posted ago by EveryKneeWillBow ago by EveryKneeWillBow +37 / -0

So curious if anyone else has witnessed the same thing. I live outside of a medium sized largely Hispanic City in PA. This is by no means meant to be a post about race; so please let's not go in that direction. I am only bringing up because I believe increase in illegal immigration has resulted in many relocating to said city as would be easier for them to acclimate.

Just the other day witnessed a person driving 25 in a 45 in the fast lane (normal speed of traffic at least 60); then another an hour later drive through a red light without even stopping again at a low rate of speed. The very next day on the highway similar event; someone driving at a very low rate of speed, clearly oblivious to signs/lights almost as if they didn't have a clue how to read them and a danger to any around them.

I can't be the only one noticing this trend...My thought is with the massive influx of immigrants something has to give here. Is anyone else noticing more dangerous drivers on the road?

I read about huge bump ups in insurance rates due to uninsured drivers in illegal immigrant hotbeds, but I'm also noticing its becoming a much bigger problem than just money as significantly more people are going to get killed in accidents Couple that with the rising drug dilemma and you have a powder keg ready to go off. Just my thoughts, interested to hear how others will weigh in here.