007wannabee 4 points ago +4 / -0

Africa is not a shithole. Some parts of some African countries are shitholes. But you could say that about anywhere.

007wannabee 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'd say about five years ago. I used to go to Munich quite frequently for work but it was always airport-office-hotel-airport. Once I got outside the "business bubble" and went around ordinary Munich that's when I realised I was not welcome.

As I say, Helsinki is even worse.

007wannabee 6 points ago +6 / -0

Germany wants to ban encryption but are getting resistance.

The decriminalising of child porn is so that people will rightly make a fuss and object. Then they can say "well it's too difficult to police unless we can ban encryption".

007wannabee -2 points ago +2 / -4

I don't think it's OK to shoot people based on "they looked real suspicious foreigners and hanging around taking pictures".

I know things are different in the US but to the rest of the world trust me this just looks like excessive force and paranoia.

007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is this story actually real? People get weird sometimes where child abuse is involved.

Firstly the screenshot contains a misspelling of "valiant" and I would have thought an authentic police organisation would not have made such a mistake in its official announcements.

Secondly the link does not work I get

Access Denied You don't have permission to access "http://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/crime/jacksonville-sheriff-speaks-after-over-a-dozen-arrested-on-child-sex-crimes-watch-live/77-a301058a-d2e5-4662-a2e0-988a618bbc11" on this server. Reference #18.d5801002.1716283707.11cc90e2


007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here in UK there were jab mandates for NHS (health service) workers who had contact with patients, and elderly care workers. Even those were heavily fought over and I don't think anyone was ever fired for refusal.

I don't work in those areas but I still had to face my company demanding that I either show digital evidence on my phone of prior covid injection, or take an on-the-spot test, before I could enter my office.

I had no jab and throughout the whole covid event never took a test even once, so I was not going to obey that. UK law requires that HR implement a conflict resolution procedure which HR absolutely love doing because it makes them feel important. Guess what they flat-out refused to do it when I objected to their restrictions. Soon afterwards the whole thing was quietly dropped, except that they scanned me with a thermal camera on entry and there was really nothing I could do about that.

tl;dr they already knew full well that their covid mandates were not enforceable by law.

007wannabee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Assume this is the controversy from 2017 https://www.marketingweek.com/munroe-bergdorf-loreal-controversy/

Bergdorf became L’Oréal’s first transgender model in 2017, but was dropped just two days later after publishing a post about racism and “the racial violence of white people” on Facebook. The beauty giant said the views expressed were “at odds” with its values.

It was later rehired to be on the L'Oreal "diversity committee"

007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why do they write it as s*x instead of sex? Would you get kicked off twitter for saying sex? Surely not.

007wannabee -1 points ago +1 / -2

I've done this too many times. Someone makes a big claim that - if true - would change everything and save your life.

So you watch the video or read their pdf. Intense-sounding stuff about spiritual vibrations and crystal harmonies whatever. just do it bro.

At the end of the video you still have no idea how to use this fantastic new power you thought you were going to get. Not only that but you feel even worse because you think it's your fault for failing to understand the vibrations thing properly.

007wannabee 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can't ever remember how old my adult kids are. If I need to know I have to calculate from their date of birth. When they're age 6 you know they are 6 but doesn't work like that as they grow up.

007wannabee 2 points ago +2 / -0

So she claims to be age 23 and they set up a meet.

They meet in a public place coffee shop and she tells him hey guess what I am age 15. Then five seconds later the youtubers arrive and get aggressive.

What was the guy supposed to do exactly?

The youtubers fucked up badly they should have waited until (or if) he did something illegal like ask her to go somewhere for sex.

007wannabee 8 points ago +8 / -0

Here in UK denying entrance for no mask was illegal. If you said you were exempt from masks then that was all that was necessary and they had to let you in. An Aldi supermarket who refused entry was successfully sued and paid out 10k in compensation.

007wannabee 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wish to get back all the tax money which I have ever spent on them.

007wannabee 6 points ago +6 / -0

Some were forced; there's videos of people in care homes being held down and vaxed. I think also some instances where parents wanted vax but child didn't - kids were forcibly jabbed as well.

007wannabee 2 points ago +2 / -0

For gold only - no VAT or CGT.

Silver coins can dodge the VAT by not taking delivery; you pay to keep them in a vault. Not sure about platinum.

007wannabee 4 points ago +4 / -0

I verified some of the claims at http://www.come-and-hear.com

I did find the quotes in there, kinda, but it is all such a rambling unclear contradictory mess I can't be sure if I am reading the same actual message as they intended to communicate. It contains paragraphs saying things like sex with 3-year olds is acceptable and I doubt even the small-hatters could get away with saying that was legit theology today.

Also note that this thing calls itself the "Babylonian Talmud" which would place its origins somewhere round present-day Baghdad and so not necessarily the same thing as whatever they do in Israel in modern times.

007wannabee 1 point ago +1 / -0

What will happen to the bitcoin which have been mined but then subsequently lost?

There is a guy near where I live who says he mined quite a few back in 2010 when a BTC=10cents but then forgot about them and threw out his laptop. For a couple of years he has been pestering the local council to be allowed into the garbage dump to search for it as it is now worth millions. Quite a few people have picked up on that and the council has had to put extra security fences and people on the dump.


007wannabee 8 points ago +8 / -0

So that's what this was about and why Team Trump allowed it to happen. Can't believe I failed to see that for myself. Great plan.

007wannabee 2 points ago +3 / -1

For years the restaurant owners have gotten away with paying shit wages to their staff. Thus the practice of "tipping" - originally an occasional recognition of "above and beyond" service but now a routine expectation. The restaurant owners thought they were so smart in exporting their payroll costs onto their mug customers.

I'm glad to see they are finally getting a dose of reality. People work for you = you have to pay them a decent wage and not rip them off.

007wannabee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tea is really good for your body. It's the leaves of the Camilla Sinensis plant - green tea is just the leaves, black tea (99.5% the most popular) is the fermented leaves. Contains all sorts of healthy bioflavonoids and good stuff.

Impossible to get a nice cup of tea in the USA. I don't know why because unless you are a total snob about the tea ritual a cup of tea is a small disposable bag of dried stuff , with boiling water added. Not rocket science.

In Russian prisons they traditionally make a brew named "chai" which is ultra-fermented tea or something like that. Can get slightly high on it.

It's a shame you kicked our asses and threw the tea in the harbour but hey thems the breaks.

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