Joby14212 3 points ago +3 / -0

If we're all living in a simulation then it's just part of the programming. Wouldn't it be nice to find a cheat code? Lol. COVID started that way, also - multiple cities all reporting 17 cases like they were following a script. I figure Biden will declare war after Trump is sentenced to 17 years and cancel the elections and even close courts especially for appeals. Probably 17 executive orders on 7/11. Shutting down the Supreme Court and sending them to safety bunkers is a possibility. Yeah right...safety bunkers.

Joby14212 2 points ago +3 / -1

One more time: GHWB hated JFK. George was CIA and trained snipers. JFK wouldn't allow Operation Northwoods which was a plan to fly planes of Americans into buildings killing them so Cuba could be blamed. GHWB was THERE in Dallas that day. He left immediately after JFK was shot and called the FBI 90 miles away. The declassified memo is online. He tried to pin the assassination on James Parrot.

GWB was 17 years old and GHWB taught him to shoot. GWB made him proud. GWB also killed JFK, Jr. He sabotaged the plane. Bush was a trained Navy pilot certainly capable of that. Bush was MISSING during that weekend. No one knew his whereabouts. Not even his campaign staff as he was on the campaign trail. He emerged with a flu excuse.

The hit on JFK, Jr. was supposedly made by Hillary Clinton who had to ask GHWB's permission. GWB carried it out.

Joby14212 4 points ago +4 / -0

Kenya, Nigeria and Iran - all helicopters. Then there was the Nico shooting...a near assassination. The copters (and planes) is likely CIA. GWB is rumored to have sabotaged JFK, Jr's. plane with GHWB's approval at Hillary Clinton's request.

Joby14212 6 points ago +6 / -0

I get ghost banned. I post and no one sees the posts but me unless they visit my profile or I post on someone else's post. 12 hr bans are common.

Joby14212 1 point ago +1 / -0

So, what is to stop Biden/NWO from making Ukraine our 51st state (3rd detached)? He has any votes he needs with blackmailed politicians/RINOs. Look at the votes lately! So, Russia attacking our 51st state would be a direct attack on the USA.

Joby14212 2 points ago +3 / -1

By November. You laugh and call it Doom fagging until it's all over. They can do this because you snicker and say they can't!

Joby14212 3 points ago +3 / -0

You won't be able to fight them as who you may fight will just be another "slave" ordered to take you out! Biden already said that citizens can't fight fighter jets. They won't be accountable as there isn't a system to hold them accountable. Courts will be dismissed. The Supreme Court and lower judges told to go home and STFU or else. Criminals will all be released. Do whatever you want! Just cause havoc! Food supplies, water and power cut until we get on our knees and BEG! Communication will be sparse and those able will be unable to do a damn thing. We will sporadically hear that everything is fine via fake news. When 30 armed men go house to house informing "slaves" what to do and not do and hand over the only food your family or you have seen in days - you smile and nod. Or, the same fate befalls you as you hear gunfire in the distance. Maybe shooting your dog in front of you and your kids show you that it is all over. BTW, they don't care about your life. They will control you or dispose of you.

Joby14212 3 points ago +3 / -0

They likely have a weather machine. To push the climate change agenda. With vibrations, lasers and chemicals it should be easy to do.

Joby14212 1 point ago +1 / -0

They spy on congress members. Likely including Speaker Johnson. So they have all the infidelities, bribe taking and perversions logged for many members. They have control. This is why they don't want Trump. “We’re all going to hang from nooses 'if 'that bastard wins'."

Joby14212 1 point ago +1 / -0

Brave has issues. I can't import my bookmarks. But I use it because it blocks popups better than chrome.

Joby14212 1 point ago +1 / -0

Canada has a euthanasia program for adults. You can end your life for any reason. We know if Biden serves a second term that anything goes. The Supreme Court will get packed, conservatives will have to hide their views or face jail or even execution. Nothing to stop 2nd term Biden from declaring parental rights to euthanize any child 2 and under. "Mom, if you changed your mind and no longer want that non-talking, diaper wearing screaming blob - you now have a new option...'POST-ABORTION'."

Joby14212 2 points ago +2 / -0

I guess a partial revamp (since so many "newcomers" are military age men) would be to offer slightly less to newcomer males who knock up an American citizen. Similar deal on citizenship (even if they don't marry) because the plan is to cut white births. And, let's outrage women further (as if the trans movement doesn't already) by paying the full $$$ to the newcomer - not the American mother.

Joby14212 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Margaret Sanger ideals to cut the birth of negroes under the pretext of controlling birth defects will flip to cutting the birth of whites and increasing the birth of minorities.

Joby14212 1 point ago +1 / -0

Watch how liberals flip to "Babies Matter" just before the election by funding Planned Parenthood to encourage "newcomers" (illegals) to assimilate here by having a baby -- for a $$ reward! Maybe $20,000, automatic citizenship and 5 yrs welfare benefits or tax exemption. But only newcomers -- not us "legals". Then the cash for abortions will flow freely via intermixed funds. Challenge it at Supreme Court level and Biden will ignore any rulings with constantly reworded executive orders and new program names.

Joby14212 7 points ago +7 / -0

I doubt it would be safe to go until Trump is sworn in. It would be easy for Donald to have a Biden ordered accident. Then blame Russia.

Joby14212 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anything goes with this bunch of looney tunes I'm half expecting a reenactment of war of the worlds. And for most dumb asses to buy Into it!

Joby14212 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jim Biden's island was right next door so Joe never had to fly with Epstein just visited his brother and boat over.

Joby14212 3 points ago +3 / -0

There is now a horned comet that may be visible during the eclipse. So, a possibilty that while the US plunges into darkness - there may be an "alien" attack. Lol. God knows what the Democrats are planning for that day! Whatever, we will self investigate and seal the results for 100 yrs. The mass idiots of the USA will accept anything they are told. There are no repercussions for our attacks on us. We just blame others. Anyway, 5 days...can't wait.

Joby14212 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hillary created ISIS to work hand in hand with the CIA. We are deep in Ukraine so of course multiple US agents are there.

Joby14212 4 points ago +4 / -0

Watch the water! If they find one person of Russian descent - you know who will be blamed. Got forbid they could link a Trump 5th cousin 45 times removed!

Joby14212 2 points ago +2 / -0

The next classification mark that is redacted: could that be "Q clearance"?

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