Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same ole same old. Say your sorry, then proceed to advertise for the next election..and let the thunderous applause commence! Bless our troops and bless our country! Bunch of trash. Everyone there should be booing and advocating, FIX 2020! Nothing short of that is acceptable. I don’t care if it’s on the last week. Fix it!

Cyberhawk 4 points ago +6 / -2

In America women need to start covering up more. Not like a curtain or anything, but many young woman flaunt what they have and then get enraged for being persecuted. The temptation is real. I assume that’s what going on here in this video. Men are trying to negate the feelings of a beautiful woman. I can imagine a young girl 12-15 yrs old in some of these counties, as a parent with these laws and such protection for men against rape, I’d cover my daughter as well. This topic is a lot more than “these woman should be able to wear whatever they want!!!” Scripture says of you eyes cause you to sin, then gouge them out. If your hands cause you to sin, then cut them off. This situation the problem lies with the men. But if you give a woman total freedom what she can wear, soon, they’ll be wearing nothing but stickers and paint. In America is already here. But don’t you DARE look! That is just as ridiculous as this video.

Cyberhawk 5 points ago +5 / -0

I would never disrespect fallen service men and woman, or those who are currently or formerly serving as well. But as a government entity that is the armed forces, I personally have lost a lot of respect for them. They serve the monster. When have we really “fought” for America? According to what ive learned these past four yrs is that what I thought was truth, what I thought was Merica! Was lies. I see in the description about “to those who don’t stand for the army salute” etc, we’ll why don’t have to stand and place my hand over my heart? Am I respecting the flag or those who served? I see people getting pissed over a flag, rather than those who served. I mean in Nazi Germany they were forced to stand and salute. You WILL respect your flag and nation. Wow, starting to sound familiar. To me MAGA is important. What it means. I feel like I’m waiting around for the military to step in. And of course, what goes on behind the scenes is probably ALL military. So I hope, I really do, that the military, if this goes the way we all hope it goes, gets some credit, takes the credit..cause of right now, it’s borderline disgraceful. But man fails me everyday. Can only count on God to save us.

Now as far as this guy goes, I don’t think he deserved to be attacked. Yea he’s a jerk. But attacked?

Cyberhawk 7 points ago +7 / -0

And violating HIPAA laws and discrimination, as far as I’m concerned.

Cyberhawk 5 points ago +5 / -0

Tulsi may own the Giggler, but Vivik would destroy them both. My hunch is that Vivik Ramasway… or however you spell his name. But my first was Gen. Flynn.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +2 / -1

I like Comer. I like what he “wants” to do. But at this point, he’s gonna be the guy who has a mountain of evidence and just walks around telling and showing people, all of this evidence!…that he has. It’s getting laughable. The memes the left could make of this guy, if they wanted to, would be brutal. Just him holding a sign saying “I have evidence” would suffice. And then place him at every corner of the world. Done.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

“If you vote we, if you buy bl..,, black people are people, and we like people are black, because we are and .if you aren’t for America, God bless America, but if you ain’t are not for or I mean because of America….YOU AINT BLACK! So Bless America and protest because, we love our troops and all blacks. Trump 2020!” - Biden in Niger, soon!

Cyberhawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

The US pretends that Christ is King. We place in God we trust on everything, yet barely ever mention His name. We say God bless our country daily, yet never refer to which god they are even talking about. But you’re right, the United States doesn’t have a King, it just acts like we do. It’s also why I don’t expect this country to get better. Why would it? It should get better for God to get zero credit? Naw. But God is so good, it’s His Will. And of course He hears our prayers. So we will see how all of this goes, hopefully sooner rather than later. But I trust whatever God does. It will be perfect. . 👍

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now that’s a news channel worthy of a subscription.

Edit, is video is 14 yrs old! How relatable it is today is amazing.

Cyberhawk 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nothing is to big to rig for the cheaters. I mean Trump was up like 800,000 in Pennsylvania, and then , the steal was engaged. To me the term, to big to rig, only accounts for, people would noticed the steal at that point. Well people saw the CRAP outta the last election, the theft, and look where we are at today. But, I do believe the statement that Trump did not need to win the last election. But going forwards Trump better win the next one. And then I hope the “not another four year election” goes into effect. We don’t need just four years of Trump, we need total change in the entire corrupt system. Otherwise after that four yrs, we’re done.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gotta give the Dems credit. They are together. They form plans and execute them. With precision. Meanwhile the Republicans have HUGE, BIG TALKS…we’re gonna do this and we’re gonna do that! We’re gonna make illegal crimes illegal again! We’re gonna send protesters to the kill zones in Gaza! What a bunch of idiots. I mean talk about a joke. It’s not even serious litigation. I sometimes wish I was a democrat. But it’s all the murdering of children and going against God I have problems with. Both parties are just…terrible. How can electing one man fix this? Unless we start talking about abolishing the branches of government…this can’t be fixed. We are way past fixing all this crap. We need a hard reset. Massive reset! Honestly I don’t see how that’s possible.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

..trying to pass a bill, to follow the law? Got some real talent up there.

Cyberhawk 6 points ago +6 / -0

“I was caught robbing a jewelry store…was fired from McDonalds shortly after.”

Wait, hold up, something ain’t right!

American justice right there. And people wonder why criminals aren’t afraid of the justice system. The average criminal knows the system as good as any lawyer. It’s on their side.

Cyberhawk 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is no doubt the funniest thing I’ve seen in awhile. I was sitting in the eye doctors waiting room, I’m driving for someone getting eye examinations, and I busted out laughing. We gotta place laugh out loud warnings on stuff like this! 😂

Cyberhawk 6 points ago +6 / -0

I mean I hate this really. These good folks have been pushing for 4 yrs and have gained zero ground. 4 yrs ago, almost the exact month…10,000 affidavits were signed about election interference situations. And I watched hundreds and hundreds of testimonies like this. Some folks were just reporting their election station and what was done poorly. Others were actual administrators of the elections ran and they were reporting total failures of what had just happened in the 2020 election. And not just republicans. There were all races present, as well as independents, democrats and republicans all showing and saying what had just happened to election officials, just like this. I mean I’m having to look at the date and make sure this isn’t four year old footage. But it isn’t. The people of this country deserve so much better. But these legislators…I mean I know some care. Four yrs ago some were very interested and upset at what had happened. One I recall wasn’t just getting drilled in a professional setting like this, they were getting hammered at the grocery store, ball field, etc. The thing is, they don’t have the power to do anything other than pass laws. They cannot enforce anything. This is what I leaned after watching, wasting, countless hours watching this crap. This whole system is screwed. When a democrat election official says publicly that they are well aware of election interference, and sadly, are unable to walk anything back. They admitted they didn’t know how to correct a stolen election. Man I lost it. It was around this time that I became “broken”. After 6 months of doing nothing but constant research and watching, listening to testimony after testimony, waiting for justice….nothing. I have lost total faith in our election system. Point blank, we don’t have an election system, we have election selections. These legislators are just empty seats making good money, for nothing. Their job is to get in between the people and the process. That is what they are paid for.

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