UpwardBound 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes!!! I have never seen any deep research done on the passengers of TWA800, other than possibly some holders of some kind of semiconductor patent. I doubt that they would need to get rid of small potatoes like that. Has to be something bigger.

UpwardBound 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think it may be a bit more accurate to say that corrupt people that infiltrated the government killed JFK. Our basic government is fine (the constitution), if the people working there are patriots. The deep state wants the US constitution to disappear. We must not let that happen.

Who was it that said that the constitution they drafted only worked for a moral and religious population?

UpwardBound 10 points ago +10 / -0

Building 7 is the red pill smoking gun. I love to ask ignorant people how many buildings collapsed on 911. They almost always pause and say "two". I say no, there were 3 buildings that collapsed - go on YouTube and watch the videos of building 7. I never hear from them again.

UpwardBound 18 points ago +18 / -0

Remdesivir was proven to cause organ failure. That's what they were giving people, then using the ventilator as an excuse for sedating them, and covid hysteria to keep the family away while they died.

UpwardBound 10 points ago +10 / -0

Thank you for sharing!!! We need to hear every success story. I had early stage1 adenocarcinoma os the parotid gland. This was fully removed by surgery. I have taken fenben for several years now as a prophylaxis. No side effects that I can tell.

UpwardBound 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hmmmm.... Maybe that's why I built a new PC, running Windows 7, that has no capacity to connect to the internet or any network at all. It's off-grid.

The only way to get things on and off this computer is a flash drive. So this computer cannot surf the web or do email. It's independent.

We need to learn to work independently again.

All this "cloud" based stuff is just a road to slavery!!!

UpwardBound 46 points ago +46 / -0

A lot of the evil in the world keeps going back to the bankers. They use their wealth to manipulate and do whatever they need to, to accumulate more wealth.

Wealth and power are used to enslave people, so the rich elite can gain more wealth and power. And it's all legal, because they are the ones that control the government, to make it legal.

But they fear the masses. In order to stay in power, they must remain in the shadows. People, if they are united, have more power than the elite. People have the capacity to change laws, if there are enough people to work together.

Here comes the Great Awakening. Q. Trump. Waking up the masses.

The filthy rich elite have exposed themselves by delving into severe evil abuse of humanity, in their occultic practices. Adrenochrome, human sacrifices, pedophelia, etc, etc. Trumps EO, targeting severe human rights abuses, means we can take it all back.

Lets go, Patriots!!!

UpwardBound 19 points ago +19 / -0

Thank you for your admission of guilt. Now proceed to Gitmo, for military tribunal and execution for treason.

UpwardBound 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's a big WOW!

UpwardBound 10 points ago +10 / -0

I think the whole point of "gun-free-zones" is to create the environments where mass shootings can be maximized.

UpwardBound 25 points ago +25 / -0

Gee. Three terminal cancer patients are cured after taking ivermectin. Ivermectin is one of the safest drugs around.

The medical community is not our friend when they suppress low risk meds that are connected with positive results.

We all know why: If ivermectin is proven to be successful with treating cancer, then the entire billion dollar cancer treatment industry will collapse.

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