posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +90 / -0

Google said they made a mistake in March of 2021. How does someone make a mistake like this? My guess is there was a takeover of Google that happened sometime during the Trump admin and we were unaware. How do I know? Q made public through a series of posts, the most damning evidence against Silicon Valley. Do you really think they would let these corporations stand and continue their destruction on the USA? No, no they wouldn't.

Take a look at this little coincidence.

Ex-Trump aide tweets 'executive orders' after Google lists him as president


Here is another.

President Richard Grenell? Google accidentally lists former Trump administration figure as POTUS in fake news blunder


Here is a Tweet from Grenell after this happened.


If Trump had enough confidence in Grenell to make him the acting director of national intelligence, would he not be the perfect candidate to run a continuation of government (COG) operation?

Look at these Q drops, look at the level of treason Q painted for the anons to absorb. Google was at the center of ALL of it.

Take a look at this Q drop. https://qanon.pub/#2984 If Durham is investigating the spying going on during the Hussein admin against President Trump, do you understand why this Durham probe has taken so long? Imagine trying to unwind this. Google was at the center of all the corruption, treason and spying.

Here is the Q drop talking about Google setting up servers in North Korea https://qanon.pub/#2587 This all came out in 2018. Do you think this has not been dealt with already? Google, Youtube, FB, Twitter have all been commandeered by the white hats.

If it was known that these corporations were coordinating with each other to spy on and undermine the President of the United States, US politicians, US citizens, do you ACTUALLY think they were allowed to continue operations through today?

I would be willing to bet the $400 million given to the swing states by Mark Zuckerberg was a trap. Lets see who takes the money to set up drop boxes to steal the election. These people are stupid.

There are a few more Q posts that indicate Google was taken down or taken over I should say.

https://qanon.pub/#2587 "The FIRE that brought down GOOGLE."

https://qanon.pub/#2378 All roads to China being closed.

https://qanon.pub/#2063 GOOG play a role in the spy campaign against POTUS?

https://qanon.pub/#1876 This one connects many dots.

https://qanon.pub/#1947 GOOG TO BE REGULATED

https://qanon.pub/#1279 We have it all. Think ES departure.

https://qanon.pub/#989 GOOG BIG problems.


Stage set?

Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc are regulated?

MSM is controlled?

Use logic!

Trust the PLAN.

https://qanon.pub/#2587 Control pockets

https://qanon.pub/#1839 The swamp.






I didn't include everything here, this is just a portion of the evidence that was disseminated to us 4 years ago. Have faith that these issues were dealt with, Q told us so in the form of questions. Hasn't people like Jack Dorsey, Eric Schmidt and Mark Zuckerberg been very quiet lately? Do you need more proof?

Have a good day my frens!!!