evading the laws. Playlist for series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLAkSTXk9sO0FE0cpDo3vWp_MvYV_tYkJO

This is another series that someone recommended that I watch, but I haven't had time yet: https://www.youtube.com/talos4cs.

The intro videos are all short (between 4 - 10 in each), but the in-depth ones are like 2-hours each. I think the guy is a former IRS agent, though not 100% sure.

Christine_grab 3 points ago +3 / -0

This was me. Back in 2014, I caught California's income tax agency running an embezzlement and racketeering scheme. I have been fighting corruption at the tax agency since then, and now my fight has expanded to general corruption in the State of CA government as they are all protecting these unlawful schemes to overcharge tax payers.

When I started on this journey, I thought people who said the income tax was illegal were nutty. It took a very painful and long journey down the rabbit hole of corruption to get me to take the blinders off. I think most people are like me, and it is because we have been deeply propagandized to believe that income taxes are 1. legal and 2. a moral duty.

Here are a couple of Disney propaganda videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNMrMFuk-bo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMU-KGKK6q8

Christine_grab 2 points ago +2 / -0

My understanding was that when the income tax went into effect back in 1913, it was only for the wealthiest. Whether it was intended to be permanent or not, I am not sure.

During WW2, the government expanded the tax to include the middle class. It was supposed to be voluntary to help the war effort. Here are a couple of Disney propaganda videos encouraging people to pay the voluntary tax: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNMrMFuk-bo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMU-KGKK6q8

How taxes went from voluntary only for WW2 to "pay up or go to jail" is a sordid tale of government corruption.

Here is a video that explains what defines "income" (hint, it is not wages): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=An8sM8aCjg0&list=PLAkSTXk9sO0FE0cpDo3vWp_MvYV_tYkJO&index=1

Christine_grab 1 point ago +1 / -0

I actually haven't watched those videos myself, so I don't know specifically where it said that, just that allegedly that topic is covered in the video series.

My understanding was that when the income tax went into effect back in 1913, it was only for the wealthiest. Whether it was intended to be permanent or not, I am not sure.

During WW2, the government expanded the tax to include the middle class. It was supposed to be voluntary to help the war effort. Here are a couple of Disney propaganda videos encouraging people to pay the voluntary tax: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNMrMFuk-bo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMU-KGKK6q8

How taxes went from voluntary only for WW2 to "pay up or go to jail" is a sordid tale of government corruption.

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