MudPuddlePie 9 points ago +9 / -0

Prayers just went up. Do you have a seeming “impossible” dream of starting your own business? Maybe now’s the time.

MudPuddlePie 2 points ago +2 / -0

“No adverse events of grade 3 or higher have been reported.”

And what does this mean?

MudPuddlePie 25 points ago +25 / -0

Rode our bikes without helmets, rode in the car with no seatbelts, rode in the back of pickups, sat on dad’s lap while he was driving the car, played all day with no supervision and no fear of getting snatched, solved our relational problems on our own (sometimes w/ fists), “sticks and stones may break our bones, but names will never hurt me” was our mantra, sucked it up if we got physically hurt, had a huge sense of “fairness”…

MudPuddlePie 3 points ago +3 / -0

This so pisses me off. The “pain system” in your can break/go haywire like any other system (lymphatic, circulatory, etc.). People have no idea how much pain the body can produce.

Chronic pain patients are suffering and these scumbags are….

MudPuddlePie 3 points ago +3 / -0

Great article. T/u.

From the comment section: “Watch the interview with Steven Bartlett. Yuval (Noah Harari) is not the monster some think he is. He’s a nuanced man, he’s a prophet, he goes on retreat for about a month a year and unplugs from technology and work for that time so that he can contemplate and remain in touch with his deeper humanity.”

“He’s probably one of the best minds on the planet at the moment. Have you read his books before you start commenting on him? The world economic forum pay him handsomely because he has an astute and accurate vision of the future – it’s not a future that he necessarily wants or is creating, but it’s a future that he understands and he is prepared to warn us all about. Lay off him and pay more attention to what he’s actually saying !!”

😂😂😂 RM’s substack has been infiltrated.

by Ehjax78
MudPuddlePie 1 point ago +1 / -0


by Ehjax78
MudPuddlePie 1 point ago +2 / -1

Oh ffs.

So now we’re comparing God’s word to Islam?

Torah = first 5 books of the bible. This foaming at the mouth joo hatred is getting ridiculous.

Down vote away, haters,

MudPuddlePie 8 points ago +8 / -0

Wait…where is he getting ivermectin? What doctor is prescribing it? What pharmacy is filling it? Is it allowed and not banned in New York?

Why not tell your audience how to get it…if it’s helping you deal with the after-vax issues?

MudPuddlePie 4 points ago +4 / -0


I have to wonder if the lifelong struggle is because someone never got down to the “why” and fixed that. Or never turned to the Source of our healing and strength.

Dunno, just thinking out loud.

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