LordLag1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, agreed. It's a bit of a dark take on America for sure. Being from Jersey and a kid the only part we cared about was the born in the USA chorus.

LordLag1 14 points ago +14 / -0

He's such an unbearable douche I hope it leads to a permanent retirement. I was in middle school when he made born in the USA, 40 years later he's a commie.

LordLag1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah saw this on the NY Post with the photo on the right. The comments are not active unfortunately. For MSM the post is not bad and the comments are pretty based.

LordLag1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes great help from the frens. I haven't done acupuncture yet but might give it a shot. My chiro is awesome huge Christian and patriot, he adjusts my thyroid maybe every 6 weeks. I've never had any other chiro do that but I can definitely feel something move when he does it.

LordLag1 3 points ago +3 / -0

The vaxxed are doubling down at this point. It's very similar to what I heard some woman say about trans enablers. To admit it was wrong is to admit to ruining lives and most don't have bravery to face that. The vaxxed did this to themselves and oftentimes their kids, simpler to keep chanting safe and effective than admitting to being fooled.

LordLag1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Share any thyroid tips if you have them please. I'm doing black seed oil and using a healy frequency device for my hypothyroidism.

LordLag1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't! This kind of thinking is very dangerous in my opinion. The bad guys are all still walking this earth freely and we're facing the end of our country if we can't get a fair election.

LordLag1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha good point. I'm bad with the whole pronoun thing. It doesn't want to be president. A friend's son was intimately involved with the last (official) term of Hussein and said they/them hates politics and wants to stay out of the arena. Intel is old but back in 2016 that was the feeling.

LordLag1 2 points ago +3 / -1

She's the money play for sure. I've heard from quite a few people that president is really not her bag. Newsom has to be in the mix as well.

LordLag1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well literally the guy I replied to was saying it's a psyop... Agreed on the vax, I feel bad for those that took it as adults, what has been done to the kids is 7th circle of hell stuff.

LordLag1 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nope! I never gave a crap about Covid and still don't. I still got it and was sick as hell. My cough and weakness of voice lasted for months as did the complete loss of smell. It got every member of my non-vaxxed family and went in severity order based on age. Youngest kid daughter (9) was sick with a fever and cold for about 3 days, (16-)year-old son was the last to get it but had a cough that lasted about 1 month, my amazingly fit wife (47) lost her sense of smell and had body aches and weakness for a few weeks. I was 49 at the time and had a high fever for about a week, and a cough that lasted months. In closing we all took Ivermectin, HCQ, and in my case monoclonal antibodies as well. It's real, I don't care that they can't find it under a microscope. I've never had anything like that and I'm not some frail sickly little biatch boy.

LordLag1 4 points ago +4 / -0

The dam has to break... So many bodies piling up every time I check the news some other random youngish person is suddenly dead. I lost 3 friends/acquaintances in the last couple of weeks. All 3 died suddenly under the age of 60. Can the normies keep seeing the body count and not start asking what the hell is going on?

LordLag1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Certainly not sticking up for Pence but who the hell is this guy? If he has such explicit details where is the proof? Seems like most non-elites hate pedo's and would be happy to help bust the sickos.

LordLag1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Painful to watch the kids suffer but a tremendous documentary. I hope there is a reckoning one day.

LordLag1 9 points ago +9 / -0

RFK is 30% good and 70% commie lunatic. He's better than Biden but that's faint praise.

LordLag1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good timing as well, as most CPA's are done with returns and have a bit more time.

LordLag1 3 points ago +3 / -0

You can negotiate with them. Get them to remove interest and penalties while taking a lesser amount. Good to be poor when working out the deal.

LordLag1 9 points ago +9 / -0

Bank levies is what stops that. They cleaned out my checking account over a tax dispute about 18 years back. OP should look for low income accounting help. If you ignore them they will nail you with no lube. Option 2 is go full off grid and live like it's the 1800's.

LordLag1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Been going on for years and years. I worked in a very upscale store in the 90's in produce. I'd never drink any store made juices as the machines are gross and rotten produce goes into the juices as well as fresh. Wash your produce and you'll be fine. Keep an eye on those rotisserie chickens though... My store used to take the old chickens that smelled, soak them in bleach water, flavor them up and spit roast them to sell to people.

LordLag1 22 points ago +24 / -2

Agreed. Our side in general is so worried about fairness and optics. The left will kill their grandma to advance their cause and we're always worried about the moral high ground.

LordLag1 5 points ago +5 / -0

I generally agree. There are deaths already and they will probably accelerate. I don't think everyone who got one jab is in their last months of life though. I've said this before and no one ever has an answer... Why kill all the sheep and leave all the wolves alive? What are they planning for the "control group"? I'm sure it's not to let us take over, and hunt them down.

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