deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
BiggestPicture 4 points ago +4 / -0

I laughed out loud when that was said. Everything they say is a farcical lie of monumental proportions.

BiggestPicture 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lord God, please protect and save the children of the world and watch over your people. Please help us to discern the truth so that we may do your will and rid this earth of its evils and build a new society in your divine image. So shall it be.

BiggestPicture 3 points ago +3 / -0

God bless you and your family

BiggestPicture 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the info

BiggestPicture 4 points ago +4 / -0

You will feel a surge of self respect and confidence when you just take it off, friend.

BiggestPicture 9 points ago +9 / -0

I am so sorry about the damage your family has endured. Thank you for going against the grain to protect them from further harm.

BiggestPicture 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you very much for standing up for everyone around you, whether they know it or not.

BiggestPicture 0 points ago +1 / -1

Exactly. The odds of actually dying from the contaminant that can't be isolated is astronomical and your odds of contracting illness increase by degrees every time you do what they say: be afraid - stress lowers immune system; wear a mask - incubates bacteria, damages lungs, damages brain; stay inside - makes you more depressed and stressed and depletes levels of vitamin D; get the poison injected into your veins - introduces into your system all kinds of foreign particles, biological materials, and whatever else they wish to put in there and not disclose.

They are probably chipping all of these people that get it. And its probably one of the less insidious things they're sticking in them.

BiggestPicture 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes the compliant are the problem. There will always be evil people, but they can do nothing to us or control us if the simple majority says no. They couldn't have done anything else to any of us if everyone took their masks off a month in. Still, literally the only thing people need to do, is take their muzzles off right now and not let them put an obvious poison into your bloodstream.

Dont wish it on them, the bad shit is only just beginning from these injections, there will be plenty of deaths and physical defects manifest to point to. I only hope that this can somehow wake people up enough to get them to hate all government and distrust every type of "authority" and unite. The real question is what they have planned for us after the serums. The virus was the setup to get this shit into as many people as possible, so we need to be asking what it is that they want these things to do to us or what the gene modifying shots are a set up for after that. Its all a set up for the next step, which is another set up for the step after that.

If they try to force the poison onto everyone, that is when you need to be prepared to die. The life they have planned for us is worse than death.

BiggestPicture 5 points ago +5 / -0

They may just make numbers up out of thin air and not even test anyone. They could just film some hoax vids of testing centers, censor anyone that says anything at all, and blast it out. Like they did the election, and hunter, and pizzagate.

BiggestPicture 12 points ago +12 / -0

If you live in a blue state, you need to be pushing the boundaries of taking the mask off every single day everywhere you go. Im sorry, but its your duty, God has chosen you to stand and help others stand in the most difficult of places. I know its not fair and those in leftwing states have a heavier burden, but you are being called upon, please push back.

BiggestPicture 6 points ago +6 / -0

Exactly. Ive said this from the beginning, no one is doing the workers or businesses a fucking favor or being fucking polite by wearing a fucking mask. Do the humane thing and stand the fuck up for your fellow man and stop doing what the child rapists tell you to do.

BiggestPicture 15 points ago +15 / -0

They're related, we all know it. The baby boom that people were joking was gonna happen after lockdown is going to be nearly as fruitful after the liquid abortions. That doesn't mention what deformities and "alterations" will happen in the womb

BiggestPicture 14 points ago +15 / -1

99.99% chance of survival vs 99.2% chance of an INSTANTANEOUS adverse reaction from the serum. Fucks sake, when will these fucking retarded motherfuckers stop listening to the child rapists and stop taking the fucking poison like good slaves and endangering the thinking humans with their compliance to the pedophile tyrants?

REMEMBER, you are taking the vaccine and still wearing your mask, you are endangering everyones life by encouraging the beast. Be brave, please.

BiggestPicture 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes. They've been chosen and allowed to progress because they are inept and corruptible. They only use those too dumb, cowardly, greedy and evil for their middle management, lest they turn on the system and actually do something for the good of the world.

BiggestPicture 7 points ago +7 / -0

Ex mil guy I know said that a guys in a letter agency, That he knew, said that they brought in more prostitutes for Hillary than they did bill.

BiggestPicture 2 points ago +2 / -0

99% of the government needs purged and never allowed to have another job again. Every single one of these intelligence agencies have known about the child sex slavery for decades and have been making money off of it and participating in it. Child rapists, all of them.

BiggestPicture 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, if the pedophile protectors don't do something about this, we have to.

BiggestPicture 3 points ago +3 / -0

He knows, they all know. He is in a position of influence because he has been allowed to be. They are all playing dumb to keep the herd under control.

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