Tynyyn 16 points ago +16 / -0

Pardon me, but how does a metal building burn to the ground? This wern't no accident, this was planned to do a couple of things, reduce the number of laying hens within the country, then reduce the amount of eggs available, thus making eggs more valuable. Once eggs go up in cost then everything made with egg as an ingredient will increase in cost. Feeling the pain yet? This is nothing compared to what's gonna happen in a few months. Better get your preps in order so you'll have something to fall back on when the hard times come.

Tynyyn 4 points ago +4 / -0

OH, THE HORROR!!!!!!! Those poor Satanists will be apoplectic having their children view the Ten Commandmants every day in school. Why, with enough viewing the kids might even begin to wonder about being a Christian.

Tynyyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wanna see HRC swing for all the crap she's done against our soldiers and country. Maybe her tears will lubricate the noose so she won't get too chaffed around her neck. :)

Tynyyn 5 points ago +5 / -0

This sounds like a bunch of psycho-babble a lefty would espouse to sound smart. It doen't mean a thing to a Patriot, though. They will be in shock when Trump and Q begin unveiling their plan to reset this great country into what the founders had envisioned. If the idiot lefties cannot adapt, oh well, they can hop on a ship and migrate to another country, like Nigeria or India. I wonder if new laws will be passed to make certain that "democracy" will be stricken from the lexicon of Social Studies in high school classrooms? Lefty Professors in colleges and universities should be forced to teach American history with a Representative Republic based form of government or else be evicted from their positions of learning.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good. Maybe teachers in public schools will begin teaching the students that America is a Representative Republic and NOT a democracy. The left is filled with idiots who haven't learned a lot in their woke classrooms, but they think they have.

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are a lot less youthful burger flippers than old retirees, thus they can get a wee bit higher wage. If the SS benefits were to be increased to keep up with the burger flippers then EVERYBODY would have to pay higher taxes to make up for the imbalance. Heck I'm gonna get make more as a partime custodian than a full time federal retiree. Yea, I'd like to see my SS increase by a grand a month, but I don't think that will happen any time soon.

Tynyyn 5 points ago +7 / -2

Aaaaahhhh, I remember having a birthday and Tony Orlando walking up to me in his basement apartment and giving me a huge slobbery kiss on my cheek. He's a nice guy and I was shocked he took the time to recognise my special day. His mustache was scratchy, though.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

According to the "Joe Tippens Cancer Protocol" Fenben is taken at a dosage of 222mg per day (or equivalent of 1 gram of Panacur C horse dewormer) Seven days a week and take with food. For an average sized male.

He also takes Curcumin-600mg/day

Buy Spectrum CBD oil- 25mg/day Make sure it's a top shelf CBD oil.

Vitamin E 400-800mg/day Seven days a week.

Toss in a Ivermectin pill or some Ivermectin horse paste if you cannot obtain the pills. One pill a day or about 200/mg of the paste.

Joe Tippens did this protocol for 3.5 months and was cancer free. He had cancer scans before and after beginning the treatment and out of a hundred test subjects he was the only one to survive.

Look up "Joe Tippens Cancer Protocol" on Google and read about his adventure.

Tynyyn 4 points ago +4 / -0

The liver is an organ that can heal itself, just stop hitting the booze and carbs. Toss in some Fenbendazile and Ivermectin and the liver will be as good as new in a few weeks. There are cures for fatty liver disease, by you have to abstain from wonderful tasting food for a while. Eat natural food, not man-made foods, too.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder if this scourge against children is ever gonna be taken out of society. Will there always be Pedos or will they eventually be arrested and tossed under the jail? What is the big desire to have sex with a kid? Heck, if you are that hard up for some sex, just go rent a hooker for an hour or two, don't screw up with the mind of a defenseless child. Once you do that then the kid will have mental and emotional issues for the rest of his life. That will become a burden on society by the necessity of mental health visits to professionals and emotional turmoil wondering what they did wrong to garner such acts upon themselves. If an adult man cannot control his yearnings maybe he needs a permanent dirt nap so he won't ever harm a kid again.

Tynyyn 7 points ago +7 / -0

With DeNiro's recent stance on being a anti-Trump voice, I wonder if during his early days in acting he had to do certain sexual things to gain acceptance in his chosen field? Is he gay? Participated in kiddy diddling? Partake in Adrenochrome useage? Sad that he might be told to go out and cast aspursions against Trump in order that he maintains his stature in the acting field, but I would not be surprised if the powers to be control him.

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder if the schools will still teach about sex education? When I was in HS there was an optional class you could sign up for and the school taught you about the birds and the bees, but not about gay sex. Is this still happening or are the schools eliminating all sex education?

Tynyyn 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's why she will be tried in Gitmo, the libs cannot swim 90 miles and then protest. Plus news coming out of Gitmo will be heavily redacted and parsimonious. She will be shown at her trial and that video will be two weeks old. The left will not have anything to protest since it will be old news. But the good news will be , the evil witch was persecuted to the fullest amount the law will allow. Don't the libs believe in the righteousness of the Trump trials? Then they should love the HRC trials, too

Tynyyn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I bet the lib teachers will become apoplectic. Stating their rights as teachers are being trampled by evil conservatives.

Tynyyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

This man needs to run for Congress. I bet he'd win if his stump speeches were just like this. He is a very hard worker, look at the dirt underneath his fingernails. Turns the ground with his own two hands and loves every minute of it. I bet Lizzo or Cardi B wouldn't dare get dirt underneath their precious nails. They'd spread their legs for a can of beans, while this man would go out there and plow the ground, put the seeds into the ground, tend the field, harvest the beans, and then can the beans so he could have several meals into the future. Yea, this man would be a great neighbor!

Tynyyn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Eat a carnivore diet and learn how to grow you own veggies. It ain't hard, just a few hours to start up the garden beds and Mother Nature takes over from there, unless you've got an infestation of deer. Plant only what you will eat because if you plant tomatos and hate them, you've just wasted time and money on a survival food that isn't going to return you any thing.

Tynyyn 4 points ago +4 / -0

I like this pic. Notice the stands in front of Trump are all empty. Wonder why? It's because NASCAR went woke and their loyal fan base was made up of conservative rednecks who really don't like rainbow colored cars. Plus all the current drivers are wossies who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper sack if they were forced to do so. NASCAR needs to get grizzled old men behind the steering wheel and allow them to knock fenders. Otherwise NASCAR will die on the vine. Too bad..........go woke, get BROKE !!!!!

Tynyyn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Isn't male on male sexual acts commonly known as faggotry? He isn't wrong....for once.

Tynyyn 4 points ago +4 / -0

If I lived close by I would add my bucket of oil based paint to the flag. Make it more inclusive of different types of artists. Heck, I'd do a Bansky design or a Rorshack collage.

Tynyyn 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm curious to know if some of those phone numbers are still viable. Would be interesting to call up Alec Baldwins number to see if he'd answer.

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