lovemyGod 3 points ago +3 / -0

I love my Subaru, they go forever and great up here in the snowy hilly and muddy green mountains.

lovemyGod 3 points ago +3 / -0

"farm fresh facials' lol. Thats what happens when you get splashed from the gutter in the dairy barn. Here's a hint ladies, you want youthful skin? Wear a sun hat, eat good food, don't drink alcohol and drink water.

lovemyGod 1 point ago +1 / -0

13 hours ago it still worked, I stream youtube ambient video of ocean waves and sound for the person in my care all night, did not loose connection, there was a glitch in his live newsfeed around 9 30- 10 00, but other internet was fine.

lovemyGod 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yesterday I held a raven in my arms, it was a fledgling, 17 inches, still had some brown on it's head. The beak was amazing! We had a helluva lot of wind the day and night before, it was hopping around in the back , and my dog managed to leap and grab it, it got pushed against the fence, both dogs did not hurt it, just kept it there, I got its leg out of the fence and made sure my hands were covered, held it close. No damage, heart racing like crazy, I walked to the front of the house and let it go, it took a minute to lift off high enough, and got itself into the trees. Glad to help it out, I really hope it was not weak from eating something that had been poisoned, but it seemed healthy, just a little in shock, and a young bird. Full grown they are about 27 inches big. What a gorgeous bird, thank you Lord, for letting me be useful in one of your creatures lives.

lovemyGod 6 points ago +6 / -0

I will turn 74.It's my birthday, born in 1950. I hope to spend the day in the garden, have some scallops cooked with butter and garlic, pasta with pesto, a fresh salad, and strawberry shortcake.

lovemyGod 8 points ago +8 / -0

I kept myself safe in early sobriety by going to meetings almost every night, and I live in a rural area, so it took up a couple of hours in the commute. I don't care what anyone says, AA worked for me. I did not trust myself to be alone or not busy, I would go to work, come home, take care of my dogs, and then head out for a meeting. I volunteered to make the coffee at one of my favorite meetings every Tuesday night for a year! I don't listen to people who say it is a cult. Alcohol was my cult. I was a functioning alcoholic but a drunk none the less. I made lifelong friends, I did not go to places that had booze, including family holidays for a few years. God was right there to help me, and I found HIM again in the rooms, 34 years ago. Yes, there were slips, it was okay, I got back in there and recommitted. The thing to strive for is to be humble, booze gives us false security and what we think is courage to get through things. It is a lie. One day at a time, sometimes it's one hour at a time. God has all the power you need in your life.

lovemyGod 5 points ago +5 / -0

I like the older, what I call "real" country music and artists. My favorite though is Appalachian music, the Carter Family, I do love Alison Krauss and Emmy Lou, Johnny Cash, early Bonnie Riatt. I just don't like pop music and a lot of country is kind of like pop. If a person saw my playlists on any given day they would think I was schizo, there's a little bit of everything in it.

lovemyGod 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's because, she says, the wall was not built. I saw her on Mahars show. That's all she went on and on about.

lovemyGod 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is a big difference between taking something to bring on your period, say if you are two weeks late, than having a fetus flushed out of your womb, just my opinion. Women have used herbs to do this. What I cannot wrap my head around is why, in 2024, there are "unwanted" pregnancies, unless it is rape, of course, and then i would have no problem if a woman reports the rape right after it happens, is taken to an emergency room, given a pill, and a shot of penicillin for an std. I do see mothers who have no business raising children, the kids end up in foster care, or worse if she is allowed to keep them. It's a mess out there. I guess I am old fashioned, but the best way to not get pregnant is to not have intercourse unless you know your birth control works. But people do it as casually as going out for a drink, and the pregnancy, if it happens, is just as casually terminated like she was pulling out a splinter. What happened to human beings? Between my birth in 1950 and now, it is an alien world out there. No wonder I am happiest at home.

lovemyGod 4 points ago +4 / -0

another one bites the dust for me, I really liked his work as an actor, enjoyed his movies.

lovemyGod 2 points ago +2 / -0

When the sun is flaring, so do I, there is a link with flares effecting certain autoimmune issues here on Earth. All I can tell you is that I could hardly walk on the days it was peaking, and then, like a sea change, I am better.

lovemyGod 2 points ago +2 / -0

Many months in Ireland, I would also go to Nepal, to see the Himalayas, not to climb them,Iceland, and for some reason, the very tip of South America, to see the place where the oceans meet with the Antarctic Sea.

lovemyGod 3 points ago +3 / -0

so cloudy here in northern vermont, I saw the north sky lit up like it was nyc 20 miles away though, and its usually pitch black, I live where there is very little light pollution, streaks of light coming from the bright spot, no colors though, the clouds were enough to diffuse the whole thing. I saw them here back in 2003. I guess having a clear sky for the total eclipse and a clear sky for the aurora is asking to much, the weather has been like Ireland here, bright sunny mornings, clouds come in by 9, then break briefly for sunset. The flares have def kicked up my auto immune issues though, have felt like I was hit by a truck and everything hurts.

lovemyGod 1 point ago +1 / -0

The in your face pedophile religion is Mormonism, and they send "missionaries" all over the world. Pedos are a certain percentage of the population, no religion is free of them, no schools are free of them. Catholics get all the headlines because of their segregation of sexes and not marrying, and because of that pressure, my guess is that pedos are drawn to the religion to avoid marraige or any form of normal sexual relations, but I really dont think there are more than anywhere else. It's an evil mental disease, seeing children in that way, and it's gone on too long. There must be some sort of polygraph test or something that would sense pedophilia in anyone who would work with kids. This is far more important that asking employees to pee in a cup to see if they use drugs or not. Hook up anyone wanting to work with kids, or anyone who runs youth programs to a quick test, show them pictures of children (normal photos), and see where the needle goes, show 10 year old boys at the beach, girls the same, nothing indecent. Then show a pic of a gorgeous woman or hunky man, does the needle move only with the children? Would that work? Don't give me civil rights because many jobs require a test of sorts, for drugs, for TB in the case of healthworker, just do it, we have the technology.

lovemyGod 3 points ago +3 / -0

why aren't the same parasites turning everyone gay then? Not all homosexuals are sexually active when they are very young, not all gay people have anal sex. Explain why some gays come out late into adulthood? There are gay people who choose to be celibate instead of practicing a sinful act. Why aren't all girls who were abused turn lesbian? Not all who have feelings for the same sex practice degenerate sex. I am old enough to remember a place in NYC called Platos Retreat, it was all heterosexual sex, swingers, public orgies, group sex, it was not a gay bar, none of those people turned gay. I don't buy it.

lovemyGod 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you are new to prayer, or new to the concept of Christ as Lord and Savior, I found this helpful to me, I pray to Him for guidance, I use the words and call him by name, Jesus Christ, son of God now, I have had doubts in my mind, I did feel foolish, especially if I had lived my life cocksure that I was the boss of my own life. Time and time again we are given evidence of our powerlessness over temptations that take us far from God, but we go back to denial. So, the simple prayer, Jesus Christ,I invite you into my life I do not understand all of this, please show me thy will, the way you want me to be". But then you must try to stay awake to see the signs, to see what choices come up for you in the day. Pay attention, you have a soul, it is the way God talks to you, some of us refer to that as the Holy Spirit. When the opportunity comes to forgive someone, somebody who pisses you off, ask him to show you the way, and be humble, tell him you cannot forgive but ask him to forgive him for you. (After all, he really is the only one with the power to forgive.) Open your mind and just invite him, as your teacher, through the Holy Spirit, to come into your life and show you the way. I was raised within an Irish Catholic home, my father was Presbyterian. At 18, I went as far from belief as any sinner could, labelled all religion as false, and did what I wanted to do. The results were not good, God only knows. I hope you ask Him to come in.

lovemyGod 3 points ago +3 / -0

please be careful in taking it all the time, I did, for years and years of joint pain, it is part of the reason I have Mast cell build up in my gut. It's great for reducing inflammation, does the trick, I used to take 2 or 3 every 6 hours for bad sciatica, period cramps, tendonitis.. developed MCAS, and leaky gut.

lovemyGod 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are many theories that this goes back to Shakespearean theater, and the meaning is to give such a good performance, as the actor takes his curtain call, he bows to the audience in a form of curtsy, as one would do in formal greeting to royalty, "breaking a leg" instead of bowing from the waste. Meaning that he gives such a good performance, the audience is wildly applauding enough so that the actor humbly "breaks a leg".

lovemyGod 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry, it's called Keep Sweet, Pray and Obey.

lovemyGod 5 points ago +5 / -0

Late to the game, but just watched "Stay Sweet", the documentary about the Fundamentalist LDS cult and those poor children and women and men who lost their family ties (and their minds and souls) to the Mormon cult. I couldn't sleep last night because of it. Not all traffickers are in Hollywood, and I am sure it is still going on right under the noses of one of the wealthiest religions in America. Those poor little girls, turned into mothers, and those poor boys being thrown out into the streets so that old men can rape and "marry "young girls. SO much to pray for and get rid of.

lovemyGod 6 points ago +7 / -1

Dear Leftists who are pro Muslim : Girls, are you wearing pants to the protest? The Sharia police in Iran will have you beaten, are you also protesting for "right to choose, or have you had an abortion? You will be stoned to death. Are you also waving the gay flag along with your pro Palestine flag? You will be stoned to death. As a matter of fact, you should not be on the street at all, you have no say in Islam, know your place. Boys did you get take out pizza at your meetings to stop traffic for pro Muslim marches? Was it Haalal? If not you have scorned Allah, are you holding signs that include the Cross and Star of David and the Crescent Moon that say "coexist"? Attempting to promote freedom of religion or converting anyone to Christianity is punishable by death. These leftists have no idea of the reality of the world that they are living in. Jews dehumanize anyone who is not Jewish, and Muslims declare death to infidels . Christ should be the one you seek, it is the only way to peace, and waving flags for Jews or Muslims while in the United States of America for causes you have no idea about, shows me that your University and education are being wasted. Instead go enlist for foreign service for those armies and let some others take your seat in the classroom.

lovemyGod 4 points ago +4 / -0

Vitamins that need food in the stomach are ones that are oil soluble, so they need a certain amount of fat, not a lot. Vitamins A D E CoQ10 are examples. B and C are water soluble take on an empty stomach. Some are absorbed better on an empty, but may cause some distress, these are Alpha Lipoic Acid, L Carnitine, and Acetyl L Cysteine.

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