CMAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Big pharma packages itself as the answer to every malady. It previously marketed just to the doctors who wrote the prescriptions. Now the ads are directed to the end user who is supposed to tell their doctor what they want. Meanwhile how many cures can be attributed to big pharma? Very few because they don't want cures. They want people coming back again and again, like addicts that need a fix every day.

We need a total paradigm shift in medicine where the money is in the cures, not the treatments. No doubt there are cures sitting on shelves because their patent is gone. Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, and others should be investigated as cures along with other off patent meds. More importantly, we need to eradicate any diseases we can and incentivize researchers to spend their time targeting cures not novel concoctions simply because they can be patented.

CMAnon 3 points ago +3 / -0

These academic types think they can do what they want. Their institutions shield them under the heading of academic freedom. It's genocide waiting to happen while enriching the big pharma mafia through our tax dollars and their government helpers. You are correct about penalties. This is organized racketeering of the highest magnitude.

CMAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Work to make things better on the local level and move away from one size fits all thinking in DC, in medicine, in education.

CMAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

You will know them by their fruits. The country and the world knows who is aligned with God and those who bow to the devil. The public will make their choice in November. I pray that there’s a God inspired plan in place to insure an honest count this time.

CMAnon 5 points ago +5 / -0

Do not trust never Trumpers. Their support is based solely on trying to save themselves from retribution. Had Trump’s popularity lessened after that kangaroo court decision, they’d be pushing a uni-party traitor instead. Weasels and jackels be damned.

CMAnon 22 points ago +22 / -0

The next election will tell us a lot. We will know soon enough if it was rigged or fair. That goes from Trump all the way down to local elections. MAGA needs to be the biggest and most central group of people at the GOP convention. Never Trumpers should be booed mercilessly. This country can no longer survive with limp wristed Uniparty Republicans like McConnell. Either you're pro Trump, pro Maga, pro Patriot American or you belong at the Dem convention.

CMAnon 7 points ago +7 / -0

They will claim statute of limitations has run out.

CMAnon 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's only confusing for those who like Trump. The Never Trumpers don't need a reason to convict him. A fart would be enough for them to hang him. This isn't a judge conducting the trial. He's either a deep state operative or a leftist apparatchik. He's not a disinterested neutral party by any means.

CMAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Funny, I was thinking about this a few days ago. While I’m against globalism, if Canada can break with the Crown, vote out Trudeau and co., elect a true anti-woke MCGA government, I could see us joining forces. We have much more in common than not. Any Quebecoise care to chime in?

CMAnon 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why did she wait so long? Seems to me this is a lot of grandstanding after the deed was done. Had she diligently acted upon hearing Merchan was selected for the 2nd Trump related case, it might have been a real help.

CMAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Random as in the DNC is paying his daughter big $$ and knows he himself has contributed to the party and thus biased left. He was randomly hand picked to do a hatchet job on Trump and his friends and associates.

CMAnon 19 points ago +19 / -0

I think it's mental illness taking over from anxiety and the fear of the skeletons in their closets being revealed. Blackmail could be a part of it but I'm thinking they did some things they are really nervous about getting arrested for.

CMAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds like a BH test hack to me.

CMAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

In this crazy clown world, nothing is impossible. With only a little over 5 months till the election we will see some bizarro stuff happening. Personally, I'm waiting for Q's suicide weekend to happen where the left decides to save the taxpayers some money and the country's gene pool gets cleaned out a bit.

CMAnon 15 points ago +15 / -0

Trump behind bars would become the world’s most famous political prisoner besting Nelson Mandela, convicted by the most corrupt Democrat administration in the country’s history.

CMAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump should make Kash his AG and give him Epstein's black book to release to the public after the appropriate arrests are made. Why release it ahead of time and give them a heads up to leave the country? Let Kash do his thing. The perps won't know what hit them.

CMAnon 7 points ago +7 / -0

Now if we could only get our “learned” physicians to admit they need to question the science more before wholesale injecting their patients with novel experimental gene therapies, we’d really be making progress.

CMAnon 8 points ago +8 / -0

Covid taught us many things about vaccines in general and a lot about big pharma, mainstream media, governmental control and manipulation, the healthcare industry, globalist domination and population control. We learned a lot about mRNA and our own doctors willingness to conveniently forget their Hippocratic oaths.

We learned who are friends were and who they were not. We learned how corrupted those we trusted were. We also learned that we have the power to say no. We learned fast because we awakened from a collective slumber and we will not be going back to sleep anytime soon. Now it’s time that those who think they are in charge of our health and well being learn a few things about us. We will not comply. We will take back our freedom and we will link arms and make sure they get this message loud and clear.

CMAnon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rudy Guliani represented Trump and he’s been under attack ever since.

CMAnon 4 points ago +4 / -0

Precisely why I wonder if the military can be considered White Hats? This plus they’re pushing all the woke gender garbage at the military academies. The leftist poison has infected the military. Are they past the point of counting on them for anything Trump?

CMAnon 2 points ago +2 / -0

No profit in insulin. Profits = donations (kickbacks) to politicians. Profits mean job security for DC swamp creatures. Profits means the champaign flows freely at the swanky Georgetown parties the media and their sources love to attend. Good times for them, not you. Got that? As George Carlin famously said, “it a big club and you ain’t invited”.

CMAnon 19 points ago +19 / -0

In the Lord, yes. But after the Scamdemic, my comfort in fellowship has diminished greatly. I don’t think I’m alone in that regard.

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