FOBANDO 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've posted about this before, seen the "blue streak" here stateside too about 6 or 7 times in the past 18 months. Usually around 1 am curiously.

I don't recollect seeing gobs of blue meteors back in the day 🤔

FOBANDO 3 points ago +3 / -0

CBS also lead the way with survivor, in the early 2000s. These people only care about making $

Noin-woke TV show? Yeah that's a bunch if bullshit.

FOBANDO 3 points ago +3 / -0

Been trying to DRS for 2 days and schwab keeps ducking me around.

I wonder why 🤔

FOBANDO 1 point ago +1 / -0


Protocol A – this is a general monthly protocol – if Herxheimer Reactions are severe, reduce dosage or discontinue until the reactions have stopped

Protocol B – this is a monthly protocol based on Fenbendazole, Ivermectin, and doxycycline only, taken for a longer period to deal with difficult/persistent infections (ie. cancer); repeat as needed before moving back to Protocol A or moving on to Protocol C

Protocol C – this is a monthly protocol designed for maintenance, no sooner than after 6 months when parasites are no longer detected in the stool

Anti-Viral Protocol – this is a 2-month protocol to clear out viral infections (ie. Epstein Barr Virus)

Lyme Protocol – this is a 2-month protocol to clear out Lyme symptoms

Sample Approach: Protocol A for the first month. Half dosing may help to determine tolerance. Upon completion of Protocol A roll right into Protocol B for 2 months. This will cover the first 3 months. Then repeat Protocol A for the next 3 months. Finally, start Protocol C at month #7 if parasites are no longer detected in stool.

A lot of the information is scattered throughout the websites linked above, and also on Truth Social I follow @floridasharkman and @ssg_q

FOBANDO 5 points ago +5 / -0

I decided to try the fenbendazol treatment described here (https://www.contrabandcures.com/Parasite_Protocol/30-Day_Schedule/index.php) see also (https://floridasharkman.org/)

I took the dosage recommended by the body weight calculator for three days.

I am blown away at how much better I feel now. I have tons more energy, my skin is silky smooth and there were 0 side effects or discomfort.

FOBANDO 15 points ago +15 / -0

During the 'pre-game' at the Minden NV rally Mike Lindell said the true vote count was something like 84 million for Trump vs 64 mil for pedo peter

FOBANDO 7 points ago +8 / -1

The constitution states that all men are created equal. At the time it was written the kings ruled the people.

FOBANDO 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm getting crazy uncle vibes from my boy David straight here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFeRnzbjGg8

I found his lectures on yt entertaining as well thanks who ever posted this

FOBANDO 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah I was looking at this yesterday as a matter of fact. I was comparing the glasses in 2000 mules and pic above. To me the the nose looks like a different person, but that could simply be photoshopped for whatever reason.

I do think it is the same guy though. No real scientific reason, just like you said thought it would be pretty cool

FOBANDO 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm of the opinion it's not ET tech they just don't want us normal non baby eating folks to have the cool toys

FOBANDO 4 points ago +4 / -0

I believe I heard on the hour of the time that they'll purposefully grow tobacco on uranium mine tailings piles

FOBANDO 17 points ago +17 / -0


Guy sounds credible to me. Dropped ton of hollywood dirt.

About 30 min discuss gay groups funded with intention to influence 'confused' youth in order to access more trafficking victims

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