Greatheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

Banks also would not accept checks from other banks even bank checks. The banks would take the check but you would have to wait until the checks cleared. They would take a week or two to clear. Maybe even longer. Banks would not trust other banks.

Greatheart 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you have a mortgage and a savings account the bank keeps your savings account and sells your mortgage to another bank. You still have to pay the mortgage even though they took your money. That's why I worked so hard to pay off my mortgage

Greatheart 7 points ago +7 / -0

It was impossible for David to lose. He saw the truth. The rest of the army bought into the lie that Goliath was all powerful. That army trusted in the lie and they lived in fear. Davis knew that Goliath was like andre the giant. He could easily be defeated by long range

Greatheart 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would not be suprised to find out that some of these companies are given no choice. Display the stuff or face crap from the Justice Dept. Or some other government enity. That crap they face would have "nothing" to do with pride month.

Greatheart 3 points ago +4 / -1

Food for thought. If God was in control his son would have not died on a cross... When we don't know the whole story we have no clue what can and cannot hapoen

Greatheart 13 points ago +13 / -0

Okay, Let me explain this first. Before he got the shot his wife was warned that because of his heart problems he was at very high risk of getting covid and dying. She was told he should get the shot as soon as it was available. After he died the pharmacist insisted that his wife should have made sure that the shot was appropriate for his condition. That pissed me off almost more than anything else that happened. They basically were saying it was my friends and his wife's fault for taking the shots. ... Of course it was their fault but not for the reason the pharmacist stated. Not only that but the pharmacist should have known before the shot was administered. At the time the pressure to get the shots was off the charts. People were afraid to be anywhere near my family and I when they found out we were not vaccinated. I still can't understand why people believe any vaccines work but when they are vaccinated they are afraid to be near anyone who it not vaccinated. Schools demand everyone be vaccinated to protect everyone else. Where is the logic there? If you are vaccinated you should be safe no matter what anyone else does. The propaganda is so strong that we refuse to even consider logic.

Greatheart 12 points ago +12 / -0

I talked about it here when it happened. I was with him on the Saturday before. I did not know he was getting the shot that Monday. He got the shot Monday afternoon and he died Tuesday around noon. I talked to his friends about it. A few said they were not going to get any more shots. A few others have avoided me since then but I would rather be the "bad guy" if that in any way caused them to consider not getting the shots.

Greatheart 18 points ago +18 / -0

My friend died within 24 hours of getting his second shot. Started having heart problems within 1/2 hour after the shot. So of course he was unjabbed.

Greatheart 14 points ago +14 / -0

..Anon conspiracy theory was the belief that the world is secretly run by a Satanic cabal/Deep State of left-wing cannibalistic pedophiles and child traffickers,

The author messed up here. It's not just left wing.

Greatheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

The stock market, Gold, silver, ect, are in a sense anti-dollars. The stock market will go up but it may not go up as fast as the dollar is going down.

We would have to be very careful thinking the stock market will go down as the dollar is going down. Just like thinking that any asset will go down when the dollar is going down. All those things are measured in dollars. As long as we continue to use that measurement they will go up while the dollar is going down. Granted that dollar measurement may be flawed. When measured against something else all bets are off.

Greatheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think they did. They knew very well what they were doing when they inverted the stars in the first place. We were on the brink of losing everything. Evil was in almost total control. Trump and Q showed up when there was no other option.

Greatheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the dollar drops the stock market will rally. Anything not the dollar will rally.

Greatheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think the deep state that we have now is the real problem. The real problem is the possibility that the deep state can exist at all. The Great Awakening is not about getting rid of the deep state (or any other evil). It is about exactly what it says... The Great Awakening. We can wipe out the deep state and over time a new one will grow in it's place.

We have to wake up from our sleep. The truth is the only way

Read the Book of Revelation. It talks about the Apocalypse.

People think Apocalypse means something really bad. Apocalypse from the Greek means lifting of the veil. Revealing the truth that has been kept secret. In other words the Apocalypse is the truth coming forth. That truth will destroy the lies that we all believe today.

Greatheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know if we were somewhere else before. I think it is more like a person born blind. They don't know what it is that they cannot see yet they know something is missing. We were here before sin but sin has blinded us to what is true and real. Satan said to Eve you will be like God. We want to be our own god. In doing so we have created a false world. Jesus has been pointing us to reality. He claims to be that reality. Our choice is to trust Him or trust ourself. There really is no other choice.

Greatheart 6 points ago +6 / -0

What does whatever she has to say have anything to do with hush money payments?

Nothing that's what. This case is not about if there was any sex or not. It is about payments only. This is nothing more then trying to take votes away.

Greatheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q drop 142

...The Truth will put 99% of the people in the hospital

Maybe something like this post is the reeason so many will go to the hospital. https://qagg.news/?q=&q2=142

(about 5 lines from the bottom)

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