CrimsonSentinal 6 points ago +6 / -0

They know they’ve stolen EVERY SINGLE election for decades and they’re about to “find out” after all these years.

CrimsonSentinal 6 points ago +7 / -1

Exactly, all women aren’t super hot... Taylor Swift (imho) rates a 5 in my book. She lacks curves and has a flat butt. She isn’t my cup of tea but just because I find her unattractive doesn’t mean she’s automatically a dude.

The thing that gets me about “our side” is a lot of us go right to “it’s a dude” or “every cloud is a contrail with poison in it.” Or the White House is a soundstage in Culver City. His earlob is now attached to his face so he’s an actor wearing a mask! Every single person who works in Hollywood or is seen on TV or the big screen is a pedophile and has been to Epstein Island. These takes can be humorous - sometimes - but they get annoying when this is what we are becoming known for.

BUT, the one thing that is 100% undeniable... Michelle Obama is a man!

CrimsonSentinal 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’d imagine there’s still plenty out there, sitting in people’s coin jars at home. And the “mining” has always been occurring. I remember back in the 80s and 90s looking for silver coins. I still come across one or two silver quarters a month. I pay cash for most transactions so I see a lot of coins.

CrimsonSentinal 11 points ago +11 / -0

We stopped all shots on our dogs back when the lightbulb went on over four years ago. We had actually stopped 2 years prior just out of laziness and the fact that you had to wait months to be seen by our vet. Our dogs are fine... contrast their age to dogs we have owned in the past that “had all their shots” those dogs who are no longer with us always had cancerous issues. A growth that had to be removed here or there. Those growths would happen almost annually! Nope, not today, our dogs are vet *free and healthy.

*Almost, we are dealing with one dog that has hip dysplasia but we also changed vets to a more crunchy, hippy-dippy, less inclined to play by-the-book approach. Before we switched vets four years ago. Our local vet got bought out by a corporation and almost the entire staff left the practice. We followed one of the vets to a new location but we told her that we don’t want any shots, even rabies and she said she understood.

I hope there’s a bigger plan at play that Trump isn’t addressing at his rallies... go after the medical industrial complex. And reset it to actually do good.

CrimsonSentinal 7 points ago +7 / -0

Look this one up! I always thought this was odd in my Schwab account, to this day, I still have fractions of Charter Communications from early/mid 2009 that Jim Cramer shilled hard for... “they” took the original stock pretty much to zero and then re-listed as a new company on Nasdaq. All original share holder were left holding the bag and I never received any new shares of the re-listed “new” Charter Communications. One day I had thousands of dollars of shares and what seemed like overnight it went to fractions of a penny to poof gone. But it still shows up in my portfolio as a stock I own/owned.

CrimsonSentinal 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do this for a living in Hollywood. I’m not here to change your mind, because I’m pretty sure you’ve already made up yours - that everyone and everything you see being created in Hollywood has a double meaning or is “comms.”

I know this might come as a surprise but we aren’t all bad... I’ve never been to Epstein’s Island, nor have I been asked to do evil, demonic things to other human beings. Do I believe there are evil people in this business, 1000%! But sometimes art is just art no matter how it is packaged.

I see an editing glitch from a locked off camera and you see a holographic disappearing Pope. I’ve seen some truly crazy shit over my career but this footage is entry level “welcome to film editing 101” freshmen year basic-ness.

CrimsonSentinal -2 points ago +2 / -4

This is easy to explain. The cameraman was rolling until the Pope came to the window so there was plenty of empty window footage prior and even after his appearance. This footage was edited to make it look like the Pope just disappeared.

It’s silly to think this is actually something. And it makes us look retarded.

CrimsonSentinal 10 points ago +10 / -0

Plus, any ape selling now only helps the shorts to acquire legitimate DRS’d shares. Hopefully no one falls for this fools gold, we are still a long way away from MOASS.

CrimsonSentinal 6 points ago +6 / -0

Most likely the maniputors making moves to scare some seller to sell prematurely. Allowing the shorts to gobble up legitimate shares. Hold apes! This isn’t the end game yet.

CrimsonSentinal 2 points ago +2 / -0

1000% this! I realized a couple years ago that stealing 2024 is going to happen because we’ve done nothing to fortify our election process. Same day, in-person voting with voter ID won’t be in place in time for 2024. The fact that in the past 4 years this hasn’t been addressed nationwide leads me to this conclusion.

I’ve given up caring... as the song goes: Que sera, sera (whatever will be, will be). I’m taking care of myself and my family. If shit hits the fan I’ll be ready. The difference is this time (as apposed to my 2020 self), I’m not running around yelling like a lunatic trying to convince everyone that the sky is falling like I did when I was saying Biden will be arrested and Trump will be back in office in six months!

CrimsonSentinal 3 points ago +3 / -0

On most food related items true...and I thought that was obvious to everyone. But I was stunned to discover that they sell Libby manufactured glassware, pint glasses, margarita glasses and tumblers for $1.25 a fraction of the cost of what you would pay from a place like Amazon.

CrimsonSentinal 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah plus, when was this alleged payout, because in the 1980s (The time the girl was 20) $2M was a shit ton of money.

CrimsonSentinal 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’ve read thousands of posts here at GAW over the years and never considered one for a permanent sticky but this post definitely deserves that designation.

Bravo, excellent dig and well done!

CrimsonSentinal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right, but the left will claim it’s justified. So, when Trump walks doesn’t that same theory also apply to Obama, Biden, Bush et al? If we know it won’t stick on Trump, how will it stick on those who actually deserve to be in jail? Knowing full well that the legal system is in their back pocket.

CrimsonSentinal 3 points ago +3 / -0

I buy a tub of Yuban from Sam’s or Costco... prior to covid/Biden stolen election the tub would cost $7 bucks now it’s up to $12. (almost, but not quite double). The tub will make 3 months of daily pots of 12 cups of coffee. Even at its most expensive it’s costing .13¢ a day to make a full pot of coffee for 3 months.

I can’t wrap my head around the fact that for basically the cost of a single trip to Starbucks people could be saving hundreds. I know a person who goes to Starbucks every single day spends roughly $7 each visit. In the same 90 day time period while I spend $12 for my tub of coffee they are spending $630.

CrimsonSentinal 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, no need to taint the water with these rotting sickos.

CrimsonSentinal 2 points ago +2 / -0

Patriots started shifting shortly after the election and went off the rails after J6 happened. I mainly only ever posted there but stopped cold turkey and fled to GAW because it was so much more level headed.

I quite enjoy the Q aspect of reality. I lurked for a couple months over there but I haven’t been back in years. Patriots is a garbage site with delusional posters.

CrimsonSentinal 4 points ago +5 / -1

Being born and raised Catholic all my “Christian” friends that I've known throughout my life have been the most “judgy.” They are always hypercritical of Catholicism. Ironically, I don’t judge them because that’s not up to me to do so.

I do however equate their judgmental “criticism” to that of a irrational-commie-leftie... which, if we are all “in this together” is quite strange... all things considered... WWG1WGA... but not if you’re a Catholic!

Onwards and upwards frens!

CrimsonSentinal 1 point ago +1 / -0

I did watch the entire thing, right when he posted the video infact. Clearly you don’t understand that Salty never eluded or claimed that this MS-13 event happened yesterday.

He was only using what Wall Street Silver had posted on X to illustrate the evil that is brought by having wide open unchecked borders. AND that the MSM is reporting every day that “migrant crime is not a thing.”

CrimsonSentinal 2 points ago +2 / -0

Relax fren, Salty is illustrating the problem that the MSM intentionally chooses to ignore to report i.e., our wide open border and illegal alien crime climbing through the roof. He’s not reporting this as something that just happened.

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