AlexAmore -1 points ago +1 / -2

I've leaned 100% into Trump since 2016. Support for Israel is a non-starter. I thought maybe Trump was just paying lip-service, but when you investigate his history, his cabinet, his fundraisers, Zionist praise/awards....etc, it's pretty clear.

Have you noticed that 99% of alt-right media is supporting Israel? These are the same people who supported Trump.

I used to roll my eyes at people who said Q was Operation Trust 2.0, but heck maybe it is.

One of the major goals of the elite is to create a world war 3 between Israel/Jews/Christians and Muslims. Just one mega-holy war to wipe out the religious masses as means to their transhumanist ends. The highest level Zionists aren't actually Jewish, it's just propaganda. They have no problem wiping out Jews for international sympathy points. Right now Trump is playing up this propaganda for war BIG TIME.

AlexAmore -4 points ago +4 / -8

You guys can look at my history. I've been a rock solid Trump supporter since 2016. I followed Q a few months after that operation started.

I've listened to Badlands a lot, but I haven't heard them discuss the "5d chess moves" regarding Trump's Israel support and his pro-Zionist history. So I'm not listening to them anymore. I was aware of the Mossad allegations, and now I'm convinced.

Unfortunately, with this Israel vs Palestine war, I'm seeing where people stand and Trump is going 100% in favor of Israel. Go into Rumble and research "Trump Zionist". There is PLENTY to dig into. This stuff I've never seen pop up in any alt-right circles/media. I wonder why...

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) awarded Trump the Theodor Herzl Medallion. https://www.israelhayom.com/2022/11/17/donald-trump-honors-theodor-herzls-legacy/

Steven Bannon is also a major Zionist.

Israel was behind 9/11 and blamed it on Muslims to get us into the Middle East fighting their enemies. https://www.bitchute.com/video/I3l7W8i9KVKB/

We've been duped.

AlexAmore 0 points ago +1 / -1

Trump did go to a Jesuit school for 2 years and their leader is the black pope. So saying Trump is the anti-christ would be a compliment.

I'm starting to get pretty black pilled. I hope Trump isn't serious about Israel.

AlexAmore 2 points ago +2 / -0

HIV/AIDS Documentary: House of Numbers - Anatomy of an Epidemic (2009)


This documentary was made in 2009 and it's about how HIV/AIDS was all theater. They interview major top players, including Fauci. There's a part 2, about how germ theory is fake.


This is a great interview that will completely turn your world upside down about the cause of disease.

AlexAmore 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok tell me what always translates to capable for VP.

I'm simply talking in terms of electoral capability. Bill Clinton was political cocaine on steroids. He would be excellent in an election.

It's just like when Trump said Hezbollah is smart. I can describe something without endorsing it.

AlexAmore 1 point ago +1 / -0

Personality contest? The only thing the low info voter cares about is personality. Have you talked to one before?

If it was up to me, Kari Lake, by a long shot. If we're talking the politically savvy choice for an election, Tulsi. Tulsi has a military background. So, I think Leadership and capability is taken care of there.

AlexAmore 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love how nobody on here understand how to play election politics. The VP is where you extend an olive branch to a population you haven't won over yet.

Trump chose Pence because Trump couldn't win over the Evangelical vote on his own.

AlexAmore 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, let's double down on the segment of our population that is already 100% on board the Trump train.

AlexAmore 1 point ago +1 / -0

You must be fun at parties.

AlexAmore 0 points ago +1 / -1

Good thing I wasn't talking about being politically viable in the GreatAwakening.win segment of our population.

AlexAmore 1 point ago +1 / -0

Durr....that's why she complements Trump's personality. They are opposites.

AlexAmore 0 points ago +4 / -4

The most politically viable female VP would be Tulsi Gabbard. If you want to overwhelmingly win the independent vote and the Bernie Bros, Tulsi would be powerful and she would balance out Trump's personality in every way, which seems to be the #1 complaint by indies and Bernouts.

AlexAmore 5 points ago +5 / -0

Obviously Trump didn't singlehandedly win the 2016 election. The military is running the show. The military knows the full extent of the corruption. Trump was never taken by surprise unless you believe the mainstream media about the goings on in the Whitehouse.

AlexAmore 0 points ago +1 / -1

I just can't blindly follow a religion. I was interested in Christianity at one point, but like everything else in the world, I had to thoroughly investigate it's history of origin just like I would with any government psyop or what have you.

I'm sorry to say that when you start investigating, you realize Romans were utterly brilliant propagandists and they routinely used various religions and belief systems as tools to control the various populations they conquered. Christianity was created to subdue the militant Jews. It's all been very well detailed how this was done and by whom.

I think it's telling how fragile Christian belief systems are because they refuse to investigate this or even watch a video. Test your faith.

For the record, I'm partial towards Buddhism, but it advocates against any belief system. Belief systems are tools of the elite.

AlexAmore -1 points ago +4 / -5

Why do you think the MSM and the government used to be so pro-Christian, Pro-nuclear family? Because they needed that to create the industrial revolution and bring us into the technological age, the age of AI and immortality. Notice how as soon as they arrived at this age, they started pushing overpopulation propaganda.

They plan this shit out over many, many generations.

AlexAmore -9 points ago +2 / -11

I've been part of the TheDonald since it was on Reddit. I know what this site is about. I go back to the Ron Paul Revolution.

There is plenty of evidence that the entire Bible was simply borrowed from pagan concepts and Jesus's story follows Titus Flavius's military campaign. Titus Flavius was the 2nd coming of Christ. It was a psyop/propaganda campaign.

It's all there completely documented. Maybe watch the whole video.

AlexAmore 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah it's fake. A CTV News spokesperson said it was fake and you can't find the article in a search.

AlexAmore 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah I wish they would tack on a summary for those of us who have full time jobs already.

AlexAmore 5 points ago +5 / -0

Can trannies have saggy tits? I don't want to look it up.

AlexAmore 3 points ago +3 / -0

Who initially thought it was Eleven from Stranger Things?

AlexAmore 8 points ago +8 / -0

Wow, this is weird. I just visited my ultra liberal, heavily vaxxed lesbian couple friends for a cookout and one of them came down with a severe stomach bug and just started feeling good enough today to go down and visit her 87 year old friend in the hospital who is dealing with blood in his stool.

Unbelievable to come home, open up GA and see this post.

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