Mcmurdo32 17 points ago +19 / -2

We say we want ordinary people to run things, but we can't wait to beat them down when they do ordinary people stuff. I remind you that Noem was one of the very few leaders with administrative powers in the entire world to refuse to mandate covid restrictions at all. Now you all want to take her out because she put a dog deemed dangerous down herself instead of driving it 100 miles tonthr nearest vet to OD him on sleeping meds.

Mcmurdo32 1 point ago +1 / -0

The great thing about independent journalism is that there is so much competition, that they have to be accurate and accountable or people will just drift to the next big independent journalist out there.

Mcmurdo32 8 points ago +8 / -0

You know, there are good guys out there in addition to Trump. Vivek will need to prove up, but he's promoting MAGA. Sure he has a past. We all do. I will give him his chance.

Mcmurdo32 3 points ago +3 / -0

None if this is surprising to me. Trump really is a defacto incumbent in that he's already been president. We know what his policies are.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

They were given nothing. They took the opportunity to master an up and coming technology and became so good at it, nobody thought to spread the business to others.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm taking Taiwan's side in this. They are a free and democratic people who have spoken. They absolutely do not want to be controlled by the CCP, are not some Deep State Globalist haven, and it is in our interest to see they remain free since they make all the chips. Brilliant move on their part.

Mcmurdo32 4 points ago +4 / -0

If they are going to do it that way, then we need to make sure more of ours are in there than theirs. If we are going to fix the system, we need to win in the system as is first.

Mcmurdo32 21 points ago +21 / -0

Release all J6 prisoners first and immediately. Thry have already served far more than any reasonable sentences for any trespassing and vandalism infractions that may have been committed. There was obviously no insurrection. Then give each one repirations for lost time and livelihoods, as well as for damages. Then throw Liz Chaney and those others in thr same cells and treat them the same as the J6 prisoners were treated.

Mcmurdo32 6 points ago +6 / -0

One problem seems to be that RINO's are PASSIONATELY fighting America First, and sabotaging races that seem too much in this camp. I get that they are jealous of the power MAGA has gained in short order, but the shear vitriol RINO's are displaying confuses me. It takes a lot of energy to power that kind of hate. Where's it coming from? What is powering it?

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. Actually, Israel and Hamas are to blame. They're the ones who decided to fight.

Mcmurdo32 5 points ago +5 / -0

Somebody wants world chaos. Hamas knew what was going to happen when they carried out militarily useless attacks against music fans, etc. They knew Gaza would get indiscriminately pounded as a result. So why do it? Somebody wanted to start something.

Mcmurdo32 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some of the "I don't vote for the party, I vote muh principles " crowd were saying they might vote for Kennedy. Those would vote for Trump otherwise, wouldn't they?

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds like she is playing fair, unlike Hobbs would do if thr situation were reveresed.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

The world would have sucked.

Mcmurdo32 0 points ago +1 / -1

What about the concern expressed for his appeal or lack of appeal to the independent voters? This is the main reason cited by DeSantis supporters for their switch of support.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder if Biden had enough sense to keep his mouth shut about arresting the political opposition?

Mcmurdo32 1 point ago +1 / -0

These are likely relatively liberal Hawaiians too.

Mcmurdo32 1 point ago +1 / -0

I always say most people see a wall painted blue, but with a yellow splotch the corner, and will assume that someone splotched the yellow on top of the blue. The conspiracy theorists will see the same thing and assume that the yellow covers the entire wall, has been covered over by the blue, and the yellow splotch is an exposed area the painter missed.

Mcmurdo32 13 points ago +14 / -1

There's no reason to "fake" a wildfire with DEW's. It's much easier just to start an actual wildfire and it would probably be more destructive and better feed the narrative. DEW's would be for very small targets.

Mcmurdo32 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's why the shenanigans. The leftist allied Democrats have already lost the debate. The can't win straight up.

Mcmurdo32 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do the Democrats and RINO's have no one younger they can replace these people with? That could be good for us. These people aren't going to live forever.

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