BilleeBeene 7 points ago +7 / -0

Just like “A Few Good Men”, “Santiago was In grave danger”…”is there any other kind”…🤔

BilleeBeene 2 points ago +3 / -1

A show about nothing (self admittedly)…🤔

BilleeBeene 15 points ago +15 / -0

Constitutionally, The Military’s hands have been tied since the JFK assassination (from LBJ and beyond, they were all installed and controlled, by default the Military was neutered). Trump’s 2016 Win untied their hands. As the CIC (ever since), Trump and The Military have been working on this operation in tandem. Military is the only way, but they needed a CIC that wasn’t compromised, which they were given in 2016. Trump (as the CIC) never left, he just step aside for exposing everyone and everything they’ve been doing for pulling the sheep out of the slumber they were lulled into since the JFK cout d’etat. Keep in mind, ALL Classified docs, including JFK and ALL criminal activities were finally available to the Military for the first time, in a loooong time. Think about the 500,000 federal sealed indictments 🤔 The criminals won’t roll over, they’ll fight and that’s the phase we’re in now. Military is the only way! Ask yourself, why the Army just began hiring specific retiree’s (up to the age of 70)…sounds like Patriots me. Be patient, think it through, temper emotions and connect the dots. WWG1WGA!

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