posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +196 / -2

Here is my post from last night.


A anon asked, "Then why are they still de-platforming patriots?"

My response to him:

"I assume they can't let the cat out of the bag just yet. Perhaps they are monitoring these platforms and still collecting data on the fly. I'm sure BLM, MS 13 and Antifa use these platforms to communicate. Why tell your enemy you are watching them?

If they changed mode of operations people would get wise and the advantage the white hat team had would be gone.

If you look at the very first Q post I gave you see that Google, Twitter and FB is tracking you using GPS location. How was the evidence for 2000 mules obtained?"

What if the intention was to eliminate all the honest, hard working American's who believe in the American dream, what do you have left. You would be left with ballot traffickers, gang members and child traffickers. Would it make the job of the white hat intel agents easier if you eliminated all the people you didn't need to track?

The evidence to create the movie "2000 Mules" was made possible by putting together pings from GPS locations. In fact President Trump just said so at his last rally.

In my post last night I said, "I would be willing to bet the $400 million given to the swing states by Mark Zuckerberg was a trap. Lets see who takes the money to set up drop boxes to steal the election."

In retrospect, taking the money for the drop boxes wouldn't be the illegal part. But what you would be doing is similar to setting a mouse trap, lets see who takes the cheese. People like Stacey Abrams couldn't help themselves, if they see a way to cheat, they will take it.

Thats why a cameras were set up watching these drop boxes. Not to prevent fraud, to catch the fraud. They knew stupid people would take advantage of the boxes and the trap was set.

I remember a judge allowing 145,000 absentee ballots in Fulton county to be audited. I also remember Stacey Abrams saying she had 1 million absentee ballots for the run off election left over from the general election. 1+1=2. Set up the boxes and they will come.

I bet if you looked at the locations of these drop boxes you would find they were placed in Democrat cities who had issues with ballot harvesting in the past.

We have been given all the details, Q told us we have more than we know. We just have to look at this stuff from a different perspective. $400 million for drop boxes = bad.....No! $400 million for drop boxes = good....lol!

Stay safe my frens!!!