5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

I took it daily for 1 yr. Quit 3 months then started back. If I take it daily I do NOT get idiopathic hives. If I quit I get hives almost daily for no apparent reason. No one can explain it to me. I've not had any bad side effects so I just take it. I did have breast cancer 2.5 years ago as well. So figure it can't hurt. Also take IVM weekly

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

So breastfed babies are at risk?? How ignorant. Blame plastics and antibiotics but not vaccines?? I quit reading. Once again pointing the finger at anything and everything but the obvious.

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

Been drinking organic raw milk for last 2.5 months. Best thing ever. Also first time in 30 years I've been able to have dairy.

5Solasreformation 6 points ago +6 / -0

Herod only had the baby boys (under age 2 yrs) in Bethlehem killed in an effort to kill the Messiah. He failed as Joseph was warned by angels to flee to Egypt and the Wisemen were warned to return home by a different route.

5Solasreformation 16 points ago +16 / -0

True. Thing is all the illegals I have known have all had their kids on medicaid. They had cheap housing and free phones and drove without licenses or insurance. The government does know where they are they just choose not to deport them and instead give them all kinds of free stuff.
I had an illegal ask one of my PTAs that was working with their kid, for her husband's social security number so her husband could work a better job illegally. Same family, lady had a traffic violation and cops left her on the side of the road because she had no license, no ID, etc. But they let her go and impounded her vehicle.

5Solasreformation 38 points ago +38 / -0

Do that to the illegals here in the states and they'd all leave. They are here for free stuff (my opinion). Free phones, free Healthcare, free _______. Stop giving out anything to those here illegally.

5Solasreformation 17 points ago +17 / -0

Same is also true for the women. I know plenty of godly women who can't find a godly husband. And many of the churches men are still lazy, addicts of born or other substances. Very few men and women Are awake, conservative and sold out for the Lord.

5Solasreformation 3 points ago +3 / -0

Was just talking about this yesterday with my kids. We are slaves via taxes to the govt. We never truly own our property due to annual property taxes. We never own our cars due to registratuins/annual use taxes. We pay a large percent of our income--work to local, state and federal income taxes, we pay taxes for everything we buy. We pay inheritance taxes when property is given to the next generation....it just gies on and on. We are not free! We are already slaves and most are too blind to see it because they have entertainment.

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pretty sure IN driver's license use some sort of real/verified ID and have for a long time.

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

How n long is it supposed to last? Sky is mostly clear now and I see nothing but normal

5Solasreformation 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't see any activity. Had some cloud cover in northern IN bit I can see moon and stars but zero aurora.

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've only seen an aurora once, about 13 years ago in northern IN. Growing up In. The south we never saw them. Hoping we can see again.

5Solasreformation 4 points ago +4 / -0

Loving all these great quotes!

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

True. Only Christ (Christianity) betters mankind. Christ regenerates hearts and changes lives. Left to our sinful selves we wallow in evil and grow worse and worse (as in the days of Noah when every man did that which was right in his own eyes)

5Solasreformation 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sadly I learned a week ago that the "non mandated " jab was evidently eventually mandated and everyone I know basically caved and took it. Sadly that means I will have to watch the carnage. Most may have only taken 2 but the rest took lots proudly

5Solasreformation 13 points ago +13 / -0

I want to know where Tesla's papers disappeared to--did John Trump keep them safe?

5Solasreformation 4 points ago +4 / -0

Have life insurance rates actually gone up yet for those who are jabbed? Are they even asking that question yet? Hubby just got new life Insurance and wasn't asked anything. And rates are low.

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

Amen. 5 pointer sister here, thank you brother!

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