gnuguy 7 points ago +11 / -4

As crazy and far out of an idea that it is, I truly believe it.

gnuguy 1 point ago +1 / -0

He could've paid any amount. He didn't want to sell assets. Plus, "The Court determined that the Eighth Amendment places a restriction on the amount of bail set, so bail cannot place excessive restrictions on a defendant in relation to the perceived wrongdoing. Thus, the amount of bail cannot be set to an amount higher than what is necessary to prevent the perceived wrongdoing."

gnuguy 15 points ago +19 / -4

It's one of the last conspiracy theories that I'm still waiting for. I believe he will be the vp. If he's still alive.

gnuguy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks. You are correct. So, another scenario. I didn't like that one anyway. kek.

gnuguy 8 points ago +8 / -0

I believe appeals will keep him out of jail until after the election, which now he will win massively and he can pardon himself.(edit: He can't pardon himself for state crimes.) But, I don't think that's what will happen. I still want to see who his vp is, which will be announced before the convention in July. If it's a previously presumed dead guy, I expect big happenings before that announcement. (I know. It's the one crazy conspiracy that hasn't come true yet. Yet.)

gnuguy 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Born to early to explore the star systems." - maybe not. A lot of good things could occur rather rapidly after the defeat of the deep state/elites/cabal.

gnuguy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unfortunately, that side of the family seems to be infected with the lib virus. Nice people though. Never talked about anything but family with me.

gnuguy 3 points ago +3 / -0

There was a movie with the two of them in 2013. Grudge Match. My cousin was the writer. This was before I realized what a raging lib DeNiro was.

gnuguy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Meh. 'little ones' is 'describing the child-like faith and humility required to enter the kingdom of heaven and He warns that a harsh judgment will come on those who cause one of the little ones who believe in Him to sin or to stumble.'

'Little ones' includes adults but also includes children. And the drag pedophile is influencing the young in this case trying to have them 'stumble'.

If you disagree, fine. What is it they say about opinions and arseholes? Everyone has them and most stink.

gnuguy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Like I said, they are way out there. I am a power supply designer and my 'hobby' has been in novel propulsion systems and novel power generator design. I have been working on building prototypes for both, but it is slow going (only on weekends). I'd rather not say more until I see if anything actually works! kek.

gnuguy 6 points ago +6 / -0

This has been on my mind lately. Along with a million other things. I've been working on two way out there projects and both of them could head this way or worse. Sad.

gnuguy 18 points ago +18 / -0

50/50 chance it was the poison jab or the chemicals in the food?

gnuguy 5 points ago +6 / -1

I get it but I think you have to force their hand. Closing/blocking voting is very visible.

gnuguy 63 points ago +64 / -1

Imo, early gives them enough time to discard the repub votes in the trash, or stuff the ballot box or electronically alter the vote ahead of time. Flood them on election day with so many votes they don't have time or resources to massively cheat enough to change the vote.

gnuguy 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have never seen it mentioned who gave him the coin. With the diaper on his face, it is tough to tell.

gnuguy 8 points ago +8 / -0

Did they go into Mar-A-Lago expecting to have a shootout? Or were they hoping for an assassination? I think they were ready to have a shootout with the secret service if Trump was there, and ooops, hit him in the crossfire. You understand they were sent in by Garland (orders from the potato's handlers) for papers/records, not a drug gang? I wouldn't expect an fbi raid for that. Maybe I'm naive.

gnuguy 10 points ago +10 / -0

Same here. Funny thing is I live in the Bronx, yet no way do I want to take the subway and bus to the South Bronx for Trump's rally Thursday. I told myself I would never take the subway again after having my life threatened coming home from a Yankee game by a racist nut (with at least one person saying she agreed with him). (He was saying all white people deserve what he would do to them because of slavery and lynchings in nyc history.)

gnuguy 13 points ago +13 / -0

My guess is found guilty, because the most tainted biased political hitjob ever seen by a jury not of his peers. Then sentenced. Then appealed. Then appealed higher. Then elected president again. 34 counts, 4 years max each count. The system is broken and corrupt. I would guess 90% of the people know it.

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