Coyot3 1 point ago +1 / -0

I worn a fit bit most everyday since 2015. I had a surge, and now the ionic, and have no issues. Do you have any reasoning behind how the watch is "causing issues" or is this just correlation? I will say it causes bad tan lines, ships geo-data to Google, and the ionic battery can explode but I've not developed any real issues

Coyot3 27 points ago +32 / -5

You all pay taxes to pedophiles (under threat of violence) who use that money to literally enslave you... settle down folks

Coyot3 12 points ago +12 / -0

one commercial is from the marriot and has a father and daughter getting breakfast. The other commercial was a whole family, i forget the sponsor. I have only just started seeing them in the last couple weeks, posting will create frequency bias (Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon) so we can prove or disprove this theory through bulk observation vs my anecdotal experience.

But look at Ziploc's fish/ing commercial and tell me people are not sitting in a room trying to force this crap

Coyot3 2 points ago +2 / -0

is a brigade not a few thousand folks? dude is saying that 1000s died in an ambush? WTF?

Coyot3 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gaddafi gave a speech to the UN specifically citing how the US creates virus then offers a premeditated cures, among a shit load of other topics in (2009). Especially now that Russia has gone to task, this whole talk is pretty chilling.


Coyot3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lets discuss overrepresentation in American Military Leadership. checks early history

Coyot3 3 points ago +3 / -0

i got .40 reasons people can fuck right off

Coyot3 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump did this by executive order and during the comment period concerns were revealed with issues such as "excessive administration costs and burdens" specifically related to the portion about "FQHC patients with incomes at or below 350% of the federal poverty line". When the Final Rule was rescinded, they literally said "we are exploring non-regularoty options to implement the Executive Order". It was always expected to come back into play, it was just the original path to implementation that didn't work. Yay for optics, i guess, but be aware that this is a giant nothing burger. The executive order was never revoked. More than 60 Trump EOs were revoked, but not this one* *- IDK how to tell when a full EO is pulled, VS just portions. Sauce: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/06/16/2021-12545/proposed-rescission-of-executive-order-13937-executive-order-on-access-to-affordable-life-saving

by Saline
Coyot3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ukraine government and UN/NATO projected like 300 - 600 civilian deaths. Pretty low for carpet bombing Hospitals, Schools, Daycares, and Apartments.

Gotta build the humanitarian context to justify invasion by Nato and US since there is no alliance or other justification. 'Member Libya?

Coyot3 7 points ago +7 / -0

When CO went legal, there were stories left and right about weed did this and weed did that. Out of state kid came and got high in a hotel and jumped/fell off the balcony... and the media just loved it

Coyot3 7 points ago +7 / -0

Provide a quote or data to back this claim?

YoY sales are on fire, company has $0 debt, and stock price is still 400%+ from last year.

Lets see some of this READing you've done

Coyot3 5 points ago +5 / -0

This content forms the basis of the conversations I have on days it's available. It's nice to be able to discuss current times through new lenses, and there are real treasures in these stories

Coyot3 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you did not Direct Register the share through DWACs elected agent, then you don't own anything. Cede & Co owns the share, you have an IOU

Coyot3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Watching dudes holding pointless shield getting blasted by snipers is exactly what happened in Ukraine back in 2011. You could literally interchange videos and only the language is different. Same events, same planners it seems

Coyot3 5 points ago +5 / -0

uh.... dude....

you forgot to mention our military leadership

Coyot3 3 points ago +3 / -0

Probably worried about complacency. Movie or not we all have our rolls and if people sit back and just watch, instead of rallying and pipehitting, then we might actually lose control

The worst thing that we can do is begin to underestimate our opponents. These are the most powerful entites that have ever existed on our planet and we should respect their capabilities.

Remember when suicide weekend dropped, and that kid was sent to shoot up the white house? Remember the pilot who collided with another at the Rothschild property?

Both events had patriots in control get foiled. Plans can fall apart, especially in war

Coyot3 1 point ago +1 / -0

We all think that it's just lazy folks who don't wanna work.... surprise! Those 11 million open jobs due to vax'd dying off! (allegedly)

Coyot3 3 points ago +3 / -0

Christian success is due to looking for god in the workings of the world, and a lot of science performed in the middle ages was done by priests and monks as they were trying to better understand god.

The idea that "science disproves Christianity" is just a dumb as the "Jesus was nice to everyone" nonsense, and is just a sneedy way to undermine the legitimacy of Christ by making the "backwards Christian hick anti-science" argument

Coyot3 2 points ago +2 / -0

The GME folks worship(ped) Burry and always posted his tweets to analyze.... but these ones got removed. lol the butt hurt was real! How dare their idols say things that are not corporate-approved.

Redditors are garbage

Coyot3 5 points ago +5 / -0

The lockdowns were going to end regardless of the vax status. But, when the vax was introduced it changed the narrative from people being fed up, to now its safe to reopen. ​It would have been better to let the lid blow off while everyone's livelihoods we in the same boat, instead of creating a duel-class dynamic we have now

The vax has clearly pushed us closer to civil war, and Trump has clearly stated his position than people should be taking them. ​Just like pandering to get more black voters, warp speed appears to have been a pander for more votes.

The OP is not wrong in suggesting he should explain this shit, especially in context with what Veritas has provided.

Coyot3 5 points ago +5 / -0

100% WarpSpeed and Trumps involvement in this bull shit is a huge point of contention for me

Coyot3 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unpopular opinion: Operation Warpspeed set us up for this nightmare by eliminating the "bureaucracy" (long term tests). If I was Trump, i'd distance myself too

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