GorillaChannelSurfer 3 points ago +3 / -0

What about Scavino’s tweets make these relevant? What is the correlation?

GorillaChannelSurfer 10 points ago +10 / -0

People post that site here pretty frequently. Do we know who owns and operates that site?

GorillaChannelSurfer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Because Democrats do whatever they want and Republicans are total pussies.

GorillaChannelSurfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought the newer 2022 Q drops were fake.

GorillaChannelSurfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are messing with the weather to push climate change bullshit so they have something to push come the election.

There will be incidents this summer that gives them the race shit to push too.

GorillaChannelSurfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

In his new role, there are a number of issues that the FBI Pittsburgh office seeks to combat. Mr. Rojek highlighted that, with the upcoming election, the FBI will work to ensure that elections are “safe and secure,” he said.

GorillaChannelSurfer 10 points ago +10 / -0

The record industry is controlled by the same people the control the movie a tv industry. Same people that control the media. Same people that control congress.

GorillaChannelSurfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think it’s pretty apparent something huge is on the horizon. The election is only about 6 months away now! It’s going to be world and United States changing no matter the results. If they can’t steal it again, then it is a question of if they try and pull shit before the election or after Trump wins? If it is allowed to be stolen and the cabal controls the Oval Office another 4 years (which let’s be real, if they steal it again and nothing happens then they won and they are in control), then it delegitimizes Q & anons that have been trying to spread what we think is going on.

One thing making me think Trump and white hats truly are in control and this is all a show is Trump is still alive and going into places like the freaking Bronx and not afraid. They could have easily pulled something by now if they were in control.

GorillaChannelSurfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

In a 2023 interview, Ramaswamy said that he was a member of the campus Jewish intellectual discussion society Shabtai while a law student.


No thanks!

GorillaChannelSurfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why is it that it happens often that a commie libshit will act like a legitimate Republican/only to be a RINO and aid the libshit commie Democrats, but you NEVER see a person run as a Democrat and win only to continually side with Republicans?

GorillaChannelSurfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

At this point, with what Pedes know, this is just more talking. We are beyond time for arrests and public trials of what the evil pieces of shit have done, and then ‘quick trial/death penalty.’

GorillaChannelSurfer 6 points ago +6 / -0

Would be hilarious if he got all drugged up and started saying the N word and other racist shit on live TV.

GorillaChannelSurfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

There will certainly be some racial shit that goes on this summer. White cop shoots or beats blacks.

GorillaChannelSurfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Brewster’s Millions is an 80’s comedy where some rich person gives Richard Pryor’s character a large sum of money, but he only gets the money if he first spends a very large sum of money….think millions. But after he spends all the money, he is not allowed to own anything.

It’s an 80’s comedy so obviously different styles and humor than today. But Richard Pryor was dang funny.

EDIT: The basic overview I stated sounds like Congress watched the movie and decided they could do just that with American taxpayers dollars. Spend it all and own nothing.

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