God_wins 5 points ago +5 / -0

Much to consider. To me it is a leftist who would buy an electric vehicle. To me lots of leftists are angry with Elon for anti-leftism views.

So could the leftists be conspiring to destroy the trucks before they are shipped? How many leftists-er I mean Elons employees would it take to do such a thing?

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Last week had surgery. It was an interesting experience and still a time to recovery. Total Hip replacement. Posterior.

When they were starting to get me ready for surgery I took the meds they wanted and before I knew it I was on the bed on the journey to the operation room. It gets colder as we get closer to the room. The room is bright with X-rays on the walls and people waiting.

I am hugging a pillow. The anesthesiologist is behind me. I close my eyes. It is black. Time is different and I see a red line. The is angled from bottom left to upper right..then I awake and carry on with then wanting me to walk with a walker while being dosed with more drugs than I have ever taken from birth all at once. I barf and immediately my brain feels better. But the pain I was behind on for a couple days.

The red line is interesting. Don’t think it means anything but it seemed to appear and before I was capable of focusing on it I was awake.

Thank you for the prayers and I want to get back to work now.

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

That was/is the idea of many scientists though. The idea is for protection we must save planet earth from its inevitable demise from its virus-people. It is in the movies we watch, the news, commercials and we are paying for this. We accept this and make light of it because we consume the media. Amazing stuff. Many need to relearn what courage and rebellion is. Each can be for good or evil but we have evil prancing around as being the light now.

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you. I do appreciate it. I am on the eve of my surgery tomorrow and reading posts and stuff keeps me from thinking about the inevitable tomorrow.

Bravery at times does sound good, I do not think I am brave. I have always loved people and want to help people. When I was young my dream was to search for kidnapped kids-i have experienced being kidnapped too.

That dream never manifested. With what I see in that world now it might be a world with a short life expectancy. I would not bend the knee to evil if I had authority over a child being hurt and many would call that a risk.

Thank you for the- kind words. God is the greatest. I have everything I asked for. Maybe not at the time I wanted it but that goes with it.

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting. I do not hoard and I have a lot neglect, abandonment, and so on. I am not an expert but I am one who been thru it. I left everything behind. I had just enough money to buy a one way plane ticket to the other side of the country.

That might be a key I suppose. In the Bible Jesus tells those to in a way do that and follow Him.

For ever the kids only saw bare walls in the house. My wife is the same way. She too left everything behind. At the moment we found going to an estate sale and buy what someone else designed worked out for getting some stuff on the wall. The key is finding an estate sale that had someone with the same taste as you.

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe The Anti-Christ emerging from hell?

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep. I agree with that. However how to see or better yet how to fix. I have no idea. What I do know is on another forum I realized that in almost any hobby we will have those that think they are following the truth but they are following the herd. In these hobbies they will test and chase after an answer and if one says that is not inline with their theory (cult) they will lash out and mock and do they even know this?

Maybe the same in these part - they are all in a cult. When these places -including the police- put in symbols to separate themselves from the people they serve - it is bad in the end.

We cannot have 2 masters.

In the USA we have one flag. Not a red line, blue line or whatever the fbi uses as a flag. We have one and people sacrificed their life and more for it. When they use symbols to represent diversity from the USA flag in my opinion they are enemies of the USA and I also believe they know it. The people are waking up-just wish it was faster.

God_wins 10 points ago +10 / -0

The sad reality is the fbi considers Jesus a threat to democracy. Their democracy. In their minds they are told they have a very high IQ. I would 100 percent agree with that.

Yet when they are standing before God they in this life will believe they can claim they were “just following orders” — if we warn these of that upcoming scenario their high IQ says that is now deemed hate speech and racisms.

See they are super intelligent— it says so in their booklet.

There must be one or 2? That might be stretching it… I dunno. I failed the IQ test and did not wear a mask like the super smart people did.

God_wins 3 points ago +3 / -0

Evil is never content. Evil will -never- take the higher road to keep peace. Evil will only be the victim of good and to a degree they hate the lukewarm people who think there should be a balance between good and evil.

They are the reason we are here. They fed Gizmo passed midnight on accident or on purpose… hmm

God_wins 6 points ago +6 / -0

The 99.99 percent rule applies to everything they do. Their weakness is truth but for entertainment it might be worth using their tactics against them. One example I used in college was to do a speech about the children who cannot pay for their cancer treatments because less people are smoking. The professor hated me but gave me an A. Then took me to another room and said I will never make it in America.

That was a very interesting thing I noticed though. They are so locked in their system they not able to go against it but they will get irate for sure.

To a degree this is happening but it would be awesome to see all the way down to regular people. Maybe it is. :)

Literally nothing they stand for is going ever benefit either the environment nor people. They are only destroyers of everything.

God_wins 3 points ago +3 / -0

They will go after those who do not stop at a stop sign. Why? Because they only care about revenue. Any cop that doesn’t produce enough revenue is going to be dismissed.

Soon all the cops in these commie cities will demand payments (bribes) for day to day activities.

The mind virus will no be fixed in many areas until it completely collapses and the innocent take up the constitution.

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe in God and I have faith in God. It doesn’t matter what Q is. It is what it is. Patience is a virtue and God knows who and what Q is all about.

What I was told about Q was the opposite of what I have discovered. The world hates God and the world hates Trump. The world hates Q. The world wants us all to be jealous and believe the grass is greener in the other side.

Jesus seems to prefer one to be good or evil and he does not like the lukewarm.

The MSM will shut off if one says Jesus on air. That is all I really need to see they are of the world. So many claim it has to be that way to keep the peace. What peace?

Doesn’t matter about Q—if the nwo takes over even more ground they will require we hangs pictures of Biden in our homes and if we do not we will be arrested.

So what choices do we have? The battlefield has been spiritual (invisible) for many centuries. This day and age we can communicate and these evil doers read these posts and they want to see hate and they are not.

The more that tell AI and these goons they are going to lose big time the better. There is zero chance they win against freedom. They will laugh and mock for a time, but even the demons tremble because of Jesus.

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

He said never Haley a few months ago. Personally thought that was for the vp but I guess people thought is was for voting for her in these states ?

Is there even going to be an election? If there is no election than is there a need for a vp running mate?

God_wins 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hmm.. trump is a father to a kid who grew up with a father who is in the elite societies of the world. We have blackmail, child trafficking, pizza gate, and much more.

Somewhere I remember and I need to look it up in the Q posts -but if I remember correctly there was a post on the subject of what would a father do for his children or child…

Maybe what trump is saying is his son is his motivation/inspiration for this involved of this endeavor?

In the Bible God asked for a son to sacrificed and this man named Abraham. In evil the same requirement is that. Maybe Trump refused to sacrifice his son to their evil and this is why he is hated by them so much?

God_wins 5 points ago +5 / -0

Take video and pictures. At some point in the USA the 5 aspects of the 1st Amendment are there for a reason. Be ready for people in uniforms to say there is some magical privacy while in public.

There is a lot of online people that would accept your pics and emails. I doubt the fake media would though.

God_wins 5 points ago +5 / -0

It is all over linked in too. It could be comms in my opinion, but solar flares means something that is not what i would consider solar flares. Water means something else and so on.

Confusion is also caused by misleading and such.

It could mean take cover to the commies or mean to attack more to the commies — yeah I tend to believe their is real bad people out there that are very organized to the level of manipulating news sources to send cryptic messages—the gaslighting of the nation. For what cause though?

God_wins 3 points ago +3 / -0

We have many people who will either repent or harden their hearts with the mRNA. Families were split. People got divorced, lost their jobs, their life’s, their children, their health.

Doctors need to pay for this before the end of that wound being healed. This is not a Uniting thing. It is a healing thing.

To unite it involves compassion. Matthew 18:6–we who are understanding now we are the children of God and this is a Biblical Principle. Compassion for not only those who are victimized by these doctors and such for money and power.

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Climate change is racism. The more one digs they will see that to be the truth. Nothing to do with the weather—they only care about the weather of control over opposition.

The opposition is to be looked down on from their heights of authority. They are the storm to the peasants.

The more the peasants unite, the more they reign down lightning.

Pretty accurate but let us continue to keep believing oil comes from dinosaurs too. :)

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same as today. Why are seeing millions come into the USA? To take over the infrastructure. We are a 3rd world country in much more ways than still many will want to admit.

I do not need to notice much more than the roads are even bad in the conservative areas and worse in the commie areas.

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did you know the quickest way to set off a commie is to on purpose do typos? It is one of the most amazing things i have learned over the years. Not just now either. Way back before the internet too.

They worship words and hate God. They do not care about the content only the structure of words.

They love eloquent speeches done by dictators too.

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

When you redefine the culture being white—everything is white supremacy. Social engineering. Still waiting for these people to start carrying in New York City. Saw a video (if true) of a woman getting a belt or rope wrapped around her neck and dragged in between cars. The day approaches as a woman is being dragged by a lunatic regardless of color will be shot and that lunatic will be before the Lord answering.

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Communism awards its own. It has to have a division or it will never work. Most people are nice and few are always unhappy. Communism has to have a mission. The teachers and the whole school should be shutdown but again we will be content on just this.

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