LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

You only see it everywhere if that is what you choose to focus on. Personally, I see many of our brethren turning back to God.

LongTimeListener 4 points ago +4 / -0

Raisis helicopter crash was in East Azerbaijan PROVINCE. That is in Iran and is not the nation of Azerbaijan.

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

The watershed moment is that papers like these are allowed to be published in peer reviewed journals.

Those who are responsible for creating and/or propagating the climate lies will never admit such.

LongTimeListener 2 points ago +2 / -0

I dont think Putin leaves this war without Odessa, blocking the Ukraine from the Black Sea. So when we see a move on Odessa we may see the beginning of the end game.

LongTimeListener 9 points ago +9 / -0

This is 1984 writ large. This is East Germany, USSR stuff where you never know who is reporting back to the Stasi or KGB. Could be a friend, coworker, acquaintance, family, checkout clerk. Literally anybody. It leads to isolation and psychological stress and trauma because you can trust nobody. Can you even trust your wife? You children? Spying on the citizenry in such a way is reprehensible. Pure evil.

LongTimeListener 2 points ago +2 / -0

So the multiple obvious Qs, even two handed came right after he called him 'Fake' Tapper and said he is under tremendous pressure to be fair. Is 'Fake' Tapper captured and the Patriots are applying the pressure? Is that what all the obvious Q comms are telling us?

LongTimeListener 6 points ago +6 / -0

Im not sure where they are going with this new narrative but there is definitely an op in play. One thing we can be sure of is nothing is organic anymore.

Perhaps to rile up the people to the point they can call in blue helmets or just flat out cancel the election?

LongTimeListener 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mine either. I seek out Archbishop Viganos words whenever I can. I have an entire thumbdrive filled with his words.

LongTimeListener 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Devil Mouse

Trey and Matt nailed this one too in Season 13 opening episode titled "The Ring" that aired on March 11. 2009.


This plot summary doesnt really do it justice but here it is:

To all the amazement of all the other boys, Kenny has a new girlfriend, Tammy, who is in the fifth grade. Butters hears a rumor that Tammy is a sexual pleasure seeker because she gave Dave Darsky, another male student a "B.J." (an abbreviation for 'blowjob') in a T.G.I. Friday's parking lot. Stan, Kyle, and Cartman, hoping to spare Kenny's feelings, decide to warn him. To his friends' bewilderment, however, Kenny is ecstatic, even after Cartman explains his belief that an American woman's mouth is the dirtiest thing on Earth. Kenny invites Tammy to go with him to T.G.I. Friday's after school, at which point she confesses that the rumor about her is true, but explains that the only reason she did it was because she became aroused after watching the Jonas Brothers perform. Consequently, Kenny takes Tammy to a Jonas Brothers concert, with his friends disgusted by his intent. At the concert, many girls rave about the famous trio, while Kenny seems to be having the worst time of his life.

After the concert, Tammy and several other girls are invited backstage, where they think the Jonas Brothers want to have sex with them. Instead, the Jonas Brothers convince them to wear purity rings as a pledge to abstinence and tell them to get all of their friends to start wearing them as well. To make his girlfriend happy, Kenny reluctantly begins wearing a purity ring. Kenny becomes dull as a result and ceases to spend time with his friends. Meanwhile, the Jonas Brothers want to speak with their boss about wearing their purity rings. It is revealed that the Jonas Brothers are being forced to wear and promote purity rings by their boss: Mickey Mouse, who berates and beats them when they complain that the rings are overshadowing their music and projecting the wrong message. Mickey explains that the rings allow them to give sex to young girls while giving the appearance of innocence and purity. Concerned for their friend, Stan, Kyle, and Cartman attempt to confront the Jonas Brothers at a televised appearance in Denver, but Mickey, believing that the boys have been hired by either DreamWorks or Michael Eisner to sabotage Disney, tranquilizes them and takes them prisoner.

When the boys regain consciousness, they are backstage at a Jonas Brothers concert, where Mickey at first interrogates them, then threatens to kill them with a chainsaw. As Mickey once again rants about his true intentions, insulting the Jonas Brothers' fans, and Christians, Kyle and Cartman stealthily turn on the microphone and shortly after raise the curtain, and Mickey's anti-youth and anti-Christian rant is heard by both the concert-goers and the national television audience. The crowd turns on Mickey after his scheme is exposed and the Jonas Brothers leave the stage in a huff. Enraged by the crowd's boos, Mickey grows to gigantic proportions and begins breathing fire and destroying Denver. It's unknown what became of him after this, as the news reporter states that Mickey merely returns to Valhalla to slumber and feed. Tammy and Kenny remove their purity rings, and Tammy suggests they go to T.G.I. Friday's, presumably so she can perform oral sex on him. Afterward, Kenny contracts syphilis and dies for the first time since Season Eleven, proving Cartman's warning about American women's mouths correct.

Trey and Matt are either incredibly observant or they have someone whispering in their ear. Probably a bit of both.

Here is the full episode:


Edit: oops seems you tube has taken that episode down. Wonder why

LongTimeListener 2 points ago +2 / -0

As I said in another thread yesterday, I believe at least part of the purpose for this project was to prepare autists, and anons in general, for the challenges of the digital battlefield.

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have tons of junk silver for barter purposes in case the world goes full Mad Max. If it doesnt my grandkids and their kids have some awesome very old coins. The newest are already 60 years old.

LongTimeListener 8 points ago +8 / -0

Does anyone remember the mysterious messages about 15 or 20 years ago I think where you had to solve puzzles and each puzzle led to another and another with the result being you were asked to join some exclusive intelligence or hacking group? I remember reading the story or maybe it was a video (probably have it saved somewhere) of this maybe 2 years long operation but I cant recall any details.

But when I see people finding stuff like this I think that they have been preparing the autists for quite some time. I remember audio analysis and code breaking being a big part of the puzzles. The op was an early internet sensation but after a year or so only the most dogged autists were still playing.

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

I try and think in terms of who would be the best person or persons to clean up each department. That has to be the ultimate consideration.

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right. As water freezes it expands displacing more water. The cup will actually have a lower level. But the problem with this analogy is that most of the permanent ice is on land.

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