LongTimeListener 2 points ago +2 / -0

I graduated HS in 1982. My history teacher was a huge Teddy Roosevelt fan. He even had us memorize 'The Credit Belongs to the Man who is Actually in the Arena" portion of his "Citizenship in a Republic" speech given in France in 1910. I can recite it to this day.

So he spent an unusual amount of time on the Spanish-American War for a HS History class, which was fine by me as one of my grandfathers had fought in Cuba and the Philippines and returned with a pearl handled Navy issue Colt 45 that the story says he took off a dead Spanish officer. (I still have that gun but have no idea if the story is true -- that great grandpa was dead before I was born -- but it lives on in family lore). I can remember him using the term False Flag for the Maine incident. It was the first time I learned of that concept.

LongTimeListener 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is a long history of false flags being used to bring a country into war.

Remember the Maine, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Pearl Harbor to start.

LongTimeListener 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ill read Loomers stuff but trust her about as far as I can throw her. Or is it him?

And Tim? LOL

Same as with people like Ariel on Twitter.

Do not trust, but some useful truth can leak through.

LongTimeListener 4 points ago +4 / -0

Loretta Lynch was the Attorney General. She met with Bill Clinton on a tarmac in Phoenix. They discussed the grandkids. Yea right. Suuuuure. I think they discussed her getting a SCOTUS nod if she didnt prosecute.

Funny thing happened to the reporter who broke the story. He died by suicide. Uh huh we really believe that one.


LongTimeListener 8 points ago +8 / -0

The bird flu pandemic psyop doesnt seem to be gaining any steam with the public. Without the fear the psyop doesnt work.

What if the real play here isnt the pandemic aspect but using bird flu to destroy our food supply? How many millions of chickens have already been destroyed? How many other mammals do they say the bird flu now infects? Has anyone here ever seen a flu that attacks so many disparate species? The science to this point, whether it is fake or not, has always shown that a virus doesnt hop from species to species so easily. But this one does?

So is this pandemic stuff simply misdirection so that we dont notice this destruction of our food supply?

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +2 / -1

Why didnt anyone say that in the first place for those like me that were asleep at the wheel. lol

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

Im looking on my phone at his timeline and his last post on Twitter is the mugshot. And the last one before that is from 1-8-21.

This was posted here 12 hours ago and the first comment was 10 hours later. Dont you think if Trump posted on Twitter that there would be dozens of posts each with dozens of comments here?

LongTimeListener 1 point ago +1 / -0

So suppose you are a leftist normie and you have just read such an article. You already fear that the redneck, God fearing, white supremacists will rise up and destroy your community and the nation and this brings that fear to a fever pitch. (Because of course it does, your entire life is surrounded by fear.)

But then nothing happens. There are no riots. No rednecks clinging to their Bible and their guns rampaging through the streets.

What does this do to the leftists psychology?

Soon we will be down to the 4 to 6%.

LongTimeListener 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump posted this on Twitter?

Edit: I just looked at his twitter page and this is not there. This is fake and should be marked as a shitpost.

LongTimeListener 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is the winning internet comment of the day.

LongTimeListener 2 points ago +2 / -0

The couple of gay people I know just want to be treated like everyone else. I can give them that because they will answer to God, just like I will.

But the gay movement was hijacked and is now used as a political and cultural cudgel. I think the vast majority of gays are sickened by this and that the gays who support it are those whose deviance is far beyond just being gay. It is the bathhouse boys, the dog costume larpers and the pedophiles that walk the streets in the gay parades.

And tranny, especially male to female, is a fetish -- prove me wrong.

LongTimeListener 2 points ago +2 / -0

Zeolite is a volcanic mineral that is good for detoxing heavy metals that have been shown to cause autism and other problems.

You might look into it, but by all means do your own research.

LongTimeListener 10 points ago +10 / -0

He was also the Judge in the Bannon case and the Weisselberg, the CFO of Trumps company.

These Judges are supposed to be randomly selected from a pool and he shouldnt have even been in the pool as an acting but yet here he is sitting on three huge cases where the rats need a reliable stooge.

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