TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Valid questions indeed. I suspect the 911, JFK and covide files are being held back as the final big blow to the bad guys yo illuminate how serious and disturbed these people really are. It is galvanizing to the public. It would have the same effect as the pedophile exposure... only much less disgusting. Fact is, you take down either one... you take down both. Hell of a movie... ain't it mate?

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Awesome! Like most of us, we have discovered our hidden sexual preference... to absolutely "Fuck the Deep State!" Am I wrong?

TheHumanPrimer 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it perhaps, was because of timing in regards to things we are unaware of amd hidden in the background. My question was geared toward the "what" part of the background was happening that caused him to delay.

However, you bring up a different point, that is... he is deep state. So, to be fair, let's consider your proposition. Give me your top 5 points as to what you think indicates he is a Deep Stater?

TheHumanPrimer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why not do this? Is there any challenger to him for the party? If not, then why not go ahead and make him our man? Makes sense to me. Moves and counter-moves.

TheHumanPrimer 15 points ago +16 / -1

The question remains, why didn't he do it already when he could have?

TheHumanPrimer 2 points ago +3 / -1

Well there is this (something we have all considered at one time or another):

If you study the history of cabal tactics, they always control both sides of any issue. It is a standard play for them. Trump showed up on the scene and stood for the opposition to all the nonsense happening and even more fierce for what was going to happen and is happening now. True to form, if we think like them, we would only allow him to survive (live) if we controlled him.

Thus, within this scenario, we (the cabal) could not lose. Trump (with a win) would then terraform the entire landscape in an "all-in (by us)" way. Brilliant right? Normal for them, correct? So we are aware of this and consider that all information from both sides could indeed be absolute disinformation to manipulate us.

However, even if this consideration were true, there is one major flaw that gives us all some peace of mind. That is, 1) if Trump were to betray us. we would not scatter in fear and neither would patriots in our military. 2) We are still massively armed, they never achieved disarmament... we would fight.

It then would appear as a bad strategy on their part to awaken the world (through a Trump figure) only to think they could put us all back to sleep. I think it is that aspect of all this that makes this of a "biblical" proportion. Given this view, I think Trump is genuine and indeed is not controlled. In turn, it means that Derek Johnson is either trying to create false hope or he is being forthright about the broader plan for the good guys. If you study his work, it isn't simple. Many dots to connect. Difficult to discern indeed. Yet, if Trump is who we think he is, there must be a sophisticated plan (hidden) underneath it all and perhaps DJ is on to it.

For me, and perhaps many of you, I don't care anymore. I am awake. I see what is happening to our country and it is completely unacceptable. I am wise enough to see where they are leading us... I won't go there. So don't try to force me. I never shoot first. I never start the fight. I rarely, ever get angry. But I am steadfast in my convictions. So, I will observe, educate where I can, and seek truth. But I keep my powder dry.

...my two cents.

TheHumanPrimer 2 points ago +2 / -0

With all due respect, and keeping with the GA decorum... it is helpful to point out specifically where he is wrong instead of blasting him with slander. The planefag comment was headed in that direction but you need to give examples of what he said incorrectly. This would be of help. Calling him a low-IQ patriot doesn't help anyone here.

TheHumanPrimer 2 points ago +3 / -1

You might consider the "odd" behavior and the CIC staging are all mere symptoms of some Eye-bursting even that's coming. Nestle your observations in this:

Human energy on this planet is being galvanized thus increasing it's intensities. The pressure relief valve (options) are limited. So something must unite this energy into one agreement, one idea, one overwhelming and ubiquitous consensus.

The movie and script we are absorbing is the required foreplay required to reach that point where the audience is ready. Regardless of how they pull it off... this is just the build up.

One caution however: This entire build-to-an-event operation has also been used (by design) to cause the world to sway in this way or that... for nefarious purposes. Our discernment of this issue is part of the reason for a delay and thus needing intense build-up of human energy. There can be no viable position to resisting the outcome... when it happens.

...my two cents. Read "The Human Primer"

TheHumanPrimer 12 points ago +12 / -0

Too many professional class people have been scratching their heads regarding how far out of bounds things have gotten and completely ignored by the referees.

Most (if not all) rational people are wise enough to see where these "happenings" lead and the world it enables. It is not the world most of us want. That agreement causes enormous, cohesive human energy globally which in turn, creates overwhelming power to shift an entire paradigm.

That is what they are so afraid of. There is no recovery for them thus they must utilize any means necessary to survive. Trump has painfully shown us their "means" being used.

TheHumanPrimer 8 points ago +8 / -0

Until they arrest somebody... this theater (although important) is not satisfying. We know. They know. We know, they know we know. We know, they know. It is time to hold them accountable and make some arrests. The Emperor has no clothes and his men's acts are elephants in every room.

We have reached the WTF stage in this movie.

TheHumanPrimer 5 points ago +5 / -0

For those who have actually read the Quran... let us not forget what it instructs Muslims to do.... this is what we are up against.

"O ye who believe (Muslims) take not the Jews or the Christians for your friends and protectors. They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he among you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them." (Surat Al Maidah 5:51)

"Kill the Mushrikun (polytheists, Christian and non Muslims), wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush. But, if they repent and perform As-salat (public prayer with Muslims) and give Zakat (Islamic alms), then leave their way free. Allah is oft-forgiving, most merciful." (Sarat At-Taubah 9:5)

"And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbe lief and worshipping of others along with Allah) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allah (alone)...." (Surat Al¬Baqarah 2:193)

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where are the people who support such an agenda? Does anyone actually know anyone? I don't.

TheHumanPrimer 8 points ago +8 / -0

One characteristic we all love about President Trump is he despises employees who repeatedly provide excuses and get nothing done! You're Fired Peter-head Butt-in-a-wedge!

TheHumanPrimer 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of my favorite quotes from the office door of our VP of Customer Service: "Do you want it Fast? Cheap? or Good?... pick any two!"

TheHumanPrimer 10 points ago +10 / -0

My response to this Karen, like many of us would have, in that situation, that is... she demands I take down the U.S. Flag, would be: "Make me!" And see how that turns out for her.

TheHumanPrimer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well to be fair, if I had a private jet, I wouldn't want the public to be able to track me either!

TheHumanPrimer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Almost all our greatest discoveries were resisted with the same vigor as you displayed. Have you ever investigated esoteric sciences? Channels such as Kryon or off-planet information, or any interdimensional sources (outside 3D), read books like "Conversations with God" or "The Field"? Well, take none as gospel. But read to comprehend what they propose, digest it first, then archive them.

At some point, given your accumulated archives, some scientific dots start to connect. Terrence is connecting some for me. I am not saying you are wrong. I am saying I don't disregard the idea he could be right. Based on what I know, from many scientist like Nassim Harimein, the HeartMath Institute, etc, what he is saying makes complete sense.

So never be to quick to judge science. Let it play out. It will always surprise you.

TheHumanPrimer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Translation: He is wasting his time because we already have the existing system rigged for Biden.

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