akira2501 2 points ago +2 / -0

"admirably law court"

Is that where you go when you have a secret admirer on the high seas?

akira2501 7 points ago +7 / -0

The New York Health service is currently the recipient of a $68 billion dollar grant from the department of Health and Human Services.

Start there.

akira2501 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only elected administrative official? Of course they would have sole discretionary power over the documents created by their own administration.

I mean.. outside of the memo.. it's absurd to even ponder.

This is probably why the founders thought standing armies lasting more than 2 years would be impossible.

akira2501 4 points ago +5 / -1

If you knew it had that much bacteria in it then why did you eat it?

Your food poisoning lasts for more than 8 hours? You should see a doctor.

You're free to seek out pasteurized foods. I'm not saying you can't have it. I'm suggesting it's more than reasonable to have both. One set of food for people who shit themselves for a week straight if they make a single mistake, and one set of food for people with the genes of champions.

akira2501 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pasteurization allows large scale commercial dairy farms to operate huge networks of unsafe food production facilities, they nuke the product beyond all recognition to prevent themselves from being sued, then they label this product as "Milk" and put it on the shelf.

p.s. You can also just test the milk at the production facility itself to tell if it's infected or not.

akira2501 2 points ago +3 / -1

"Raw milk is filled with bacteria!"

"Yea.. so is my mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, and colon. On top of that, it's a non stop acid bath below the esophagus, and I have a functioning immune system. It's almost like nature had this all pretty well figured out a while ago."

akira2501 4 points ago +4 / -0

Holy corrupt century, batman. Corporate malfeasance on an entirely different level.

"Look. We're wrong. You caught us. Here's 3x the money you could possibly ask for. Now leave us alone and let us keep breaking the laws!"

This is what scared criminals do when caught by the police. "Can I just give it back?" "Can I just pay for what I stole?" "I still have the merchandise, I didn't even leave the property with it, I didn't actually steal anything [yet]!"

Hilarious to watch a corporation play against justice with the same energy as a Dindu Nuffins.

akira2501 3 points ago +3 / -0


Meet me on the steps of Judge Merchan's courthouse.


I'm busy otherwise.

akira2501 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yes, I am familiar with basic organizational structure. The point is, with those structures, the important decisions tend to flow to the top, and at least require a sign off from the boss.

It's the same cycle in here always. Trump backs a terrible political candidate. They fail miserably. Then you say "Oh, he just did that to expose them!" Now it's his own family, so you've got nothing to fall back on other than your current weak argument, "must have been someone else!" lol..

Now it's 2/3 of the pyramid? Rhetorically, shouldn't it just collapse then? Anyways, keep believing in a mortal savior, I'm sure that'll work out for you.

akira2501 3 points ago +3 / -0

ah.. you're getting in the way of the narrative.. the point of this post is to make one side feel superior to the other while at the same time throwing away their basic rights in this country.

see also: TikTok, or Smart Border Security

akira2501 3 points ago +5 / -2

They stole billions of your tax dollars. To make a defective product. And then used the federal government to terrify people into taking it.

Super cool that it doesn't matter to you one bit, though, cuz like, there was a "choice" involved, or something.

akira2501 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well.. it's a convenient narrative.. so I'd see why you'd repeat it a bunch of times uncritically.

akira2501 4 points ago +4 / -0

There are zero reasons to publish that there is "no evidence."

If a publication says this to you, it's because they were paid to, there is no ethical or scientific purpose in denying the existence of something through the lens of journalism. It simply is not designed to perform this function.

akira2501 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yea.. people who expect "the state" to be "on their side" are amazing to me. I wonder if they've never been conned or in a bad relationship and are just so lucky they don't have a clue.

akira2501 2 points ago +2 / -0

Organized crime is funny like that. There's no real "central" leadership. Just a bunch of mutually tied together self interests.

akira2501 1 point ago +2 / -1

You have to compare costs to what a full scale WWIII would cost.

So.. you're suggesting.. that our military aid to the middle east is NOT going to cause WW3? Wat?

$100 B is cheap.

No.. it's not. Given the state of this country and what we need here and the fact we are not getting it. It's not just the money it's all the things we're getting short changed on, it's the inflation you and your children and their children are going to have to endure.

For a political move? That could have been done in any number of other ways? All Trump had to say is "Johnson is a sissy" and that would have been the end of that man's political career. He didn't do that. He's simply not a skilled political operative. Business skills don't translate.

akira2501 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump pushes assholes towards the light; to show how bad these people actually are.


It only cost us $100b.

great plan. mega 8d chess shit right here. :|

akira2501 1 point ago +1 / -0

which is concerning in the death rates


I'm not concerned. Projections are just that. The total rate change is minuscule.

Consider that as the gap increases between death rate and birth rate


It's approaching 1:1 and projected to remain there for a long time. Looks juiced up to me.

will eventually start shifting to people who aren't native to the region.

Why would this happen? There's a lot of low quality homes. We could just demolish those. If you don't let non natives in then this is probably what you would do. Anyways.. 1:1 is a likely steady state.

that foreign population becomes a greater and greater force

Right.. so acknowledge the "population growth problem" is largely made up and stop admitting them in. Why is any of this a problem?

akira2501 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't trust their numbers. I also don't buy that "collapse" is imminent with the unemployment rate what it is and with the pace of technology being what it is.

These are old school agrarian ideas about population growth that I don't believe actually matter anymore.

They're selling this lie to force immigration where none is actually "needed." I think they just want to keep wages and conditions depressed so people are easier to control.

Smart borders and 15 minute cities. That's what the long play is here.

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