Haramming_speed 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s shockingly effective! I’m no cognitive scientist but I think it’s hardwired so the response is almost reflexive and if you layer fear then the higher mental processing gets distracted.

Haramming_speed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Author is projecting. Marxist tactic as well as undermining importance of family while conveniently calling it totalitarianism when desiring to give power to state. Attacking religion while desiring state power but “vilifying” totalitarianism.

Haramming_speed 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have family in Houston and Austin and will become a refugee back to Texas if necessary. It’s why free speech is first in the bill of rights! The collective wisdom can only improve through constant refinement via open and honest debate. Texans which I am by birth will speak their mind!

Haramming_speed 9 points ago +9 / -0

I got “retired early” so now that I don’t fear for my job I have learned to live lean I am way more outspoken. It has been liberating and refreshing to see that the spell cast on many is easily broken. I am not a natural salesman but am pretty good a forming that initial rapport and then the micro dosing of red pills can begin because Portland is so absurd right now. My favorite is the new 8.2 billion dollar budget!

Haramming_speed 14 points ago +14 / -0

Western Australia or Washington state?

I live in Portland, Oregon which is how I imagine living behind the Iron Curtain was. I draw inspiration from stories of how the people resisted communism while living amidst it. Refugees fleeing their countries are not inspiring to me.

Haramming_speed 22 points ago +22 / -0

When eco terrorists spike trees they are lionized by press but I will bet Irish mainstream press will have negative coverage of this. I like this idea though. Make it unprofitable to do this type of work.

Haramming_speed 3 points ago +3 / -0


I think “root cause” does require deep digging and removing psychological defenses. I do think individualized therapy is what is needed. The rehab industrial complex is not set up that way so they continue to use their preferred non therapeutic but profitable for them practices It’s the same business model as big pharma…manage symptoms

Haramming_speed 5 points ago +5 / -0

Truly the only long term solution so for many it is a lifelong struggle. Maybe view cannabis as a tool better suited for some than alcohol but a tool not a cure.

Haramming_speed 11 points ago +11 / -0

My broad take on any substance abuse is the underlying reason. If it’s used to suppress anxiety or pain and those remain unaddressed then eventually you are still prone to “relapse”. Maybe less damaging to liver to take cannabis so “better” in one way but if the underlying psychic demons persist are you on cannabis for life?

Haramming_speed 2 points ago +2 / -0

That recognition is valuable. The narcissist undermines your sense of self. I really believe as a society our government abuses us as a narcissist would and you are also getting the abuse on a personal level. I think the double dose ends up giving you feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Know there are many of us who do pray and wish for others to find peace in difficult times. Build upon the strengths of surviving each day.

Haramming_speed 5 points ago +5 / -0

It feels like she is subjecting you to narcissistic abuse. There are many channels on YouTube discussing but also books. It is a very difficult and insidious manipulation. In the meantime focus on your daughter and realize that we all need a positive vision and reason to keep moving.

Haramming_speed 3 points ago +3 / -0

Was listening to medical lectures. You can’t underestimate effects of raycism! Oh and of course climate change. It’s annoying how they all manage to work it into so many lectures.

Haramming_speed 1 point ago +1 / -0

This dehumanizing of suffering even if a political “adversary” is how we get to atrocities being committed by otherwise “normal” people

Haramming_speed 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think that it’s that or just typical mkultra activation. Self immolation and CIA are very intertwined for Overton window shifting.

Haramming_speed 1 point ago +1 / -0


Modern Wisdom the Eric Weinstein discussion He in not exactly on board but has alternative theories which tend to focus on power and control. From Claudine Gay to UFOs and space travel.

Haramming_speed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Recognizing what we identify with and who is important is very calming. I lost my job due to vax mandates and my coworkers worried about me since I did identify with my profession but it turned out fine because my conscience was clear and in the end intellectual honesty was more important than big title or salary. Until the noise of work was removed I didn’t realize how manmade and artificial my life was.

Haramming_speed 2 points ago +2 / -0

If we think of an apocalyptic vision there is still a hopeful message of nature surviving. I see that when manmade vaccines fail our immune systems work. When social media stops with no electricity we have our voices. When AI algorithms cannot solve the unprecedented we can still critically think. So our humanity shines through in her dream. We then should take heed and value those human traits.
Take care of our bodies instead of getting dependent on medication. Work on mental health instead of numbing our anxieties. Hopefully I don’t sound crazy but I found her dream affirming in that way.

Haramming_speed 2 points ago +2 / -0

I used to be so arrogant and discounted so many things but now I see so many threads of various stories some which are predictively eerie. So the dream may explain past in a new way or be a caution for the future. The lesson for me just reading your post is that we should all make a mental “go bag” of what is our “essence” and important to us. All the external stuff is “non essential”

Haramming_speed 4 points ago +4 / -0

That dream is almost a reversed metaphor for the fall of man from the garden of Eden. All the man-made fiction that make life so comfortable are going to be stripped away and the real essence of men and women will all be that is left.

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