GreatAwakeCoach 3 points ago +3 / -0


Everyone should look into these supplements (in no particular order)

  1. Lumbrokinase - best for deep clots
  2. Serrapeptase - acts as a broom for dead cells & inflammation
  3. Nattokinase - another cleansing tool, maybe the weakest of the three
  4. NAC (+ L- Glycine for best natural glutathione production for anti-aging)

K2 is also great.

*Not a doctor, not medical advice of any kind. *All of the above are mild blood thinners, and caution should be used when combining them

Hope this helps.

God bless.

GreatAwakeCoach 3 points ago +3 / -0

This global change process doesn't end anytime soon.

Be assured that this part of the process doesn't last forever - but it must get bad enough to make sure that we don't let it happen again for 300 years.

We're all tired, anon.


GreatAwakeCoach 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fenbenazole is cheaper and easy to find.

*Not medical advice.

GreatAwakeCoach 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fenbenazole is cheaper and easy to find.

*Not medical advice.

GreatAwakeCoach 3 points ago +3 / -0

May God bless you, your Mom and your entire family.

GreatAwakeCoach 2 points ago +2 / -0

9gagger strikes again.

Appreciate the clarity, SS.

GreatAwakeCoach 1 point ago +1 / -0

Saying "f*ck" and "bro" 1,000x doesn't make anything he's saying true.

Most of us have known about The Grove for 10+ years. Anything he said this morning could be found in any David Icke book, and hardly new news.

Most likely, he's got PPV points on his next fight, and it's not selling very well.

Boxing is the most corrupt sport on the planet - I wouldn't put anything past anyone in that world.

GreatAwakeCoach 2 points ago +2 / -0

Make the time. Hard to have a job if you're dead, fren.

I pray The Christed Man & Our Heavenly Father make you whole again.

Also immediately look into Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, both internally & topically. Cancer = lack of Oxygen.

Carnivore diet, please. No sugar, no carbs.

GreatAwakeCoach 1 point ago +1 / -0

OP, good people are everywhere + bad people are everywhere.

Good outnumber the bad, and many things in the reality are neither black nor white.

Pray for justice, not destruction.


GreatAwakeCoach 37 points ago +37 / -0

I have been coaching people on this for years.

Rule #1: not everything you discover or understand needs to be shared with your wife.

Your job is to bank information, and as she awakens, support her in that process.

Trust me when I tell you this. Many marriages/relationships have gone South bc of oversharing.

GreatAwakeCoach 1 point ago +1 / -0

If we went to a __________-backed currency system, the price of ________ would most certainly increase.

Gold @ 100k/oz would change a great deal about nearly everything.

GreatAwakeCoach 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everyone should be alternating 30 days on Double Wood Serrapeptase, followed by 30 days on 3G of NAC + 3g of Glycine - jabbed or unjabbed.

Zeolite may or may not be an effective cleanse for the jabbed, as well.

The blood is going to have to be cleaned & unclogged.

*Not a doctor, not medical advice.

GreatAwakeCoach 2 points ago +2 / -0

If only she had this level of passion for the truth when interviewing James Alefantis from Comet Ping Pong all those years ago.

GreatAwakeCoach 2 points ago +2 / -0

The fuel oil ships running their routes helps to create new weather patterns & affects our respiratory health in unimaginable ways.

Check out Mike Morales & AGWN on YouTube

GreatAwakeCoach 3 points ago +3 / -0

Binders are not discussed enough when using anti-parasitics.

Using IVM, Fenben, etc kills pathogens & bugs, but where do they go?


Your organs & blood basically become a bug graveyard - and the rotting corpses of your enemies can make you REALLY sick if you don't use anything to collect them, and get them out of your system.

Zeolite, chlorella, activated charcoal are three great ones to start with.

There is far more to killing bugs and pathogens than just taking meds. Making sure you're pooping often & well is Step #1, and that can be achieved with the correct forms of fiber & oxygenated magnesium.

Please be careful and do proper reading (from multiple sources) before starting these cleanses. You can f*ck yourself up worse by doing them without being properly prepared.

Hope this helps someone.


GreatAwakeCoach 2 points ago +2 / -0

WADR, stop speaking to your parents about things beyond their comprehension level.

By now you should know that you're not changing anyone's mind, or saving anyone's soul. Be there for them when they wake up, but waking them up is not your job.

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