Striker1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Has anyone else noticed that there seems to be a wave of terminal cancers right now? I know three people who were diagnosed with 1-3months to live. All three had cancer that came back mysteriously.

Striker1 2 points ago +2 / -0

He is going to be one to watch based on his reported high intelligence (both of his parents are very intelligent), his height which like his Dad, is commanding, his first hand political experience from his entire family, his good looks and he seems thoughtful. We’ve rarely seen him speak so it’s hard to say who he is but considering all the major assets he has, he seems really special. He’ll be interesting to watch!

Striker1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Congratulations on being relentless, fighting, standing up for your beliefs which in turn helps others and Winning! You did exactly what we are supposed to do when faced with unreasonable demands. We all forget (I do) how hard it was to say no to ALL BS Authority when they were hearing from leaders around the country that we should all get vaxxed, it was best AND so often we were called out as dangerous and stupid for not going along. So not only did you not go along but you fought back and won! Remember all we’ve endured. We are exactly what is needed going forward which btw is the exact opposite of what the DS is trying to create with lgbtq… agenda.

Striker1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow that’s a crazy story and one you’re lucky to be able to tell 😳. I have a pretty good gut instinct but like in your situation, they are so good at deception that unless you know the signs, you’ll never recognize it. Sobering thought.

Striker1 8 points ago +8 / -0

Oooohhh awful. I never watched that only previews but I thought that’s exactly what they do. It’s hard to imagine people (?) who are insane enough to hurt others that way. And then they return to their daily lives and no one notices they are that sick.

Striker1 9 points ago +9 / -0

Damn I’m looking forward to that day…. It’s got to be soon! Congrats

Striker1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Haha cat racist!!! Hysterical! No I’m pretty sure he put it up on Truth Social. Haha- still laughing!

Striker1 18 points ago +18 / -0

Catturd called it! He’s the new Simpsons writer! 😏

Striker1 1 point ago +1 / -0

The people will be kicking the door down to oust your ass! She’s an example of a politician who rose WELL BEYOND her abilities and it’s on display. It’s humiliating for all.

Striker1 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m irked by Jan. I feel like she’s a plant with a limited relevance. She popped on the scene and was really interesting and accurate. I’ve only listened to her a few times more and I feel like she told us everything in that first interview. Pascal Najadi strikes me the same way. I view Flynn like an open field. I glance out and the grass is blowing to the East and tomorrow the West. A poetic way to say these people have a limited use.

Striker1 1 point ago +1 / -0

That’s exactly verbatim my response! It is criminal to allow a disturbed person like that to have a child! The poor baby!

Striker1 2 points ago +2 / -0

YES! We were in Texas in January where everyone knows there are crazy drivers who fly and swerve through the traffic all with tinted windows. We were stunned because hadn’t seen it in Pa. However that has changed and it’s in Pa too.

Striker1 4 points ago +4 / -0

He’s trolling!! The next clip from cnn complains about how people aren’t seeing the live trial so “even though msm does a pretty good job of reporting it” (my ass), the people need to see it to understand who Trump is. My response—Please televise it! I think we’d all be interested!

Striker1 7 points ago +7 / -0

Q tried to sacrifice himself in a vote to not betray his friends which pissed everyone off at him. He didn’t backstab his alliances to serve himself. That pissed them off and he exposed that they all were willing to. They knew he was soooo on the outs that he was no longer a threat and so they won’t vote him out. It’s like they’re taking out his opponents for him. 😏 You’re making interesting points. I missed this week but I’ll have to watch it.

Striker1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hmmm - when you put it that way…

Striker1 10 points ago +10 / -0

He’ll be 22! He is super interesting though! With his family history and early exposure to politics and being apparently super bright, he will have an impact in the future!

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