TinHattedTruthSeeker 9 points ago +9 / -0

Great to see you S Bronx! I’m so sick, tired, disgusted & heartbroken from watching our nation fall. We all need to come together as one people, one nation under God....united we’ll stand....NCSWIC!

TinHattedTruthSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

TY JT, you rock! Thanks much for the time & effort to get this out, and your compassion for others. I’m a family caregiver with many members and friends (self included) who could benefit with a deep arterial cleanse. God bless you!

TinHattedTruthSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for this. Never heard of the 1st one so will definitely be lookin into. Blessings to you as well fren.

TinHattedTruthSeeker 3 points ago +3 / -0


Thank you God for the miraculous bodies you have provided us, with our complex & intricately formed brains that reason & think, with the ability to seek knowledge & wisdom that you have promised we will find through our faith in you and your Son, Christ Jesus. We thank you for the family of friends we find here at this site, who care for, and share with each other, as we struggle to navigate these troubling times. We lean on you and your promises, and thank you for guiding us, leading us, directing us, protecting us. Thank you for JohnTitor17 (and all here who share) we know he is not a doctor, practicing, nor advocating or professing any cures, but simply giving us insight into what he’s experienced in his own life. Father as always, we give you the praise for all your blessings and pray your will be done, in Jesus’ name - Amen

JT17... YES please!!! share your experience on arterial cleansing as you have on FenBen. I’m a huge proponent of both IVM & FB. As you can see by all the comments, you have our ears..and eyes on you...waiting to hear. TYIA for sharing both ( I hope).

TinHattedTruthSeeker 9 points ago +9 / -0

Lovin’ my ancestors, the fighting Irish. Hold on to your country, your love & your pride for your land, your heritage. Reminds me of our own POTUS’ & his Gaelic roots from his Scottish mothers side. Erin go Bragh! and MAGA! 👍🙏🇺🇸

TinHattedTruthSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Would appreciate a quick synopsis / commentary from anyone who watches the Satcha film. TYIA

TinHattedTruthSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

I ditched HBO when the Kenyan & BM came on board so not sure where to watch Season 4 (debuted June 2022) & my limited time is precious so here’s wiki’s synopsis for similar frens:

In the fourth season, humanity has lost the war, with Charlotte Hale's host copy having filled the power vacuum left behind by Engerraund Serac and his Rehoboam. Charlotte succeeds in taking control of the world using a bio-engineered virus that infects humans over the course of a generation and makes them susceptible to her and other Hosts' orders, effectively switching the role dynamic between humans and Hosts. Two decades later, Christina, a woman who works at a video game company and writes non-playable character (NPC) storylines and backstories, gradually begins to question the nature of her reality after she realizes that it appears her stories are somehow translating to the lives of humans in the real world. In actuality, she is a program created by Charlotte to manage a largely docile humanity, with the Hosts now controlling humanity and managing their lives through her carefully detailed and manufactured "storylines", which are transmitted directly to the minds and lives of humans through a series of radio-sonic transmission "tones". Meanwhile, Bernard reunites with Maeve and enlists a group of "outliers" (humans who have evolved immunity to the Hosts' virus) against Charlotte's regime. The season climaxes with William unraveling the tone program, which throws the world into chaos and starts an extinction-level war between the liberated humans and hosts all across the globe. At the conclusion of the series, Charlotte uploads Christina's code into the Sublime, where she finally reacquires her sentience and realizes she is herself a reprogrammed version of Dolores Abernathy, and as humanity is on the brink of true extinction, decides to simulate "one last game" to determine if any part of human sentience may yet be preserved in a new world.

TinHattedTruthSeeker 5 points ago +5 / -0

“...I would want to kill them.” Yep, okay. Stupid us for not trusting”the science”

No reminders needed here, I remember those days quite well. Vividly in fact.

Being snarled at for ignoring arrows & walking the wrong way in grocery stores. Given tongue lashings by purple haired women for not wearing a mask properly (when I absolutely had to) by placing it below my nose. Being cancelled, banned by an in-law for refusing any clot shots. Lectured by doctors & long time friends who thought I was being inconsiderate to others, by not bending a knee to Fauci.

Those days have been permanently etched into my pure blood brain matter. I already had a healthy skepticism for much of “the powers that be” installed in our government. These years have just sharpened my focus & cemented the deal.

by sol7
TinHattedTruthSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Geez! Got here a day late. Oh well, I’ll comment anyways....only thing that would’a made this better was a few unmarked white buses rolling by...ole’ (not!}.

TinHattedTruthSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry for the delay....Powder has just the tiniest hint of bitter to it and pretty much masked by food. Not offensive to me. No scent at all that I can detect, but you never know with a dogs keen sense of smell.

TinHattedTruthSeeker 5 points ago +5 / -0

FenBen - USA source: Happy Healing Store in Wakefield, NC

I bought the 100% pure powder form in a jar. It comes with a tiny scoop that holds a 222mg dose & jar provides 250 doses, Best pricing I could find for long term use. It dissolves in oil so we use a small amount of flax seed or coconut oil. Sometimes swirl it into softened butter. Whatever you find best. Not as easy as pills but much more economical for use on a regular basis as opposed to occasional parasite cleanse.

Did some research, checked out their ownership & BBB, You can order straight from the company or thru Amazon. Several family members & 90 yr old matriarch has used with no side effects (adding to J.Tippen protocol). Hope this helps. Saying prayers 🙏 for your mom. God bless.

TinHattedTruthSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just a quick note fwiw on kiwi fruit, I learned from a family friend living in the rainy Puget Sound that there are varieties of kiwis that will grow in cooler grey climates. She harvests boatloads every year. Still need both sexes.

TinHattedTruthSeeker 5 points ago +5 / -0

Wild lettuce (aka opium lettuce) for pain & sleep - gather in the wild.

Mullein - for respiratory infection, urinary tract infection, also found in the wild, but you can gather seeds & cultivate in your garden. My daughter-in-law grows her own & makes tinctures.

TinHattedTruthSeeker 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yah, right! Purebloods still have immune systems & more to fear from maxi-vaxed & boosted folks that catch & spread EVERYTHING going around. Perhaps this threat of “severe illness & death” targeting deplorables might come from the hands of armed IRS agents, weaponized military aged “newcomers”, hijacked auto systems, etc..? Just sayin 🤔

TinHattedTruthSeeker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Revelation 3:9 NKJV - Indeed I will make those of the “synagogue of Satan”, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.

GOD himself differentiated between his followers & non-believers. Imposters who call yourself “Jews” ...now is the time to repent....your days are numbered. Q’s called you out....just like the Bible.

Let the veil be lifted!


TinHattedTruthSeeker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just claimed the 17h upvoat ;) soooo I say YES on BG next please!!!

TinHattedTruthSeeker 1 point ago +1 / -0

AI GENERATED PHOTO? There's something off & wonky with both her hands. Where did GP obtain this photo? Anyone else question this?

TinHattedTruthSeeker 8 points ago +8 / -0

Makes me think of:

“If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain.”

François Guizot

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