EveryKneeWillBow 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well said and Amen. As you said, He doesn't hate the person He hates the sin. All we can do is present the Gospel to them and ultimately Christ will judge them and all sinners.

EveryKneeWillBow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed, while we will take votes (not that it will matter IMO;) I do not trust them either. Their loyalty blows with the wind to what serves them best.

Right now they are seeing the public rallying behind Trump; always snakes in the grass fren

EveryKneeWillBow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amen, there is power in the name of Jesus! He is not afraid tt say his name; may the Lord bless and keep this man safe.

Interestingly Mar Mari Emanuel called for him to say Jesus's name and he did.

Msg to Donald Trump

EveryKneeWillBow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed. Hard to get a firm answer on this, called my broker got something similar to that. I was anticipating late may, but still nothing as you said. Have to be close I figure.

EveryKneeWillBow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't have much I can work with either but definitely will try and pick up some more; with verdict pushed down after hours and pre-market so could be a good opp to throw a little more at it if you have any.

EveryKneeWillBow 2 points ago +2 / -0

pre market down 11% from yesterdays close with sham trial verdict. Going to gobble up some more

EveryKneeWillBow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly how we all knew would play out. We just ask the Lord to protect this man.

Time to pick a side if you haven't already; you either trust the plan or you don't. It is my belief that the DS took bait hook line and sinker; it's going to be Biblical.

EveryKneeWillBow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right, the pattern seems to be run up in the morning then a dump in the afternoon. I'm wondering if more dumps also after hours in smaller waves. Chunk by chunk. With a seemingly endless flow of money from cabal (assuming we haven't shut off the faucet) who's to say they don't keep dumping in smaller chunks to cover the shorts. Bleed out as long as they need to.

I am long GME but curious what some of your thoughts are who may have more experience in this area. Just noticing patterns but not sure I'm interpreting correctly.

But if your theory is correct and white hats are in control I suppose we have nothing to fear; someone is definitely in control though. The markets are clearly manipulated and its a rigged game at the end of the day. Not that you can't make money but you must stay within the parameters of who's in control to avoid getting burned.

EveryKneeWillBow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Amen, even with the expected guilty verdict won't change anything. I believe all this is a show to point out sham of a legal system we have.

EveryKneeWillBow 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's nuts...trying to scrape by but food alone is killing us then throw in the mortgage, gas, electric, phone, sewer, water etc. We even have $50k in student loans we are still paying off! Just were in that sweet spot that we didn't qualify for any of the income forgiveness plans...granted we are not young (40's). Just bleeding us dry bit by bit.

Thank the Lord I insulated and we don't live beyond our means or would be on the streets right now.

I trust God will provide but definitely is not easy and my wife and I make $100k between the two of us! That used to be sustainable...now not even close with kids.

EveryKneeWillBow 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly, like everything else they distort and corrupt they got to country; but never really was country to me. Give me George Jones, AJ, Randy Travis etc but the garbage they are pushing out now was all marketing 101 as you stated.

EveryKneeWillBow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can't help but feel 99% certain that they will ultimately convict him. I believe that is the play, catch the mouse & hence the military is the only way. This is all about exposing the corruption of the system. I mean would any of us be surprised?....furthermore, I could see $DJT taking a short dive only to come roaring back. Sit back and enjoy the show.

EveryKneeWillBow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yup I"m in same boat as you but got out little lower around 120. Then outside of that traded the volatility for a while. One some lost some but came out on top.

Still have a lot on the table but most of it now in the warrants as opposed to the stock. Either way feel very good about the future and how everything will unfold!

EveryKneeWillBow 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wish I could but most of my assets are in my IRA so cd rates not as competitive but smart strategy pede. Will say have had some good wins trading volatility of a couple positions in my IRA. Risky game but as long as you stay disciplined can do ok, still you do get burned regardless every once and a while.

Def have been riding the $DJT train. Any clue when we can exercise those warrants? My best guess sometime around mid May?

EveryKneeWillBow 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm dug in; praying that all panes out. GME taking a big hit last couple days but have been gobbling up more here and there when I can. Holding the line; praying others are doing the same.

EveryKneeWillBow 2 points ago +2 / -0

I did they didn't have an answer which was weird. I don't think anyone has been able to exercise them yet but if someone has please let me know. Interpreting what was sent I would say month after was approved which would be mid May but who knows. thanks for the reply

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