Synackack 1 point ago +1 / -0

Local women I met, joke they rub their husband's down with this blend... If you look it up on pinterest you get a banner saying to get proper help seek medical professional. Lol.

I don't sell oils, I have a job, so there's no angle here. I do use the multilevel marketing brands but maybe you can find someone to buy from so you aren't sucked into.membership.

Otherwise you can try places like etsy. "stress relief roller" or something.

I used to make fun of my hippie friends who did oils and now me and all my friends are believers.

Research through online or Amazon books on what oils do. Here's one on frankincense. And FYI, I never ingest. Just dab the oil blend on. Seems silly but really does work.

Frankincense benefit Frankincense oil, derived from the resin of the Boswellia tree, has been used for centuries for its medicinal and cosmetic properties. Here are some of the benefits of frankincense oil:

Medicinal Benefits:

Anti-inflammatory: Frankincense oil has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce swelling and pain in the body. Antiseptic: It has antiseptic properties, which can help prevent infection and promote wound healing. Antioxidant: Frankincense oil has antioxidant properties, which can help protect the body from free radicals and oxidative stress. Expectorant: It can help relieve congestion and coughs by loosening mucus and promoting its expulsion from the body. Antibacterial: Frankincense oil has antibacterial properties, which can help combat bacterial infections. Cosmetic Benefits:

Anti-aging: Frankincense oil can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and improve skin elasticity. Skin tone: It can help even out skin tone and reduce the appearance of acne and other skin imperfections. Wound healing: Frankincense oil can help promote wound healing by stimulating the growth of new skin cells and improving blood flow. Hair care: It can help promote healthy hair growth, reduce dandruff, and improve the overall health of the scalp. Other Benefits:

Stress relief: Frankincense oil has a calming and relaxing effect, which can help reduce stress and anxiety. Pain relief: It can help relieve pain and discomfort associated with arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other conditions. Immune system support: Frankincense oil can help support the immune system by stimulating the production of white blood cells.

Synackack 3 points ago +3 / -0

All really good advice... So I'll suggest something different and hippie.

I would also look into essential oils. I didn't believe in them before but I was at a breaking point and didn't want to take anxiety meds. I started using EO and within days my heart palp and snapping at my family went away and it's never came back. It's been 3 years and I feel amazing.

Maybe find someone who has some who can make you a roller. "liquid x" : 15 drops Lavender, 10 frankincense, 10 ylang ylang, 10 grapefruit in a 10ml roller.

For the wife, look up "superwoman" essential oil blend. This has literally changed 15 women's lives around me. It balances hormone and controls stress.

Another example, not to give away too much but my friend became an alcoholic working a job and he quit. He broke down and really wanted to get his shit together. He finally decided to try EO and he is feeling amazing and losing weight, has motivation. He's on one for sleep, testosterone, and the liquid x above. His wife is on superwoman and she didn't believe in it either but left town without it and felt terrible.

I believe if you can get your stress under control... You will see things more clearly.

Just inhaling an EO changed women's stress https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24802524/

Good luck!

Synackack 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought I read somewhere they were rewriting it from a woman's point of view. Time to stock up on the original while you can?

Synackack 3 points ago +3 / -0

A long time ago, my indoor cat developed an "injection site sarcoma." I regretted getting him updated on his shots. Especially when he was a indoor cat.

Synackack 2 points ago +2 / -0

My friend told me it was one molecule away from plastic. I don't know if it was true but made me change eating it.

Synackack 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not all of us, otherwise their revenue wouldn't be there. Just some of us and replace us with the illegals.

Synackack 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was also a mention of this case in Unsolved Mysteries show and a documentary about Clinton's made in the 90s called The Clinton chronicles. Interesting.

Synackack 3 points ago +3 / -0

Only 13,000? Has to be more. I know so many people in my inner circle who was affected. Where do they go to report it? Is anyone besides CDC collecting this data?

Synackack 4 points ago +4 / -0

I visited Japan. My husband wanted to go and I really didn't know anything about the culture or country. When I went I didn't want to come home.

I tell everyone you can eat off the train station floor it was so clean. They care about their cities and shops. Shop owners were outside every morning cleaning and scraping gum off the concrete. The Tokyo city train announced when it was delayed by 15 seconds. It was the best trip I ever made and sad that I will probably never go again.

Synackack 2 points ago +2 / -0

I ate these a lot as a kid. Maybe they weren't trying to kill us back then. 🤞

Synackack 10 points ago +10 / -0

I was fed this lie. Had my child late after my "career" was established. My husband told me I would quit and homeschool. I never thought I would be that kind of woman. Here I am... I don't regret doing it. What I regret is giving into the lie of being an independent woman. We need more Trad families.

My husband also regrets waiting so long to have a kid. Now we have 1...where we look back at our families where they each had 5 or 6 kids.

My kid is learning from our mistakes and wants a lot of kids. I hope the world is in better shape where that actually happens.

Synackack 1 point ago +1 / -0

No idea... but all of the stuff going around the intertubes have scared some of my friends to keep them home for the day. (private and special needs school)

Synackack 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was sent this, I hadn't seen it...


Katt Williams says it's going down in 2024...called this happening, 2 months ago.

Synackack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Turmeric cured inflammation from reactive arthritis of 13 years within days. (recipe for golden milk specifically) I'm mad I didn't trust homeopathic l/herbal medicine sooner.

Also mill your own flour and make your own carbs. Fixed my digestive issues I have had since I was a kid. I did everything.... Nothing like real fiber with bran and germ in tact. Also my allergies don't bother me, no more post nasal drip.

Your gut is your second brain... IMO.

I ditched store peanut butter and my weird burning sensation in my legs went away. Probably from same issue from 13 years ago. (check my comment history in what I did) or maybe it's the food.

Synackack 30 points ago +30 / -0

Similar story. My coworker went in sick with Covid? when it all first happened and the doctors and nurses at the hospital told her she should die for refusing the shot. My friend already was sick with autoimmune issues and didn't want to take it. She lived.. But will never forget how hateful the staff was.

Side note, her dad took the shot and has had 6 open heart surgeries since. He had heart issues before the shot but was stable until he took it.

Synackack 5 points ago +5 / -0

Should be a mandatory watch for everyone in corporate America. I watch it yearly.

Synackack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bought a few years ago when market was overpriced for housing so our dwelling is 650k. (I didn't pay that)

They had my personal property at 400k limit.

I paid 1900 last year.

So I asked to lower my dwelling. If I had to rebuild, I'd rebuild smaller not a "like" house. I definitely do not own 400k in personal belongings in my house. I have cheap ikea furniture and nothing of value and could easily replace furniture and clothes for 50k.

I put in the request for changes so we will see what my agent says. 🤷 🤞

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